Message from @darth_brando
Discord ID: 545040560558309418
and ive seen enough ty
Hm, one of the first things you said was your discontempt with the ”evil jew theory”.
Are you Jewish yourself?
You seem pretty personally attacked by this.
i had just come from the ice wall server and it also dominated chat there just as it turned out to here
oh straight to ad homs huh
i see
Yeah, I can agree it does get exhausting.
never fucking mind then
What? Not at all. What the fuck?
fuck it have fun with MuH jOoOoOz and other lolbrow shit
Don’t take my bluntness for offense, I was genuinely curious in my question.
What the hell? Lmao
Well, I am used to it by now, for future reference, if I ask you a question and you think I’m being provocative, 100% of the time, I’m not, I dislike passive aggressiveness and will tell it to your face if I had a problem with you so next time, ask.
But anyways, onto other debate suggestions, how about a debate regarding Genetic Modifications and Design?
Question could be posed as something like; ”Do governments invest in genetic design research and GMO products to establish greater control over to the population?”
let's just wait and see what Chad posts it worked today
Yeah. I wonder if Chad chooses the topics based on server discussion or just has a list maybe of different topics that he chooses from.
In any case I don’t know if he takes suggestions at all, perhaps if he runs out of ideas but then again there are too many conspiracies to even count so theres that 😂
@Trybal did you see the crop circle things related to the arecibo thing?
Yeah, the arecibo answer.
They (authorities) don’t know or haven’t investigated who or what is responsible.
To make such a big patch on a crop would require atleast a team with good determination but who would even waste their time
Not to mention how accurate it is to the message.
It’s quite difficult to map these things this accurately.
@Trybalthe grey with info disc is in same field exactly a year later as well
aside from.large team to make the circle it would also require lots of advanced planning not jus in like team movements but tge mathematics involved in "printing" the circle are quite complex to keep the fine detail of info in them accurate to the design.
so if it was a "hoax" like it would require professional college level mathematicians as the managers it seems.
It is some high level and effort art lol
If that *is* what it is. can we all agree fuck tseris
idk that but the crop circle tjings made me think a bit
cuz like using some binary photo thing like it comes pretty close jus matter of pinpointing resolution
@darth_brando <:sadcat:511590629856378901>
Qanon today
yes yes sry got carried away on arecibo sry
This link is kooky but has a few interesting leads,
The *Endgame* article was interesting..
is qanon like every tuesday or sumthin
Hey uh
It's fake tho
I like the assumption that it's hard to find a handfull of math minor graduates.
"The math is too complex . . . humans cannot do this. Maybe some real college type people, but not humans."