Message from @zatoichi

Discord ID: 565445925737332747

2019-04-10 07:48:15 UTC  

To men

2019-04-10 07:48:23 UTC  

In the countries where women have no rights, they're doing way better.

2019-04-10 07:49:08 UTC  

I mean. They have basic human rights.

2019-04-10 07:49:27 UTC  

But I don't think they're allowed to work or vote.

2019-04-10 07:51:04 UTC  

Women aren't the problem, it's there empowerment and hypergamy that have always been the issue.

2019-04-10 07:51:28 UTC  


2019-04-10 07:52:05 UTC  

We want the species to continue,(most of us) and women are the gate keepers(for now)

2019-04-10 07:52:33 UTC  

*boards @Artemis and sits down at the command console* TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!!!

2019-04-10 07:55:50 UTC  

Yes I know, but the point is, we don't allow children to vote, right? Well, women act like children. They're like adult babies. They will vote for anything that benefits them at the expense of men and hell maybe even their own hildren will suffer.

2019-04-10 07:55:56 UTC  


2019-04-10 07:56:26 UTC  

***Just Bhop to Space its so easy***

2019-04-10 07:57:38 UTC  

It's not women that are the problem, I agree, but it's giving them rights freely without earning it that's the problem. It's hard to keep a dog on a leash once you put a crown on it's head.

2019-04-10 07:57:38 UTC  

@Intelligent_Gorilla the most common consensus I have seen in the community is a voting rights system analogous to what we saw in Starship Troopers.

2019-04-10 07:57:56 UTC  

There have also been variations of that same idea that are just as sound.

2019-04-10 07:58:10 UTC  

What happened in Starship Troopers?

2019-04-10 07:58:24 UTC  

Only citizens can vote

2019-04-10 07:59:08 UTC  

Being born doesnt make a you citizen. But a civilian. Military service gauruntees citizenship along with other federal jobs (after some time)

2019-04-10 07:59:24 UTC  

Everyone enjoys other basic human rights

2019-04-10 07:59:33 UTC  

I want to buy a full set of MGTOW gear one day. Ring and all.

2019-04-10 07:59:54 UTC  

You mean like the Spartans?

2019-04-10 08:00:14 UTC  

There is a strong disincentive for women to report rape in Muslim countries. If she is unable to produce four witnesses to the rape, the Sharia court will find that she was not raped. Now, given the circumstances, they may go on to find that the woman committed extramarital sex for which the penalty is stoning to death.

2019-04-10 08:01:02 UTC  

But how would there ever be four witnesses?

2019-04-10 08:01:55 UTC  

Don't ask me, ask an Imam. But it's an effective system for Muslims to say there is no rape in Islamic countries.

2019-04-10 08:02:14 UTC  

Four fucking witnesses

2019-04-10 08:02:19 UTC  

That's insane

2019-04-10 08:02:38 UTC  

Most rape when it does occur isnt witnessed by anyone.

2019-04-10 08:02:45 UTC  

I don't know. That sounds a bit screwed up.

2019-04-10 08:02:53 UTC  

Quran (24:4) - "And those who accuse free women then do not bring four witnesses, flog them..." Strictly speaking, this verse addresses adultery (revealed at the very time that Muhammad's favorite wife was being accused of adultery on the basis of only three witnesses coincidentally enough). However it is a part of the theological underpinning of the Sharia rule on rape, since strict Islamic law does not recognize rape if there are not four male witnesses or a confession.

2019-04-10 08:03:39 UTC  

Copied from thereligionofpeace website's page on rape and adultery.

2019-04-10 08:03:57 UTC  

I wonder if that rule was written so the Prophet wouldnt lose face for his favorite wife being a cheating whore

2019-04-10 08:04:35 UTC  

Are you sure about that? Surely his wife would have been stoned to death if what you say is true.

2019-04-10 08:05:08 UTC  

Who knows?

2019-04-10 08:06:33 UTC  

Rape or lack thereof can't be proven or disproven because you never know whether or not the sex was consensual.

2019-04-10 08:07:45 UTC  

Well we can muse about theories concerning the purity of a 1400 year old dead woman or we can move along to better topics.

2019-04-10 08:09:34 UTC  

There are more appealing topics to me than Islam. But people need to realise that Muslims are using our ignorance about Islam to deceive and ultimately dominate us.

2019-04-10 08:09:41 UTC  

This is why people should wear condoms when having sex for any sex other than reproductive sex. It pretty much rules it out. If a woman claims she was raped, then some random dude's DNA is found other than her current partner, she was probably raped. But because women have become infertile cum dumps through birth control and take raw cock all the time, there's no way to know at this point.

2019-04-10 08:10:40 UTC  

She would have DNA traces of like 100+ men in her pussy.

2019-04-10 08:10:48 UTC  

@zatoichi that's a very common tactic actually, say one thing and do another - that concept transcends religion

2019-04-10 08:11:16 UTC  

Okay, so new topic - what's on your minds gents?

2019-04-10 08:12:24 UTC  

I don't know. I'm getting quite tired. Maybe a topic of how everyone is sleeping might be a good topic. I've been trying my hardest to get on a decent schedule, but I keep screwing it up.