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Maar ek sal nogsteeds like om vir hulle 'n piece of my mind te gee

By so 'n hearing

Dis hoekom ek die ander dag vir Renaldo gesรช het die DA gaan heel moontlik die Wes Kaap verloor in die volgende verkiesing. Hy is egter baie positief, en sรช hy sal sy YouTube kanaal toemaak as dit gebeur

2018-07-27 15:05:06 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #videos]

@Gonzo, I agree that the DA governs better than the ANC, but that is not a big feat, as the ANC has very low standards. I also understand the necessity of keeping the ANC out, but a vote for the DA for myself and many others would be to sell out our values. The DA support many despicable policies, and I just can't vote for those things

Sooooooo, what do you guys think about CERN?

and the LHC

@Gonzo, al wen die DA die verkiesing in 2024, is daar die baie werklike moontlikheid dat hulle net soos die ANC tewerk sal gaan. Gaan kyk maar gerus hoe die DA hulle waardes begin verander het oor die laaste paar jaar. Hulle ondersteun ook Afffirmative Action, en praat ook nou al van White Privilege ens. Op die ou einde sal hulle enigiets doen om die swart stem te kry, en wat hulle op die oomblik doen is om te verander in 'n ANC lite.

@Luister (AM) ja ek het sy hele gesprek gesien, en dit is eintlik ongelooflik hoe die dinge wat hy daai tyd al gesรช het waar geword het.

Hier is die volle gesprek

Ja ek stem, almal moet dit sien. Dit sal mense se oรซ oopmaak

Ja het dit ook gesien. Baie goed

Ek hou daarvan hoe Bezmenov die linkses beskryf: Useful Idiots

@Sheamus dis baie hartseer, want ons pa's en oupas het teen die kommuniste geveg, en het geveg om hierdie giftige ideologie uit ons land te hou. En kyk waar sit ons vandag... Dis amper asof dit alles verniet was....

Kommunisme floreer nou soos nooit tevore

Dit was nog altyd maklik om linkses te trigger @Klipkop (Clip-Cop)

@Gonzo ek het so verneem, ek spot maar net so bietjie. Maar jy kannie stry dat die DA links is nie

Die ANC is net verder links

En die EFF nog verder

Dis die probleem met Suid Afrika. Suid Afrikaners is bereid om teen hulle beginsels te stem, net omdat hulle glo dis die enigste oplossing teen die ANC. In ander lande kry mens dit nie

@Arcade_Hustle jy was gister op reg?

@Gonzo, ek dink wat klipkop sรช, is dat die massas Afrikaners wat DA stem, moet dalk daaraan dink om hulle stemme eerder aan 'n beter party te gee as die DA

Afstigting is daarom die beste opsie vir Afrikaners

Meng jou met die semels en die varke vreet jou op

@Gonzo , ek het altyd DA gestem, maar hulle het al hoe meer begin verander in die ANC

In die volgende verkiesing gaan ek nie DA meer stem nie

Ek besulit nog vir wie om te stem

Yeah all in General @Malcolm the Seceder

Yeah I know @Guss Pretty dodgy

2018-07-27 18:22:15 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

Watching the eclipse shortly

2018-07-27 18:22:23 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

Should be seeing a blood moon soon

2018-07-28 06:16:27 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

Did anyone of you watch Ernst Roets on enca last night? Don't have TV, so looking for a link of the recording

2018-07-28 07:36:37 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #memes]

For all those who think the DA is the solution to SA's problems โ˜

@Gonzo I fully agree with you that Afrikaners should not be running away. Our place is on the Southern tip of Africa, and always has been. I just think that party politics are not the solution to the problems we face. I agree with you that the DA govern better than the ANC ever could, but in the end, their policies are just as discriminatory as the ANC's policies. If only Afrikaners could for once stand together and make a plan for our future, that would be a major step in the right direction. I still believe the best solution would be secession and our own Volkstaat, but we need to pull together in order to accomplish something like that. A referendum would then be needed, and we would need to decide on which area would be suitable for something like that. However, I think most Afrikaners are too comfortable with their current circumstances, and wouldn't want to move to another territory and leave everything behind (which is understandable). It is a complex situation.

I agree that would be a good start, but even if the Western Cape consists out of 80% Afrikaners, we would still be under the socialist policies of the government of South Africa. The ultimate solution has to be a separate Afrikaner state.

Yes true, but my point is, even if we elect our own political party to govern the province, we would still be required to operate within the South African constitution, and we would also still be forced to apply the socialist policies of the South African government.

We would still be paying tax for NHI for instance

But we would still be paying social taxes for others. The government would still have the capacity to redistribute portions of our taxes to other people. And if the constitution were to be changed to allow for Land expropriation without compensation for instance, we would still be affected, because we would still be part of South Africa. The only way to sidestep all of these issues, is to secede from South Africa, and form our own Volkstaat

Even the Bible says the left are fools ๐Ÿ˜‚

Ecclesiastes 10:2

๐Ÿ‘† Dangerous territory...

@Daniel van Straaten I actually agree with that statement. The left vs right paradigm is a classic divide and conquer tactic employed by the ruling elites to keep us distracted from what's really going on behind governments. I was just having a little fun with that Bible verse ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Yes that is true, but there are also those "alternative" media that actually push the left vs right paradigm, such as Alex Jones

Totally agree

@Gonzo The picture on the left is the ANC, and the picture on the right is the DA

2018-07-29 13:11:46 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #videos]  

Spot on @Crusher

Well NASA's great explanation as to why they can't go back, is because apparently they 'lost the technology'

I think he is senile tbh

2018-07-30 07:27:56 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #memes]

Thanks @Daniel van Straaten , will give it a watch ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Anyone know anything about QAnon? Only saw some mentions on twitter, not quite sure what it's about, but from the looks of things, it looks like it involves Pizzagate

Found a Youtube link just now which condenses everything. Will check it out and let you know if it's worth watching.

Who's the swiss guy?

what's his name?

The swiss guy is Buzzlightyear?

2018-07-31 13:07:48 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

Trolling level: Master ๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-07-31 13:08:29 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

It gets better

2018-07-31 13:09:10 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  


2018-07-31 13:09:28 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]

2018-07-31 13:10:17 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]

2018-07-31 13:10:46 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

We NEED this guy on this channel!

2018-07-31 13:40:26 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #memes]

Particle Accelerators are just fronts to try and tear the veil that separates us from the spiritual dimension. A big deception is coming, for which most people will fall. These 'divine beings' are nothing more than the fallen angels that we read of in Scripture, and a great disclosure will be announced in the future. Be wary

2018-07-31 13:59:36 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

Me too haha

2018-07-31 14:00:12 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

The guy must be thinking we are recruiting him to some kind of cult ๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-07-31 14:00:30 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #general]  

The cult of wokeness

2018-08-01 14:23:25 UTC [Willem Petzer Live Chat #memes]

349 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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