Newscat ZA
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@Guss I read your txt - I'd like to throw in my 2 c
ok so, I personally think the whole SSGH thing is silly and wont work (even without your info about scams etc) - but I think it can be used as a political angle
I mean even if they didnt run a scam, they have no chance
BUT this could be a useful opportunity to take advantage of
well in that sense, that helps a bit - in a way I'm happy the more infighting there is hehe
but also
Cant the boers try to start working towards self-determination like the list you mentioned in the drier Karoo areas
The whole SSGH is just a feint under which to achieve this goal
if ssgh is legit, then its still fine, if not, also fine
@Guss What do you think?
Yup, but I don't think it need to come to that
It should take a long time for them to gain any tracktion - if they ever even do
But until groups of boers can be self-sustainable, this can be used as a "safety cover"
hmmm yeah i wonder hehe
hi @The Burn
@Gonzo guss made a decent argument that SSGH are scam
oh there it is
oh yeah believe me in know
yeah, not that I am sure of his intentions, BUT, I'm not sure our gov is a dependable source lol
I mean they always just push own agendas, not ppl - as far as I'm concerned any case
anyhow, I guess we'll just see how things play out.
Freedom movement anthem ๐
not so much for choir thingy lol
I love Erika so much!
well, just speculating - there is a difference between criminal behaviour and racism, for example:
calling someone a "baboon" is racist and hurts feelings / putting someone in a coffin is criminal behaviour
With "drop-off" you're still experiencing gravity - orbital forces - so you stay relative to earth
OK, but one question - why does the spherical earth theory explain all observable phenomena (like sun/moon/star movement patterns)?
But there is no workable flat-earth model
The earth is tilted lol
um lol
Do you even know how it works?
50% always illuminated = yes it is ...
6 to 6 all coutries = no the earth is tilted
Have you built a little model to test it?
have a look
"all countries" - no man, the ocean gets a lot of sun
go build a model then we talk again
Off course - all knowledge is fundamentally theoretical
Why is there no working model of flat earth?
I've looked at a few, then lost interest
none of them made sense
Is that one a working model?
I don't expect to see a curvature when I look out the window - I'm guessing, but I'd have to be something like 1000 x bigger to see it. You can't "see" axial rotation - that's like saying - "can you see my love/hate for you?" You CAN however see the effects, like day and night. When I jump off a building I can experience the effects of gravity. What do you mean with "absolute evidence" - your last sentence doesn't make sense.
But anyways - we can chat again later! I have to go get some work done ๐
You can tag me some responses if we should continue the discussion
@Hotwire yeah I agree with you - FE is just there to waste ppls time - more important things to address !
@Deejay from Earth so you're saying if you can prove FE you've got the smoking gun to the lies ppl have been fed all their lives?
yes rob!
exactly my problem with FE
Yeah but there are far better topics that does the same
@Deejay from Earth about the horizon - I think someone should build a 3d scale model in CAD or sketchup with correct relative distances, so that we can see if that is true or not
I think people keep on underestimating the curvature and relative sizes, for example, the atmosphere is just a thin little sliver on the surface of the earth
yeah when I have time ... like I said, you keep referring to to watch some long ass videos, this is just a ploy to waste ppls time methinks
did durham do a good scaled earth model?
its totally not worth it
well then, since I've not seen any good proof of FE, I'm moving on ๐
@Sheamus definitely !
ok, then when I've time, I'll have a look
ok, name one point of the gyroscope
the things I've seen about gyroscope doesn't disprove sphere
those gyroscopes autocorrect
@Sheamus yes do it! ๐
the aeroplane ones
that they always mention in this example
those had to be corrected by pilot
remember even radical aeroplane movement disrupts it
so you know where the ground is lol
@rob this shows gyroscope correcting mechanism:
"level" means a horizontal plane to the perpendicular of the centre of the earth (relative to your position)
oh yeah rob good point - but see that's why the gyroscope arguments are useless either way
I read somewhere - can't find it now, that the WWII gyros had to be readjusted by eye and had by pilot
guys you see - this is why i don't do FE - takes too much time
but everytime I've gone down a road, it was proven nonsense
why can't the FE ers provide a working model
when they can I'll look at it again hehe
man yeah that's another dinger
lol no dejay, you're moving relative to the earth
those were debunked as well
what would be cool is if we could find a really good laser
that doesnt disperse a lot over looooong distance
then send it from one ship over flat water loooong distance
and see on other ship if the laser is higher
yeah, but some of the laser tests were flawed
woah are we spelling/grammer nazis here ๐
its cool I'm just joking
yeah you FE'ers are pretty wacky ๐
Malcom why is the Vierkleur not there with the flags?
@Malcolm the Seceder (sorry miss-spelt your name )
hehe yeah I thought so, just pulling your leg a bit ๐
yup I saw - that's great! I just love the Vierkleur ๐
Yeah, it's just emotional connection you know, it's pretty bland
That's very nice @Conscious Caracal
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