Chris McLean Baron Lord of Hell

Discord ID: 247078726683066368

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Hi i am Chris

i am new here

Vee said he may come on here some day

What i have always been wondering what Sargon's view is on Rick and Morty. Does he think i can be a liberalist and a Rick and Morty fan?

its funny

i love it

That's racist against Kekistanis, somebody call the British police

Dankula is on here?


This is sooooo dumb

Why are they stupid with laws

guys i found something worse

I found a pretty good article that sums up Free speech. Anyone intrested?

Its a perfect explanation as to why the Left is building up the right


Read the entire thing

title is just wired

Honestly i feel like that the left is making Nazi groups relevant again. I wish the media would just ignore them, but they wont

Honestly does anyone take Richard Spencer seriously? He sounds like a moron in debate and just makes all these stupid ethos and pathos arguments. I mean i will admit Richard should not have been assaulted by a Antifa member in public, but quite honestly he has no true education in what he is talking about.


in America

also @meratrix I like your profile picture

More like Curb on the donuts man

Ben Shapiro should give Chink a taste of his own medicine by claiming because he is a minority that Chink is a racist

For calling him a nazi

see how the Young Turks like being called racists

@HungBunny Your profile pic looks like Kit Harington


Kits just a funny guy

A passable transgender right wing Libertarian kekistani


a anarchist i guess?

Social Libertarian?

Did somebody a bundle of sticks?

*falls over laughing*

Hey guys i have a question. Does gamergate apply to the shitty things EA does to the gaming industry?

kind of

we need gaming not to get butt fucked by both SJWs and companies like EA. Its a war on two fronts.

Sargon did acutally apologize to her

I feel that the Liberalists should make a expendables style poster.

Vee and Sargon have attack the Alt-Right because they need to show that they dont align with those losers with their gay hair cuts

who is @versterven ?

@Fulcrum010 Nooooo man. Hilary was a warmonger and the U.S. has plans to take out most of the middle east if they wanted too


i see


America would only go into Civil War if their was some sort of major communist revolution backed by a foreign nation. But that war would end quickly with sissy commies being crushed by Rednecks with guns and the U.S. National Guard.

hey hey be nice

Venezuela is a failed Socialist state ran by a socialist dictator who kills INNOCENT civilians who oppose him.

Cuba also has the worse human rights

In Cuba, Castro was the only rich man, and he would oppress people. He take people he didnt like and kill them

Norway is still socialist


@versterven That is not that impressive when most of Latin America suffers from the drug war, communist and right wing terrorism, being poor, being run by dictators, and also being a hot bead for crime.

@versterven So by your logic Cuba> All of the Americas. because of Communism? You do realize that most countries are still suffering withdrawal with violent civil wars and revolutions left over from communist which Cuba has not gone through yet. Cuba is also not a good example because its a island. Cuba is not like Brazil, Honduras, Colombia, Venezuela, and many others are landlocked nations. Also tell me by your logic, Does this mean that China and the USSR> USA?

They arent capitalist because they keep going through damn wars.

@versterven What i mean is that they have no time to set up a proper goverment

they keep getting attacked by Warlords, terrorists, and other countries

Look at fucking Somalia


What are you saying?

Guys chill

lets not be dicks

trust me i agree with you guys

Be civil


Venezuela's government appropriated car factories in the name of the people that belonged to GM and their government is doing this to bakeries as well


@versterven what are you even talking about?


What your saying is so wrong it blows my mind

please source this stuff

I know people from @versterven. its socialist and they hate socialism because of it and how it ruins their lives

that chavez

not Nicholas Malduro

Not really

his country has suffered horribly from it

Lets all be civil

@versterven please just watch the Young Turks video on it. They even say its a socialist state.

@A Random Crusader its to show this fool thats its clearly socalist

Because the government has limitations

Norway is a well regulated capitalist economy and they are happy about it


i cant do this



We dont censor

Yeah we can have a civil conversation and no one loses there right to speak

of we did we are no better the the losers on the Alt-right and the SJWs

@Fulcrum010 Be civil man

What would Sargon do?

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