Stanislav Đajić

Discord ID: 272174684261318658

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@Mack Albion The problem I have with Mr Bond is that unlike Morrakiu, he doesn't use rap unironically.

It's just straightforward pro-white propaganda... Set to a jungle beat.

@Mack Albion Conceding anything to wiggerism is triggering to me, but I wouldn't counter-signal it if it actually drew good people who happened to listen to rap.

@Ignis Faatus Dickie confirmed for being into Greek stuff. <:pepe:321791202578006017>

(That was a gay joke, you plebs)

Also, inb4 thats a roman toga

Does cracking open a cold one with the goys count?

I do have fairly specific plans which it helps to have someone to get feedback on IRL, which is really the best form of communication.

Oh yeah, I am doing a lot of bodyweight exercises and possibly some gun maintenance.

So, how about that Third Intifada?

I have to say I feel sorry for the Palestinians as much as I can for browns who I def wouldn't want for neighbors. Every few years it's like "This time it'll work!"

Hezbollah is another story.

@Aaron - VA Tired of gay niggers? Don't want to live with them on the outside either? Join American Vanguard — Meeting @ 3:00 outside the commissary

@wyatt Punking Toads Nationalism

Yeah, nah, I'm not paying $100 for a party on top of travel and rental expenses, PPE, dress code clothes, etc.

I keep a Welrod pistol up my ass; the trigger mechanism is actuated by a thin steel cable that runs up my digestive tract and is anchored in my tongue.

@Americana - MD Don't worry it's California-legal.

@MadDimension Is there a ramp for the Threepers' mobility scooters?

(spicy OC btw)

@Americana - MD If I had at least 4 goys, we could start renting a small house in NOVA or get a mortgage. I've got 2, including me.

My buddy here in Fairfax Co was in a frat and wants to set it up along similar lines. I agree.

Richard Spencer grew up in Texas, guys!

@Edelweiss DM Erika.

@Hand Banana We can't judge you when even high leaders of the alt-right like Mike Enoch have fallen for the Khazar milkers.

Go to Hampton Roads and buy up all the fighting pit bulls the niggers breed.

2017-07-27 00:47:50 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #news]  

@JohnnyMonoxide You're the TRS conspiracy guy... Get it together dude.

@boilerplate#6579 LMAO a yid named after something they hate

@SmartShot I'll keep you in mind for someone I am trying to get to this thing, from Hartford Co.

@lolyouwish Brandon? We need you to *cue accent* PUT ON THE MASK for C-ville.

@Herrenvolk - MD They're trying to block corporate and institutional divestment from (((Our Greatest Alley))), not criminalize individual protest, but the fact that they're even considering this is big.

Absolutely, but you need to know what you're actually protesting.

I don't want to see this (((swept under the rug)))


Anyone subscribe to The Patriarchy on kikebook?

I started because of the semi-redpilled trad content and stopped when it became all Sargon-of-Akkad-tier basic bitch shit plus Catholicism. I didn't realize how cucked it had gotten since then.

@JohnnyMonoxide You do know there are other people coming down from NOVA, right?

It's an offer.

Goy, do you know what weekend rentals cost in DC?

I'd make Italian bantz, but I'm part Calabrese and they are actually as cheap as the Scots-Irish.

He's a union electrician so I guess it doesn't really hurt, but if he's flying in about 10 minutes from where two goys live, and his arrival/departure from Charlottesville will be the same as ours, it just seems like it would save a lot of shekels. Gas costs, too.

@Stanislav Đajić I think the goy whomsts car it is is a Paranormies fan (I am too), so he might be amenable to dropping you off in Richmond. I myself will be going down to TN.

That's some decent trolling. Those atomwaffen kids are special.

@Conway - OK That's an SKS. <:tucker:321808699435778060>

2017-08-10 03:12:21 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #news]  

@PureDureSure Unfortunately, GP is clickbait, but if it's real I wouldn't be surprised if no one wanted to cover it.

I'll probably be sticking around through Sunday. I got memed into doing a thing.

@Boru How long are you staying?

I'm one of at least two goys from Vienna.

2017-08-10 03:45:49 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #news]  

@Vanguard Normie news is usually full of shit of course.

2017-08-10 03:46:08 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #news]  

I'm not saying THIS is, but you know what I mean.

2017-08-10 03:46:30 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #news]  

But we're the problem.

2017-08-10 03:47:17 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #news]  

I unironically cannot wait for RAHOWA. FBI, try to bully me all you want.

@ManWithTheHand K. I'll file that away for reference purposes, but it looks like I've actually got something to do in C-ville on Sunday.

Food prep/catering/delivery driver in the Capital Beltway area. Enhanced pay for experience. Almost guaranteed hire.

2017-12-03 15:33:00 UTC [The Silver Guild #resumes]  

@O.W. von Diez#1607 Looks breddy gud. I've learned that you are supposed to list education after work experience, though that may not apply when applying for jobs in academia. Also, why are you packing it with your education before graduation from high school? From an employer or admissions officer's perspective, I don't think that would be especially relevant unless you went to a specialized high school and/or had a high-speed internship in high school, i.e. going to a STEM-oriented one with AP courses and doing an internship at a physics research lab your junior summer.

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