
Discord ID: 454537409330413568

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Because you are very incorrect on this point.

You have painted it in a picture and can't let go.

The only difference between killing and murder is authorization. That's it.

it is only immoral when authorized by the wrong party.

it's confusing as heck, but yeah.
It makes more sense to just drop the moral part out though.

A killing is an unprosecuted murder.

Literally, under the UCMJ, you can be shot by firing squad for rape. But for murder, you just have to justify your actions to your supervisors.

a hitman?

a hitman blows your theory out of the water. That's calm, cold and very calculated.
It also would only be immoral if you happen to be in the wrong jurisdiction

no more aggressive than a patrol in a congressional war zone.

special ops?
Marines are not always in congressional war zones and they do see fire.

How about Jeffrey Dahmer. He was as chill as you could get about the deed.

he's another extreme end.

teens that kill to join gangs?

driveby typically

some fucked up shit happens in war zones.

the only way to properly class murder without a lingering contradiction, is with authorization.

military is always going to be your screwball.



or any mercinary

mercinaries are where things get SUPER grey.

Here's a good one, murder or killer?
Muslim Jihaddist

I carried more weight in textbooks on my back as a kids going school than any slave in the field.

It sucks to be a kid wanting to make some money working at the snowball stand.

homopathy is junk. fools bait.

actual fraud

USMCA did nothing but add a few new companies to the list. It was a joke.

trump move the unemployment bar just barely 1 point. Obama moved it 8 points.

Trump handed the title of global trade leader to China on a silver platter.

when trump told all the US allies to go fuck themselves at the first g-7, they all signed with China.

USA has bench

trump literally benched usa

not by starting a trade war with zero leverage.
trump got nothing.

the economy lost $40bn pr quarter on that trade war, in sales.

trump did shave $200bn of the deficit, but usa lost more in revenue.

The 'annual crash' that is coming, is going to hurt worse than any in a very long time.

9000 retail stores closed in 2019

retail = america

capitalism crashes every 10 - 15 years.
She's due.
Trump put NOTHING away for a rainy day.
This CoronaVirus MIGHT trigger it. "might".
But when she comes, it's gonna hurt.

That $200 bn doesn't cover the $35 bn lost 'per quarter'
reverse isn't progress

it's a 1 time purchase.

single sale

no long term contrracts at ALL


The deal was to 'increase levels' but 100% open ended.
A 1 shot deal.

"The two sides have sold the deal in their own language โ€“ the US turning up the volume on Chinese monetary commitments to purchase US$200 billion worth of US imports while China has stated that these will conform to market requirements and WTO conditions. The dual interpretation leaves ample space for future disputes."


^^ very well cited.

7 quarters * $40bn = $280bn

Trump got a 1 shot grocery deal for $200bn

That's still $80bn in the hole.

And that's starting. That's just cherry picking a couple of major industries. That is by no means all the loses.

> But anyways, this is 200 billion and it continues on for a long time.

Where is the renewal stated?

where does it state that?

I don't find a date past 2021

everything contingent on 'phase II', which is never going to happen.

where does the deal state 2025?

Phase II negotiations have not even started.

Prove any part of what you are saying.
Nothing from any reputible website will support your narrative. You're just spewing malarkey.

Nobody was going to do trump any favors. Trump had no leverage.

@Deleted User
China isn't harvesting organs. That's delusional western media baloney.

Flat Earther get tough lesson in Newtonian mechanics.

You also don't get healthcare or any control measures.
If you get sick, the system will try to kill you first and if you survive, you 'may' get some relief.
3rd world living.

70% mortality rate for COVID-19
...walking into an election.

trump has an uphill battle.

Capitalism is inherently fascist. True communism cannot be.

Domestic abuse killings double during COVID-19 in the UK


Remember, there are no guns in the UK. They did that shit the hard way.

COVID-19 traced back to a stray dogs gut, as the origin/patient zero.


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