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@.๐ฝ๐ฑ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ฑ๐ช๐ญ the anti trust break up.of JD Rockefeller's Standard oil company.
this company conspired to publicly dismantle and burn on public pyres the US public trabsit system of tram cars and then replaced them with busses run on Standard oil gasoline.
also MK Ultra program of running tests on the public and psychological study of public citizens with intent and purpose of controlling their behavior directly.
mk ultra kinda
started woth project artichoke from 1936-1942
around 1938 mk ultra formed
but like mk ultra was at height of operations in 70s. but yea started 30 years earlier
no club 33 was in the latec40s
like monsanto didnt do too much on gmo pesticide wise until the 70s.
there was the wheat vitamin fortification in 30s and they did replace native American corn with spanish yellow sweet corn by the 40s.
they also change carrots from purple to orange and changed potatoes a bit.
epcot center is pretty F'd. how tomorrowland worked was that it was subsidized through corporate sponsorships. basically short version is a company like GE, Monsanto Dupont, Dow chemical ect... could lease space then exhibit some of the more cutting edge feature products innactive development at their respective R&D branches
this gave companies a waybto advertise to investors directly and show tge investors what it was the investments would go towards as well as being both an educational attraction for children and a "good will PR optics peice" to boost the company's name itself. @unit @Deleted User
in active development^
monsantos attraction a journey thru inner space was to promote nuclear science research that was "improving" agriculture.
stuff like using flouride an tritium on dairy cows as a "nuclear" pasteurization process which failed btw but like there was buncha other stuff too.
but long story short Epcot center and tomorrowland werevways for companies to hold "mini expose conventions" specifically for "potential investors and their families" as a way to corporately subsidize the "family vacation" of the middle class nuclear family model.
the kids would get tours of educational attractions and those same attractions were effectively insider trading and business meetings for the fathers at the same exact time.
and they had malls and secretary and design programs for the moms to attend n go to while the men were at the business things/the kids with the fathers learning about business and science.
n yea monsanto n GEs partnership and use of flouride did get adopted shortly after the tomorrowland expose by the American Dental association, and as a sanitation addative to municipal water, toothpaste and beer/alcohol
meanwhile NASA used it to promote nnfund the mars missions, voyager 1 and 2 and the space shuttle.
carl sagan's Cosmos was filmed on location thru disneys tomorrow land exhibit. the "lecture" featured at the end is him standing at the voyager exhibit in tomorrow land
so yes
akso if you watch the credits for the 1970s cosmos youll find it was cund sponsored by GE and filmed/animated thru disney's tomorrowland.
Unacknowledged: An Exposรฉ of the World's Greatest Secretโ in 2017.
kinda like lead msm source on that
@โดAlchemetricsโด yes it is
i was actually thinkin bout that earlier today
@.๐ฝ๐ฑ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ฑ๐ช๐ญ so long as nukes exist the possibility of use of them exists. something exeedingly more alarming though is out of the 2202 nuclear detonations and tests that were planned theres been roughly 148,000 nuclear involved accidents involving either highlevel waste or a reactor/weapon platform. (not including low level waste pollution or accidents invokving low level waste or low level materials)
like the occurence rate of accidents sjows for every 1 planned usage of nuclear materials there are roughly 70 high level accidents/disasters.
thats pretty alarming and is evidence enough to demonstrate that nuclear energy is by far the most high risk and dangerous variety we have.
asteroid bombardment = 500x yeild vs nukes per metric ton. aka 50,000% greater in damage(per metric ton) and if used right (proper selection in asteroid composition vs how it impacts target destination) no nuckear fallout.
asteroids>all nukes @Nickk
not really. in 1994 we launched a satelite to photograph and land on asteroid eros. it achieved the softest robotic landing of a space craft in nasa history when it landed in 2001. this was the NEAR space probe project.
meaning in 6 years using 1990s tech you could launch a 16 kilometer asteroid at any target in the solar system and rig a trajectory that obfuscates its approach (such as approaching earth from the day side where we have zero visibility of approaching objects)
vs taking 24 years to get a missile system from R&D to production to launch status.
this means roughly 23 years ago asteroids were still 4x faster to utilize than nukes
like sure you technically need an icbm platform to launch a payload into space, usa, russia, UK, China, Japan
all had these since the early to mid 80s.
but like only USA RU and Isreal have H bombs today. attempting to develop a warhead comes After developing the missile platform. developmemt of a nuclear war head is considerably more complex process than a satellite.
also regarding asteroid Eros
20 billion tonnes ish of several rare earth metaks including gold. 1999 valued at 20 trillion dollars
it comes pretty close for roughly 1/4th the year
the alien invasion hoax is part of mockingbird and the "propagandized only method" to obtain "peace" between all nations of man. directlybas the old Reagan quote states
truth is its not the only method. its jus the only method which allows the state to maintain indefinite and absolute control over the population.
basically see the watchman. mocking bird is the equivalent of Ozzy's master psyop media plan to hide junk from dr manhattan er what ever
"pyramid transnational" dealio
if aliens do visit earth they go the trek route. due to technological superiority they would either be non visible to our means of detection or they blend in perfectly
if extra dimensional then yea theyd simply possess people they wouldnt need to be separate entities @๐ฌโ
@Blings primatives
our behavior is only so predictable meaning like to go public would be met with violence
blending in they can either silentky observe or manipulate their way to their objective
@๐ฌโ ive had "an experience" of the extra dimensional kind in a manner but like it was a direct person to person conversation with one of "them" course idk tbh cant say for certain
i was attempting to remote view at the time but like i was also on severe tranqs and antidepressants mighta jus been a hallucination though was far more ijteractive than a dream n there was definitely a 2nd party involved.
not really ive been on hard tranqs a lot of the hallucinations r jus dialating n obfuscating your senses
lack of resolution causes the brains paradolia complexes to take over as compensation to maintain a logical alert status
but yes hallucinations in form of like vivid or waking dreams are most usually conversations between conscious n subconscious
this wasnt one of those
well like from an interstellar travel perspective on galactic placement we are kinda in the outer rim of the habitable zones
like we are in a spiral galaxy so theres few vectors to consider
you cant have habitable worlds in the inner core due to gravometric density being too high. aka too many black holes, novas, the supermassive black hole that spins the galaxy, and too many high energy output stars.
stellar nurserys are great for creating systems n stuff but uts basically a 20-200 light year wide mass of ionizing radiated gas thats burning at 40,000 degrees K or higher. like nothing in that can live unless its well inside something.
the outer rim extreme zones arent too habitable because the stars are either too dead n dim or are red giants n junk.
that leaves the roughly mid 1/3rd orbit of the galactic plane as habitable but like its not like a CD or LP vinyl where its like solid mass consistently through out on star population
there are estimated 8 spiral arms to the galaxy (we cant actually see thru the center of tge galactic plane so ^outside of our quadrant its rather hard to measure our own galaxy) and star systems orbit along the outside of each arm
think of each arm as a bakers rolling pin amd star systems like the dough pressed against the outside.
on our location we are in the back half of the habitable zone going off of rekative to galactic center, and we are orbiting fairly far out from our arms center.
our location in one of the least dense sectors of the galaxy
each one of those radials in the relative from our position (center being sun) is 5000 light years
so ever one those circles is 5000 ly further from previous
heres more cleaned up bit basically other than the red circle in middle everywhere in here is whats in theory habitable for worlds that might support life star system wise
n like radio wise our broadcasts have only gone roughly 245 light years in every direction so like not even to the closest circle to the sun in that map
so like communication wise these r really the only stars we can try to contact in this area
so tdlr short
we r in mid of nowhere not surprising spaceships cant reach us
regarding like interaction the catch 22 though is like if aliens are sophisticated enough to actually get here be it different dimention or from.a few light years away, like they will be so far advanced past us other than a direct interest in our cukture and our ways they like dnt technically need to interact with us for very much if at all.
@HyperBaroque well the problem with androgenous equivalance of identifiability with animals is we strictly only do this with domesticated animals.
so if ET comes over an tries that like well idk ya dnt wanna end up in the alien zoo like in twilight zone.
i mean like sure native americans had reverance for animals but like we dnt do that to nearly same degree today cept for our own pets
what i mean is like humans dont equally identify with lesser animals at all unless they are the literal goodall conservationist types or the animal is their pet.
and that if ET does the bit of conferring equal identity the possibility exists that its part of a domestication tactic.
well not entirely if they come here to guinely learn bout us thats pretty benign n not too bad
but yea most other reasons we end up as servants or livestocl if they dnt jus exterminate us thinking we are pests
well yea i mean even religion goes over that in some aspects and very often. like even in christian sense god created the universe, and heaven and hell are both defined openly as different planes/realms.
not really i gave up my baptist roots mostly because personally i just dont believe anything is inherently good or evil. i do believe in "higher power" and the spirit/soul but not god vs satan and heaven vs hell. @Enn
@0P0J um yes it is. revelations is the day of judgement the day satan and his demon hordes walk the earth and fight the armies of god led by christ and the angel gabriel.
satans hebrew name Hasatan is literally "the opposer" this implies adversarial relations aka conflict
well like with god n satan, satan at one time was gods favored angel then there was the whole nephilim bit and the inter-relations of angels and humans which was blasphemous for which satan and hus followers were cast out
but satan is of gods creation and thus is loved by god, and though his opposition towards god regarding divine intervention with man differed from gods plan, satan would not be but for the grace of god.
so while there is clear conflict that conflict only exists by gods direct design.
what? devil or not god is still the creator should he not be revered as such?
why does threat of eternal punishment need to exist in order for an afterlife to exist? this part of christianity just makes no sense to me tbh.
@0P0J the afterlife isnt some carrot on the end of a stick. we all die so in theory we all end up in one or another if thats a thing. no amount of worship gets you kudos points in heaven. you either go there or you dnt.
even god says those who are welcomed unto the kindon of heaven are predestined by inherent right of absolute "good" to arrive there by acts of virtue in life and attonement for sin and failure.
that christ died for all mans sins thus accepting all baptised christians who accept christ into the holy kingdom.
tldr short: who goes where is already ordained plan. no amount of acts of man will change that divine plan. unless of course you happen to be the literal antichrist but thats the one exception.
@0P0J on saved im mot talkin "oh lawdy praise jebus fir we hath saved this poor soul over yonder here today!"
i mean like the acceptance of giving ones heart and will to christ completely so as to live with no regret, to ask for eternal forgiveness first from christ and then from.yourself. this isnt like a one off thing.
regarding gods plan though like its made its done. saint peter has a list and if you arent on it you arent getting in
@0P0J what i mean is more woth the whole plan bit an saont peters list
the plan has been made theres nothing you can do to change gods plan. you are either destined to heaven or destined to be a pawn of satan no amount of will is going to change that. thus if you have faith and give yourself to destiny you get where you are going with out the pain of resisting and fighting your own fate.
@0P0J to accept christ and faith into your heart is to accept the fact that free will is an illusion given to man by satan
real vs virtual construct
physical vs virtual
action vs idea/story
what is physically done vs what is told about what was physically done
actions based upon the physical are solely reactionary
actions based upon the virtual are purely to manipulate reaction to physical by means of prevention or interception.
get spooked
changed hands
online ids are monickers an these can be passed or or jus be a host of individuals acting as one.
jus passing it on isnt enough
its my opinion on theory that qanon would most likely be run in the way that a company is run
buncha staff working under a user council, the user council acting on data and ideas the collective staff recieve and via use of monicker qanon is enacted upon via proxy by the user council.
this way its not just shifting users but can be up to a few hundred users simultaneously.
@Trybal did you see the crop circle things related to the arecibo thing?
this thingy is pretty interesting yea
@Trybalthe grey with info disc is in same field exactly a year later as well
aside from.large team to make the circle it would also require lots of advanced planning not jus in like team movements but tge mathematics involved in "printing" the circle are quite complex to keep the fine detail of info in them accurate to the design.
so if it was a "hoax" like it would require professional college level mathematicians as the managers it seems.
idk that but the crop circle tjings made me think a bit
could it be jus another rick roll?
cuz like using some binary photo thing like it comes pretty close jus matter of pinpointing resolution
yes yes sry got carried away on arecibo sry
<@440902571557912577> on the chilbolton man face pic
the face is done via pointalist expression of binary where the 1s (dark blocks) and 0s (pressed down crops) are the pixels. decoding the images true face would be easier if resolution format was known and if there was any other like message in the binary on how to reformat that would help as well
@.๐ฝ๐ฑ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ฑ๐ช๐ญ 666/=/antichrist
666 is mark/ number of the beast in modern translation. in original though the nunber is 616
ย [ฯฮพฯ] ฮทย ฯฮนฯ
An interesting element ofย {\displaystyle {\mathfrak {P}}}๏ฟผ115ย is that it gives theย number of the beastย in Revelation 13:18 asย 616ย (chi,ย iota,ย sigmaย (ฮงฮฯ)), rather than the majority reading ofย 666ย (chi, xi, sigma (ฮงฮฯ)), as doesย Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus."
this is symbolism of satan directly. the antichrist is instead the breaker of the seals who brings satans hordes to earth. the antichrist is said to be marked with the mark of the beast yes but like its separate stuff.
papyrus 115 is the oldest original copy of revalations in partial form and it is tge source of "quoted" thing there
thats kinda odd since all forms of life on earth cept for 1 evolutionary^ branch of bacteria in the african congo that lives in sulfuric acid pools (which is silicon based) os carbon based life.
what i mean us if carbons 666 is true it would mean all life bears mark of beast which like thatd be odd
well like hebrew numbers n math arent entirely linear like modern methods we use today
616 is done as palendrome for symbology and multifunctional use in non linear equations. those whole read between the lines thing. and that a 1 placed between 2 numbers;
>if both numbers are the same the 1 is treated as same number
>if both numbers are different the 1 is treated as the difference between the two in absolute value
so like its uber complicated an multi layer. i dnt speak hebrew or aremaic so this is bout where my knowledge runs out @NiCKeLeSS
but it has also been speculated that the mark was changed in modern translations so that the public wouldnt be able to recognize it an thus avoid mass panic and witch hunts.
i get the priciple of how it worls in the demonstration but idk what the significance of the meaning is behind it.
i tried to learn up on numerology stuff but like i was unable to find the basic fundamemtal declarations in one source that dsnt contradict others. so i kinda gave up.
like i understand the math of it, but like whats it mean that 616=8888? n ect?
i get it ties to the hebrew words are numbers an what not as well as other layers to it but i jus wasnt able to learn all of what=what cuz its too much info to retain unless you wanna become a hermetic monk^ an spend^ 20-40 years reading n learning n retaining it.
@NiCKeLeSS ty though on the equation break down thats a step forward n good info
thats p115 n the earliest copy of the verse @.๐ฝ๐ฑ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ฑ๐ช๐ญ
well number of man is 555 (or 515) numer of beast is 666 or 616, number of god 333 (or 313)
as nics numbers point out 616 or 666 both create 8888 which is the verse count of the book of revalations itself.
reason the palendromic X1X variants exist is due to structured use of tge original language for multi layer symbolism in both linguistic and mathematical form @.๐ฝ๐ฑ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ฑ๐ช๐ญ
which one is the "true" numbers is still under debate
theres that too yes ^
yes but like
like thats pretty interesting stuff is all i mean
that mark+verse=the book
@I am the senate daily yt its not random book of enoch has inspired the modern cult of freemasonry to use this "math" in "grand design" to manipulate society by building infrastructure to literalky cause events to take place in a pre designed way.
nonsense or not its least valid enough that every city in USA is designed in layout derivative of it.
@I am the senate daily yt hermetic sciences supposedly 4000 years older than the bibke itself
but yee jus nonsense huh?
how is this stupid shit its directly relevant to the dang daily topic regarding "meaning of 666"
the whole 666 junk is directly based on judeau christian hermetic science of numerology and is literally solely used in the book of revalation
@I am the senate daily yt 666 or antichrist todays topic is exclusively to do with book of revelations
ฯฮนฯ = greek 616
Xฮพฯ= greek 666
yes 666 is the mainstream accepted variation as issued by the papacy.
problem is that the KJV is not the original text and much has been censored or omitted or kept secret by the church directly. Vatican's got a whoke library of books protected by its own army that the vatican forbades people from reading or accessing.
@.๐ฝ๐ฑ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ฑ๐ช๐ญ greek manuscripts are "newer" than the papyrus 115. by like 150 years newer.
an even so p115 is still 200+ years after death of christ...
like at certain point ones gotta ask whats the "real" biblical cannon? the direct works of the apostles or the compilation created by the vatican church circa emporer constantine's rome?
@SoulHarvest man is 555
what? woman n man are different according to biblical cannon like brb
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