Discord ID: 284742674135777280

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The biggest of the biggest Normies.

I think there's one think we can agree on and that is a man will never be able to acquire peace if he has a wife

Children are basically parasites

But in the end it kinda pays off because our species continues to exist


It all depends on how you see life

In todays world it often is

I was raised by a single parent

It didn't get me in prison


Although, I believe I was better off

Without a second parent

I've seen a lot of stuff in my life

One of them was that often somebody who was raised by both parents tends to be more spoiled

and rude

California is the SJWland, yes?

Mate, you haven't seen badass cars until you went to Germany

I have 2 words for you my dude

Eastern Europe

"Stolen cars"

That is brazil

Eastern Europe is something a whole lot different

Not really

Smuggling is the top crime

Borders in Eastern Europe are unprotected


I don't want to travel

I believe that the most beautiful place to be in is your homeland

Neither did I

But I believe that getting a house somewhere isolated would be very nice

Like deep in a forest or some shit like that

It is much different than marriage

In isolation you have time to spend on yourself

in marriage you don't have time

you barely have money

but then again

what suits you might not suit somebody else



I don't speak latin.

It's bad to have all the multibillion electronic companies in one place.

Can't wait to go to Mars or some shit.

Away from this forsaken planet.

Where them masses at tho?

That is true

Was it raided by feminists?

I don't understand why do woman make videos agreeing about mgtow

it's the same as the guys who support feminism

they do it only for gains

but why do it if the people whomst you are "agreeing" with know your true motives

Like some women said in their videos

mgtow is followed by smart, capable men

then why the fuck do they still act like we're some idiots

I say how stupid does one be to escape the ways of our society and then come back to them

This world has presented us with countless proof that all women are the same, yet no proof that all men are the same

but people claim that all men are the same

I've never seen multiple men following same philosophies

their philosophies may be similar but they're never the same

Women aren't the brightest beings

The hell did you expect?

Women will always treat men like shit because they see us as expendable

until we no longer put up with their shit

Feminism is like the Black Plague

It will spread

To every single part of the world

That's why it needs to be eradicated now

Sadly, it won't be eradicated any time soon

The governments are protecting the movement

Even supporting it

And the social media

The social media is the biggest source of the most stuff that that is destroying the western society

how can somebody hate to be with their own thoughts

either he is really messed up or he's a fucking retard

It's nothing less than hating yourself

This world never ceases to amaze me

And I haven't even seen more than 10% of it

Ignoring a problem doesn't make the problem disappear



So sad

can we hit 50 feminists?

equality and equal responsibilities

Which one, I thought all of them were?

all of the were dropped a few times on their head

especially the male feminists

The biggest hit you can give to a feminist is when you lower their ego past their IQ

Scientists say that is quite impossible

i love that show when a couple of british feminists are surviving on a stranded island

it is oold

but damn I still laugh while watching it


I made fun of a girl who wore a hijab and I was called racist

Well everything is hate speech nowdays

Each day something new becomes hate speech

it's like Caillou but each day I learn a new thing that some find offensive

the hell is SHTF

You shouldn't

People become animals over money

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