Message from @Stanislav Đajić
Discord ID: 342104041926688768
I am not affiliated nor have I ever been affiliated with any such groups
So @Ignis Faatus were you really going to rape @Hand Banana ?
@Herrenvolk - MD They're trying to block corporate and institutional divestment from (((Our Greatest Alley))), not criminalize individual protest, but the fact that they're even considering this is big.
I fucking hate this country. The Shoah today fucking made me angery
I want to take it back.
@Stanislav Đajić IS it worth protesting though?
Like the Protest Syria thing in DC
Absolutely, but you need to know what you're actually protesting.
Yes I was
I don't want to see this (((swept under the rug)))
@Hand Banana do you enjoy anal rodent rape or fisting rape?
@Ignis Faatus do you still have the rats?
I'm scare
@Stanislav Đajić Think of the chillrens!!
Anyone subscribe to The Patriarchy on kikebook?
I started because of the semi-redpilled trad content and stopped when it became all Sargon-of-Akkad-tier basic bitch shit plus Catholicism. I didn't realize how cucked it had gotten since then.
I just had an extremely rustling meeting with the Charlottesville Republicans where they brought in a black guy to lecture us about "social justice" and "white supremacy" then tried to deplatform me when I tried to debate him
At least we voted in a new leader who won't counter-signal the rally like they did at Charlottesville 1.0
how gay of republicans to talk about white supremacy
It wasn't even a Republican. They brought in a black "social justice" activist in an attempt to "broaden the tent"
I shot him down hard and he left but I had some signally douchebag call me an asshole
black vote just went from 98% democrat to 97%
@MadDimension Kessler brother I'm really getting black pilled in my personal life about some things, but this event is pumping me full of energy. I can't thank you enough for the hard work.
@SpencerReesh Thanks man. I'm doing this for all of you guys.
Get a room
I'm joking, hail Kessler
Lol my mother taught me to be gracious. It's a huwyte thing
The last stand of implicit white culture!
Haha I'm fucking with you. I'm psyched about this also. Super grateful to the organizers
@Goldstein Riots It's going to be a standard fuck party