Message from @Res Publica
Discord ID: 522714307298066432
Anarchism is pretty much memeing itself to the ground with all these tendencies lets be honest
Anarchism is the horse that beats itself
Anarcho-Fascism btw, is just National Anarchism, but with more of an authoritative and faux spiritual twist to it
dead horse that beats itself rather
no need to kick it
Anarcho-Veganism dictates you need to change your language
Horse that feeds itself rather*
Anarcho-Fascism is still stupid. Sorry, it just
fed horse that feeds itself*
I get the justification given for it
but its still dumb
not saying anarcho-fascism ain't retarded, but i'm just saying it's just as retarded as the rest
breaking conditioning
lmao druggie esotericism
imagine being a fascist and boast about doing meth unironically
>mfw i was le esoteric fascist
fucking degenerates
there's this ideology called Borgism too
not sure if you've heard
@ImATomato it's pretty popular amogst some groups
you guys know about anarcho-botulism?
is it luxemborgism without the luxe?
<:hangthink:520000469532278788> 🔫
isn't botulism the botox thing?
apparently the Borgist views the Borg from Star Trek as good thing
not sure why
gay af fam
yes they exist
i don't understand star trek and star wars
it's so liberal... and too modern...
very anti-human, very anti-everything, and pro everything that sucks
I'd be a Maoist... but it's too modern 4 me....