Message from @darth_brando
Discord ID: 544638330743291905
Not not
Not Nasir
get back on topic
U guys really want the smoke on why aliens exist
I don’t think so
What the F is going on here? can't you kids play nice together. stay on point.
Reptilians exist
And their from here
And they made the greys
As their organic clone slave race
well like from an interstellar travel perspective on galactic placement we are kinda in the outer rim of the habitable zones
like we are in a spiral galaxy so theres few vectors to consider
you cant have habitable worlds in the inner core due to gravometric density being too high. aka too many black holes, novas, the supermassive black hole that spins the galaxy, and too many high energy output stars.
stellar nurserys are great for creating systems n stuff but uts basically a 20-200 light year wide mass of ionizing radiated gas thats burning at 40,000 degrees K or higher. like nothing in that can live unless its well inside something.
the outer rim extreme zones arent too habitable because the stars are either too dead n dim or are red giants n junk.
that leaves the roughly mid 1/3rd orbit of the galactic plane as habitable but like its not like a CD or LP vinyl where its like solid mass consistently through out on star population
there are estimated 8 spiral arms to the galaxy (we cant actually see thru the center of tge galactic plane so ^outside of our quadrant its rather hard to measure our own galaxy) and star systems orbit along the outside of each arm
think of each arm as a bakers rolling pin amd star systems like the dough pressed against the outside.
on our location we are in the back half of the habitable zone going off of rekative to galactic center, and we are orbiting fairly far out from our arms center.
each one of those radials in the relative from our position (center being sun) is 5000 light years
so ever one those circles is 5000 ly further from previous
heres more cleaned up bit basically other than the red circle in middle everywhere in here is whats in theory habitable for worlds that might support life star system wise
n like radio wise our broadcasts have only gone roughly 245 light years in every direction so like not even to the closest circle to the sun in that map
so tdlr short
we r in mid of nowhere not surprising spaceships cant reach us
theres no way aliens are visiting earth
Of course aliens won't visit Earth, it's flat
Who knows what if you're the alien @Human Sheeple
Illegal alien maybe you might be right
What's with the y2k deus ex avatar?
Whats with your avatar with a sheep
Sheep watching swirly brainwash on a TV
Well mines alex jones as jc denton
ha ha good one
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Are aliens out there....yes
Have they visited earth..... no idea....
I haven't seen convincing evidence of an extraterrestrial presence near Earth or in our solar system. But I don't rule it out.
first succsful (spel) cesium test for nanotech