Message from @darth_brando
Discord ID: 545314198272344070
thats all . its only in a about 2 bits of original scripture i think
its used now as the number of Satan
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Im not sure that 666 was in the Bible originally. Im thinking it was probably added later on, because I do know that there is a lot of numerology that is encoded into false flags that pertains to the bible, specifically in the book of Revelation.
I will show you this. Have you heard of Saturn rituals? The number 969 refers to Saturn, as it moves at 9.69 KM/S.
Add 666 to 969.
666+969 = 1635+5361 = 6996
And, from 1635+(1×6×3×5) = 1725+5271 = 6996
Also, from 969+(9×6×9) = 1455+5541 = 6996
@.𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓮𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓭 666/=/antichrist
666 is mark/ number of the beast in modern translation. in original though the nunber is 616
[χξϛ] η χιϛ
An interesting element of {\displaystyle {\mathfrak {P}}}115 is that it gives the number of the beast in Revelation 13:18 as 616 (chi, iota, sigma (ΧΙϚ)), rather than the majority reading of 666 (chi, xi, sigma (ΧΞϚ)), as does Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus."
this is symbolism of satan directly. the antichrist is instead the breaker of the seals who brings satans hordes to earth. the antichrist is said to be marked with the mark of the beast yes but like its separate stuff.
papyrus 115 is the oldest original copy of revalations in partial form and it is tge source of "quoted" thing there
Another thing people refer to is the carbon atom. 6 electrons, 6 protoms, 6 neutrons = 666
The first 911 call in the US was placed on 2/16 1968.
Firstly the date was 2/16 = 216 = 6×6×6 =666
And 2/16 1968 = 216+1968 = 2184+4812 = 6996
thats kinda odd since all forms of life on earth cept for 1 evolutionary^ branch of bacteria in the african congo that lives in sulfuric acid pools (which is silicon based) os carbon based life.
Yea, thats why a lot of people point that out about carbon.
what i mean us if carbons 666 is true it would mean all life bears mark of beast which like thatd be odd
But it wouldnt matter if the number was 616, as per papyrus 115, right?
well like hebrew numbers n math arent entirely linear like modern methods we use today
616 is done as palendrome for symbology and multifunctional use in non linear equations. those whole read between the lines thing. and that a 1 placed between 2 numbers;
>if both numbers are the same the 1 is treated as same number
>if both numbers are different the 1 is treated as the difference between the two in absolute value
so like its uber complicated an multi layer. i dnt speak hebrew or aremaic so this is bout where my knowledge runs out @NiCKeLeSS
but it has also been speculated that the mark was changed in modern translations so that the public wouldnt be able to recognize it an thus avoid mass panic and witch hunts.
I will show u there is numerology encoding into this whole papyrus 115 thing.
So, you have 666, 616, and 115.
1) 666+511 = 1177+7711 = 8888
8888 is from 22 chapters and 404 verses in Revelation. 22x404 = 8888
And from 8888 = 88×88 = 7744, and 77x44 = 3388, and 33x88 = 2904+4092 = 6996
2) 666+616+115 = 1397, and 13x97 = 1261, and 12x61 = 732+237 = 969
3) 666+616+511 = 1793, and 17x93 = 1581+(1×5×8×1) = 1621, and 16x21 = 336+633 = 969
4) Add the forward and mirror values of 666, 616, 115
666+666+616+616+115+511 = 3190, and 31x90 = 2790, and 27x90 = 2430+(2×4×3) = 2454+4542 = 6996
5) Now, you said that the 1 in 616 means it is a 6, because it is inbetween two 6s. So, we have two 666s, the 666 from popular belief, and the 666 from 616.
666+666+115 = 1447+7441 = 8888
6) 666+666+511 = 1843, and 18x43 = 774+477 ÷ 1251+(1×2×5×1) = 1261, and 12x61 = 732+237 = 969
7) 666+666+616 = 1948, and 19x48 = 912+(9×1×2) = 930+039 = 969
Theres more, but didnt want to make it too long.
616 is from Rev 13:18.
13:18 = 1318, and 13x18 = 234+432 = 666
i get the priciple of how it worls in the demonstration but idk what the significance of the meaning is behind it.
i tried to learn up on numerology stuff but like i was unable to find the basic fundamemtal declarations in one source that dsnt contradict others. so i kinda gave up.
like i understand the math of it, but like whats it mean that 616=8888? n ect?
i get it ties to the hebrew words are numbers an what not as well as other layers to it but i jus wasnt able to learn all of what=what cuz its too much info to retain unless you wanna become a hermetic monk^ an spend^ 20-40 years reading n learning n retaining it.
@NiCKeLeSS ty though on the equation break down thats a step forward n good info
666 is just a name
the name of the beast 666
@darth_brando Yea, it is a lot to try to understand. Im not an expert by all means, though I am quite well versed in it. I do know that the whole numerology thing has to do with satanism, and the Bible has been changed to by these satanists to have numerological significance in their game.
that image i posted says 616
It dates to the third century, c. 225-275 AD.
Yep papyrus 115
i wonder if theres a earlier version
thats p115 n the earliest copy of the verse @.𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓮𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓭
Darth brought that up. I showed some of my numerological findings in regards to it.
so is it 616 or 666
well number of man is 555 (or 515) numer of beast is 666 or 616, number of god 333 (or 313)
as nics numbers point out 616 or 666 both create 8888 which is the verse count of the book of revalations itself.
reason the palendromic X1X variants exist is due to structured use of tge original language for multi layer symbolism in both linguistic and mathematical form @.𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓮𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓭
which one is the "true" numbers is still under debate
Both I guess, but I dont believe the number was there originally, it was added later on because it expresses satanic numerological significance.
theres that too yes ^
I also didnt say 616 and 666 create 8888, I just showed different combinations of adding 666, 616, and 115 (papyrus #), and where they lead using techniques of breaking the numbers down which I have learned over countless hours of researching this.
The 8888 is from 404 verses, and 22 chapters in Revelation. 404x22 = 8888
Also, from 404+(4×4) = 420+024 = 444
And, from the sideways 69 on the KEYstone atop the royal masonic arch.
69+(6×9) = 123+321 = 444