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I thought they made bikes, must have been looking at something else.


No, not off-hand.

tfw working in Japan is an effective death sentence

According to Posadas, communism shall make sex with dolphins ethical. <:hrt:312036949453963264>

Reminder the Soviets invented anime

How will the Nazbol ever recover?

Would it be fair to assert then that what needs to be a foundation then for progressive policies is that which may move slower then other traditional issues? If the world makes exponential progress in tech that changes our relationship with the world then being 'progressive' on one issue one day will make it irrelevant the next.

@MrSally Yesterday - historically speaking as a metaphor - surveillance wasn't so much an issue since it was so resource heavy and complicated. You could move politics on it faster than it could move. But now the expanding limits on technology means it can keep or outpace technology, making the NSA more and more out of proportion with the Democratic powers supposedly controlling it.

The technical growth in manufacture is also limiting the input of man in manufacture, so a firm could simply pay a little more if the workers go back to sleep and still keep their profit.

@MrSally I'm on a phone so it's difficult.

I'm technically on break at work so I can't get too invested either.

I do want to add that in relevance to this discussion talk of a UBI may cut off any honest revolutionary potential if the regular people get what many would consider peak Socialism: money for simply existing. Did if Zucker gets into the White House on this promise - as I heard it theorized - how do you out progressive something that'd be peak progressivism for this generation.

And now to go finish up the night.

In my particular experience and reading, most people tend to want to help.

Gee I love waiting to finish my shit and the one piece of epuipment I need is in use.

Can I get my cherry picker now?

At least this is like a third break. Just lean up against something and wait for when I need to help with a water heater.

2017-07-18 10:21:09 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

@Deleted User If the conclusions I've drawn from the revolution here in the US is any indication, one of the factors that lead to a succesful revolution here in America, as opposed to France was that the institutions put in place already existed in the form of the colonial charters and had existed for a century or more at the time of the revolution. The people who managed and fought the war for independence had already been living and acting semi-independent of the UK in the mode of government they would adopt after 1776 and revise and strengthen in the 1780's. As one scholar put it - I really need to find and read that book, "On Revolution" - the Patriots had the sewing part down as much as they did the cutting.

2017-07-18 10:22:53 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

So it appears to me, as @Cyrinika said there'll need be some sort of foundation down in somewhere like the states where a majority of the population - or enough of it - lives by certain Socialist or Communist standards. Even AnCom'ing a few small towns would be as nice as at least AnMutualising larger ones even, or even finding ways on certain levels of society to reorganize local politics.

2017-07-18 10:23:47 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

It's kind of like stealing the GOP's grand strategy for the passed thirty or more years: take office seats at the lowest possible levels of government and build your agenda from there if not raise career politicians from that seat.

2017-07-18 10:24:31 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

I don't really care who it's carried out by. At this point the disenfranchising element on the left is the sectarian nature of it fueled by high-minded theory.

2017-07-18 10:25:32 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

The guy at the mechanics shop isn't going to wrap his head around surplus value or dialectics. But he can wrap his head around possibly organizing things with the five other guys there to better split the profits if it means higher over-all pay for the same amount of work.

2017-07-18 10:25:51 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

Or even just a sense of ownership even.

Way I've interpreted Nazbol is, "Gee, Stalin was a good leader except he didn't have enough Hitler."

tfw you miss the enigmatic Gaddafi, if just because he represents an older terror in the news than ISIS

>There will never be another dictator who suggests we split Switzerland

Then again for a time we had that very issue.

Everyone forgets the Dust Bowl

We're going to need another.

Last time I brought the Dust Bowl up in debate, the guy I was arguing with laughed and said, "Those farmers were stupid, should have made natural gas out of corn or started drilling for oil!"

If what certain people say is true that today's millenials are receptive to Communism then all it might take in the US at least is to engineer something like what the GOP did and seize all local power.

It may not be true communism, but maybe stopping the US from interfering by putting leaders in power apathetic to it would help

I'm not so much saying Bernie. I'm thinking more a long game, twenty or thirty years.

When you sit down and think about it everything in the world is memes.

It's just that rarely does anything combine to make a truely gold meme

did somon say


While we can not remove the grass from any equation to observe changes in behavior we can observe societies living in conditions opposite of what our societal/material condition is, or lacking an element. I don't know how this would plug into quantifying if a murder was committed because of the grass though.

@Timo))) What does good economic condition mean though? If wealth equals happiness, then it seems preverse that wealth is in absense of happiness.

@Timo))) Working one of those jobs at the supermarket to get by, I can confirm I feel no sense of ownership of or contribution to the buisiness as a whole.

I can leave and be replaced, I'm another cog.

To keep my head up.

What other job? There's nothing else here.

And there's little opportunity to freely change direction since it's all behind a paywall anyhow

Yea, sure. There's people that have been there for five or more years and they haven't moved.

>Implying saying I watched a guy on YouTube do it is any verification to the employeer that I actually know how to do that.

People like confirmatory paper

@Timo))) He'd have a job if the shop owners didn't convert it all to machines and replaced him.

@Timo))) But they bought the machine that replaces the workers who were otherwise making living wage doing what they were doing.

And these people were not asked if they wanted to be replaced.

@Deleted User You should apperantly be grateful to foreigners

tfw all the robots take your jobs and the neolibs ask why you're asking for handouts and why you can't just get a job

tfw the definate alienation of the lower class deepens

@Shaggy Blanco And then millions of programmers and technicians flood the market to maintain the automation when maybe only five guys are needed per plant so now the value of being just that is low to the point of being useless.

@Shaggy Blanco That's fine and all until everyone tries to be just that to get in on the gravy train, the wage value of the position drops out, and you have to start bidding low to get in too and everyone starts losing.

@Shaggy Blanco And if enough people got the same idea, or if the existing firms haven't made sure the price of entry is high-enough yet, you'll end up having to bid low too, cutting your own personal profits and lowering the wages of the people working for you.

@Shaggy Blanco Which is fine until you realize the larger established companies can do the same for longer because their coffers run deeper and you're just starting out with buisiness loans to repay.

So while trying to repay those and handle regular expenses you're going up against any of those larger congolmerates that can shut you out of the big leagues.

Maybe you'll handle a few accounts for other small buisinesses, but it won't be the dream you imagine

@Shaggy Blanco Because capitalism ultimately entails all must be devoured into a larger force.

And if it can not be devoured, it must be destroyed

2017-07-20 08:09:18 UTC [/leftypol/ International #hindi]  

The ultimate opprotunists.

>Implying anything ever has been stable

>Except for all sorts of peasant revolutions

Implying that's been entirely stable either, or not being slowly liquidated as the country modernizes.

Caste and class exists as a means to protect the property of a small minority of individuals who claim spiritual or military supremecy of something. So long as material power invests itself into a small population and more have greater than the whole then there will be class conflict.

So long as the means by which further material property is made, if not reforms and reorganization of the way property is treated this process will forever persist.

The anti-aristocratic class reforms of the American and French revolutions were find for their time; when a single individual could only hold a piece of a market in proportion to his physical capability. But the owning of automation puts these ratios far out of whack.

To return to India: there has been Dalit uprisings, mostly after the 18th century. But the Greeks recorded a far taller class structure. Further, the Buddha was considerably critical of the caste system and Buddhism teaches against caste differences.

tbh when it comes to the US I'd rather visit the places in the country with the rednecks than some of our cities; though I've lived more-or-less in semi-country my entire life. But if I had the money to travel I'd certainly like to go see Paris.

That and they fucked up handling the black population post-slavery. So it continued the relationship far beyond the actual conditions it developed under.

Little did he know, but that horse was in the Posadist Union and soon reported him to Comrade High Commander.

@Apache14 Real lovers don't let their partners drink and ride, and betray the intergalactic proletariat.

Their hearts are in the right place. Except Puritans.

When it gets down to that, we have reached the honest admission of no compromise and both sides are incompatable.

May the dialectic decide.

Conflict decided: and you won't believe who decided it!

10 Ideologies that weren't compatable: you won't believe #4!

And the follow up: "The debate on morality is settled, here are five take-away arguments: you won't believe #3 and who said it!"

I was invited by Firefly

I dunno, I assume so.

Or, I assumed.

It's a weird time.

6AM in the morning for me, the passing /pol/ trope finally went to bed, and I'm about to too now my night is done.

>North Korea may have a working ICBMand please don't stop.


Is this anarcho-Agrarianism?


It's an old-ass photo of mine

@Firefly#9983 I can't really have much of a stance if all I know about it is bunker memery.

Just bunkers.

Lots of bunkers

And some anti-revisionist stuff

That I know more.

Because Mao is a major name, being the dude that did the China. And Hoxha because of bunker memes

Lenin stuff, more in how Russia was working economically during Lenin's tenure than any actual writing; I think I've only read Lenin's thing on the Jews once for some reason.

But it was kind of nationalize the things, seize the councils, and then maybe about the 20's and 30's look into letting up.

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