Message from @Newscat ZA

Discord ID: 471229190704726016

2018-07-24 07:48:11 UTC  

You are welcome to use "Gravity" in your arguments, but you need to prove it first. Flat Earth is not about theorizing or speculation.

2018-07-24 07:52:45 UTC  

OK, but one question - why does the spherical earth theory explain all observable phenomena (like sun/moon/star movement patterns)?

2018-07-24 07:52:57 UTC  

But there is no workable flat-earth model

2018-07-24 07:55:22 UTC  

@Newscat ZA You only assume it does, the Heliocentric model does not, can not and will not ever be able to describe even the length of day or the occurrence of seasons. Quoting heaven and Earth by Gabrielle Henriette:

2018-07-24 07:56:09 UTC  

The earth is tilted lol

2018-07-24 07:58:14 UTC  

A sphere is a sphere, you can tilt it any way you like, the line of shadow will not change.

2018-07-24 07:59:43 UTC  

um lol

2018-07-24 07:59:56 UTC  

Do you even know how it works?

2018-07-24 08:05:48 UTC  

The sun is approximately one hundred and nine times wider than the earth, therefore by all mathematical and scientific properties of a sphere, exactly fifty percent of the Earth's surface must always be illuminated. Do an experiment, you'll see. The earth also (allegedly) has a uniform motion of rotation (it doesn't slow down or speed up - it's a constant speed). If the earth was a spinning ball as per the Heliocentric model, the sun would rise at 6am and set at 6pm for all countries around the world, year round. Also, if the earth rotated around the sun, day and night would swap around every six months. Get your head around that one. The ball model simply does not work, not logically or scientifically.

2018-07-24 08:07:34 UTC  

50% always illuminated = yes it is ...

2018-07-24 08:07:48 UTC  

6 to 6 all coutries = no the earth is tilted

2018-07-24 08:08:21 UTC  

Have you built a little model to test it?

2018-07-24 08:08:24 UTC  

have a look

2018-07-24 08:11:31 UTC  

One axial rotation every 24 hours - with 50% of the surface area in the sunlight.... makes twelve hour days and twelve hour nights year round for all countries on earth. How do you explain seasonal changes when earth has a constant motion of rotation?

2018-07-24 08:12:03 UTC  

"all countries" - no man, the ocean gets a lot of sun

2018-07-24 08:12:11 UTC  

Also how did you measure the alleged tilt of the earth?

2018-07-24 08:12:20 UTC  

go build a model then we talk again

2018-07-24 08:15:35 UTC

2018-07-24 08:16:34 UTC  

Off course - all knowledge is fundamentally theoretical

2018-07-24 08:17:28 UTC  

Flat Earth is science all the way.

2018-07-24 08:17:44 UTC  

Why is there no working model of flat earth?

2018-07-24 08:19:13 UTC  

You only assume there's no working model because you haven't been researching the phenomenon for the last two years.

2018-07-24 08:19:24 UTC  

This is roughly what it looks like.

2018-07-24 08:19:28 UTC  

I've looked at a few, then lost interest

2018-07-24 08:19:33 UTC  

none of them made sense

2018-07-24 08:19:52 UTC  

Is that one a working model?

2018-07-24 08:20:39 UTC  

Look outside your window dude. It works pretty well as you can see.

2018-07-24 08:21:30 UTC  

Show me the curvature. Show me the axial rotation. Show me proof of gravity. You need absolute evidence for all three of those to even have a sniff.

2018-07-24 08:25:19 UTC  

I don't expect to see a curvature when I look out the window - I'm guessing, but I'd have to be something like 1000 x bigger to see it. You can't "see" axial rotation - that's like saying - "can you see my love/hate for you?" You CAN however see the effects, like day and night. When I jump off a building I can experience the effects of gravity. What do you mean with "absolute evidence" - your last sentence doesn't make sense.

2018-07-24 08:25:59 UTC  

But anyways - we can chat again later! I have to go get some work done 😄

2018-07-24 08:26:17 UTC  

You can tag me some responses if we should continue the discussion

2018-07-24 08:29:18 UTC  

Because you can not prove the alleged axial rotation rotation of the earth, you are assuming it's real. So this is just speculation on your part isn't it? How, when and where was the speed of the axial rotation of the earth measured, and what instruments were used? With all due respect Sir, I don't care for your opinion on the matter. You need to bring science and scientific data. Experiments and such.

2018-07-24 08:41:16 UTC  

This experiment uses an actual aircraft directional heading indicator to prove that the earth is completely and utterly motionless. If you are interested in the subject matter - this is one of the most important bits of Flat Earth evidence you'll find anywhere. I implore the reader to watch the entire two-hour video and read this well-researched article. Gyroscopes are the ball-earth's worst nightmare and is un-debunkable.

2018-07-24 10:44:34 UTC  

@Deejay from Earth good one on the gyro proof

2018-07-24 10:53:45 UTC  

@rob Cheers bud

2018-07-24 11:28:51 UTC  

Good to see some decent engagement among everyone, some real discord on discord here lol 🙂 DeeJay you hold your ground firmly, if there was anything that would ever prove you wrong, what would that be? I'm curious to know whether there is any hard evidence that would you would consider undeniable if presented to you? 🤔

2018-07-24 11:45:43 UTC  

@Sheamus Thanks and what a great question. I love questions even more than answers - answers are over so quickly - but the real joy is in the journey to the answer. Getting back to your question - if a Globulist was going to try and prove the movement of the earth - what if I told you this heading indicator used in the video is the one instrument that is capable of doing it. So basically they would have to do a similar experiment with similar verified equipment - and get the exact opposite result.