Message from @darth_brando
Discord ID: 543942474310221825
This is a debate not insulting
Sometimes there r questions/comments that r so dum
It makes u say retard
Hell yea
Moving on up in the world
@.𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓮𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓭 so long as nukes exist the possibility of use of them exists. something exeedingly more alarming though is out of the 2202 nuclear detonations and tests that were planned theres been roughly 148,000 nuclear involved accidents involving either highlevel waste or a reactor/weapon platform. (not including low level waste pollution or accidents invokving low level waste or low level materials)
like the occurence rate of accidents sjows for every 1 planned usage of nuclear materials there are roughly 70 high level accidents/disasters.
thats pretty alarming and is evidence enough to demonstrate that nuclear energy is by far the most high risk and dangerous variety we have.
More nukes >
asteroid bombardment = 500x yeild vs nukes per metric ton. aka 50,000% greater in damage(per metric ton) and if used right (proper selection in asteroid composition vs how it impacts target destination) no nuckear fallout.
asteroids>all nukes @Nickk
@darth_brando but doing that takes far longer then a nuke lol
not really. in 1994 we launched a satelite to photograph and land on asteroid eros. it achieved the softest robotic landing of a space craft in nasa history when it landed in 2001. this was the NEAR space probe project.
meaning in 6 years using 1990s tech you could launch a 16 kilometer asteroid at any target in the solar system and rig a trajectory that obfuscates its approach (such as approaching earth from the day side where we have zero visibility of approaching objects)
vs taking 24 years to get a missile system from R&D to production to launch status.
this means roughly 23 years ago asteroids were still 4x faster to utilize than nukes
*Mob psycho 100*
like sure you technically need an icbm platform to launch a payload into space, usa, russia, UK, China, Japan
all had these since the early to mid 80s.
but like only USA RU and Isreal have H bombs today. attempting to develop a warhead comes After developing the missile platform. developmemt of a nuclear war head is considerably more complex process than a satellite.
also regarding asteroid Eros
20 billion tonnes ish of several rare earth metaks including gold. 1999 valued at 20 trillion dollars
@Luftwaffe Nonners should not use titles not affiliated with true core values
when a conspiracy theorist got destroyed for repeating an often miss-understood operation
<:mk:511588951811817480> is Project Mockingbird a operation that is still ongoing? <:mk:511588951811817480> @everyone
@blackgirl black r u white
do u like white people
Lol black ppl
@.𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓮𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓭 yes
@Dawn based
'Sup Dawnytreader;D👋
lul,.. i just "D-waved" you 😄
--how'ya doin pal
Umm whats Mockingbird
I thought 💭 there was free speech
(gigglez) 😆 lol -- go into a church during mass and yell out you love satan' see what happens ....