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Discord ID: 520882012911828994
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@Mr. X why do you stay so actve on here if all you do is get roasted 24/7
catholic leftist
capitalism is natural
when you pick up a rock from the ground you are being capitalist
when you bale a cake, you are being capitalist
when you consume air privately, you are being capitalist
my nigga farsi got his own channel
this is based
silence, moderate
what the hell
marx might have given birth to a flop of an ideology, but he was a based political commentator
read his essay on the 1852 coup
and of course, there's his completion of hegel
Don't push anti-communism to the point of being a sectarian idiot who calls everything related to communism utter garbage
hello ladies
It's true that the septentrional German barbarian cannot compare to the mediterranean overman...
Nietzsche complains that the German beast has been vilified by weak Christianity, but one cannot really go down after being a nordcuck.
The only good nordcucks are the devout separatists from Brittany!
I mean, we have everything we need over here
salt butter
And NOT the salt tax!
Even as a republican, I still have some irrational attachment to the Chouannerie
Bretons will never be ruled
we know you're a royaltycuck @ฮตรฏะท irma ฮตรฏะท
christians are kikes
anticlerical nationalism is based
have the priests lined up and given the wall
femoids reee
@ฮตรฏะท irma ฮตรฏะท are you black
because black bulls have big dicks unlike wh*te bois
let's go brothers
Yee Haw ๐ค
I cannot stress this enough
terreur is what we need
the sleepless kike is here fellas
I know
you're @The Big Oof's alt
talk about society
but it's funny
because we live in one
a paradox...
there would be no way for him to rise up
so how'd everyone from p&p mass migrate here
haha don't you know that commies hate jews because le nazbol gang really makes you think
let's all migrate to MySpace
so tumblr is just porn now huh
you may laugh
but these self-proclaimed "national liberals" actually exist
EU socialism
interesting take
germans aren't human
@AdorableStormtrooper wtfrick?
I am a proud Breton my man
bourgeoisie is a based 1789 concept
bourgeoisie bad :DDD
terrorism is based
imagine not identifying as a terrorist in 2018
legalists BTFO
@aymem this
the Law is all good and fine, but nothing stands above popular sovereignty and insurrectionary legitimacy
commies are dogmatic shitbrains who have perverted the revolutionary ideal
Mosley failed at life in general
@Xinyue what the hell, you finally said Something sensible
socialism is literally just meant to be the transition from capitalism to communism dude
not in a million years
@aymem people who oppose the EU are reactionary barbarians
made by neoliberal centrist globalist monarchist gang
what I'd expect from a ni*tzschean
federalism sucks
the republic must be united and undivided
Japan is dead now,it will either be mixed into extinction or disappear
>people who actually support japanese nationalism thinking it can be great again
Japan needs to get their own constitution first btw, and not an American one
@Buy me a pc what is the site again
real aryans are the tamils, indo european gang strong
anarcho-trans-feminist gang
give him the axe
you guys know about anarcho-botulism?
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