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2018-05-29 11:33:39 UTC


2018-05-29 11:36:52 UTC


2018-05-29 11:37:04 UTC

also escaped South Africa, the ultimate redpill

2018-05-29 11:40:02 UTC

You mean new Zimbabwe ?

2018-05-29 17:02:22 UTC

In Tommy's case, the defense attorney can rightfully argue that the jury didn't evaluate the case on its merits, but on how the media presented it to them, and ask for the sentence to be overturned. So it makes sense the judge wouldn't want media bias interfering. Tommy should not have done that reporting, in both instances.

Now, the gag order about Tommy himself, that was overstepping reason.

2018-05-29 17:04:10 UTC

firstly, i got into a bit of a debate with a person who claims that (after some reasonable debate) count dankulas case should not be given the same considerations as the trial tommy robinson was attempting to cover. it was my consideration that as a matter of principle, both cases should have been givven the very same considerations one way or the other universally. however they believe i am wrong. what say you well reasoned and not entirely trollish group of pepe's? (post above is reply to this one)

2018-05-29 17:05:18 UTC

I think both should have been given the same treatment, because both cases ruins reputation

2018-05-29 17:05:51 UTC

The gag order should relate to the grooming gang case.

2018-05-29 17:06:00 UTC

and i agree. i see it more as a matter of principle that one way or the other both cases (and to be more general, ALL cases) should be afforded the same fundamental protections by law to prevent undue influence, or none at all should. there should be no in-between

2018-05-29 17:06:04 UTC

How they decide what to blank out and not I have no idea

2018-05-29 17:06:25 UTC

Dankula's case had no jury.

2018-05-29 17:06:44 UTC

true, however they had one person judging the case

2018-05-29 17:07:12 UTC

and one is just as easily influenced as 12 or however many jurors there are in a british trial

2018-05-29 17:07:22 UTC

what science do they use to determine what, when and who can film what where and when?

2018-05-29 17:07:26 UTC

Dankula should have had a right to a jury, and receive the same protection against smearing by the media.

2018-05-29 17:08:32 UTC

To me it seems they just want the rape gangs under wrap

2018-05-29 17:10:16 UTC

It could be. We still don't know many details of Tommy's case, like whether they refused him to contact is attorney or not.

2018-05-29 17:11:18 UTC

It doesn't help that the usual suspects were trying to exaggerate/lie by omission to score some PR points. Like the rumor that Tommy was beaten in prison.

2018-05-29 17:12:54 UTC

i am mostly a centrist by nature, so i have conflicting views on most subjects, however in this case, the principled path would be to choose an 'either, or' option. either both have media blackouts regarding the trial, or they do not

2018-05-29 17:13:16 UTC

any partiality just shows the inequal method by which people are tried

2018-05-29 17:13:46 UTC

-shrugs- i know i've got him on the ropes as he's intentionally ignoring the 'or' side of my point

2018-05-29 17:14:05 UTC

either way i've given him enough of my brain power for the day, moving on

2018-05-29 17:16:39 UTC

The gag order is to prevent biasing the jury. If there's no jury, the gag order serves no purpose.

2018-05-29 17:17:34 UTC

The unfairness to Dankula wasn't that he didn't get a gag order to protect him from the media's smear campaign. It was that he wasn't allowed a jury.

2018-05-29 17:17:46 UTC

Also, having no gag order actually helped make his case more public.

2018-05-29 17:29:21 UTC

ffs our version of BBC outright lied about the Starbucks incidendt and said the policy(where you dont have to buy before using bathroom or be inside the store for good lengths) was that before the incident
holy shit

2018-05-29 17:47:35 UTC

i'm aware of that dko

2018-05-29 17:48:01 UTC

it's one of my arguments that either they should have the same media coverage, or not have any media coverage

2018-05-29 17:48:15 UTC

as it skews one way or another with or without them

2018-05-29 17:51:17 UTC

to make the argument more concise i made the point that 'you cannot eliminate all biases in all counts, but you can eliminate the inequity of one trial having more protections than another by affording them the same protections period, it's only a matter of how you might decide which version of protections you use. by making invisible trials from the public, or by making all trials visible to the public

2018-05-29 19:58:01 UTC

Shapiro argued that the whole thing about preventing jury bias is stupid, and shouldn't be a law. Even more so because the UK can't prevent foreign outlets from reporting and commenting on cases.

2018-05-29 19:59:20 UTC

Leftist pro imigration propaganda be like:

2018-05-29 19:59:23 UTC

"You don't want the wages to be lowered because of immigrants that are willing to work for much cheaper then you? Well let me as a upper middle class brat who never had to lift my finger in my entire life, except for when I am fisting myself, tell you how evil you the working class is and how I am standing up for the unpriveleged and hard working ~~only the non-white part of the~~ working class!"

Watch this scene. This was 1999

2018-05-30 01:14:39 UTC

@DanielKO @Sin Its beside the point A: he was very careful not to introduce facts and B: It was the final session, he couldn't influence the jury anyway

2018-05-30 01:18:57 UTC

And of coarse, you couldn't possibly get a report, arrest him, find out he didn't do it, find out he did something else, collect evidence, decide to press charges (pun not intended), find a court booking, hold trial, convict and finally sentence fairly in FOUR FUCKING HOURS

2018-05-30 01:55:53 UTC

Only a 4000 away from 500k

2018-05-30 02:01:08 UTC

What is?

2018-05-30 02:18:27 UTC

The Robinson petition

2018-05-30 02:27:44 UTC


2018-05-30 05:08:03 UTC

@Lion Hamster GMT+999994 1. in totalitarian society, it is easy to come up with excuses to silence people. he gave them the excuse they needed, the issue was not what he did, but that he violated a court order and is now silenced for it. at the very least that's my take on it

2018-05-30 05:08:30 UTC

2. it's GB, did you expect any less?

2018-05-30 06:14:25 UTC

He didn't violate the court ordrr

2018-05-30 06:14:37 UTC

They're claiming he did, but they're lying

2018-05-30 06:26:16 UTC

This is what's on the ballot in my state.

2018-05-30 06:28:47 UTC

Oh yeah, heard about that guy

2018-05-30 06:28:54 UTC

The Californian David duke

2018-05-30 06:29:16 UTC

Thatโ€™s what happens when you have one political party dominate a district

2018-05-30 06:29:52 UTC

Here's a restricted video where he starts off about the JQ and "dropping redpills out the bomb bay door of my the b-52 with my senate campaign" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxAMTc7q52Y&bpctr=1527663434

2018-05-30 06:30:10 UTC


2018-05-30 06:31:36 UTC

Heโ€™s destroying whatโ€™s left of the California GOP

2018-05-30 06:31:48 UTC

straight up calling Jews evil monsters and claiming to be second in the polls to Dianne Feinstein

2018-05-30 06:33:48 UTC

good lord this guy thinks 1 in 3 people in california is "woke to the JQ"

2018-05-30 06:34:33 UTC


2018-05-30 06:35:15 UTC

mfw I cringe so hard I almost go full retard

2018-05-30 06:35:30 UTC


2018-05-30 06:36:50 UTC

Here's the cherry on top, on the ballot, it says he's a "Civil Rights Advocate"

2018-05-30 06:36:54 UTC

what a fucking joke

2018-05-30 06:37:43 UTC

Heโ€™s so retarded

2018-05-30 06:45:47 UTC

As long as he isn't claiming to be a Republican or a conservative ๐Ÿ‘Œ

2018-05-30 06:45:51 UTC

Then again, they all seem to try

2018-05-30 06:46:13 UTC

Whilst simultaneously dissing conservatives, so I guess that sums up a lot about their mindset in general really

2018-05-30 06:49:59 UTC


2018-05-30 06:50:37 UTC

They can't claim they are fascists or neo Nazis or something like that

2018-05-30 06:50:38 UTC


2018-05-30 06:50:42 UTC

Conservative it is

2018-05-30 07:07:34 UTC

He's running as a Republican. ๐Ÿ˜

2018-05-30 07:07:53 UTC

Rip the California gop

2018-05-30 07:09:37 UTC

Oh well

2018-05-30 07:10:16 UTC


2018-05-30 07:11:51 UTC

Nuke California

2018-05-30 07:14:23 UTC

Part of me thinks "well, it's CA, not like an R can win there anyway"

2018-05-30 07:14:35 UTC

And then part of me thinks how Rs have been gaining ground there

2018-05-30 07:14:43 UTC

I'm guessing this is just the primaries though

2018-05-30 07:14:47 UTC

In which case he won't win

2018-05-30 07:15:06 UTC

I think Duke ran as an R once, and even got the nomination, and the Rs still told him to fuck off

2018-05-30 07:15:50 UTC

He also ran as a Democrat several times, which noone seems to remember ๐Ÿค”

2018-05-30 07:18:44 UTC

```Duke ran as a Republican in the 1992 presidential primaries, although Republican Party officials tried to block his participation. He received 119,115 (0.94%) votes in the primaries, but no delegates to the national convention```

2018-05-30 07:19:58 UTC


2018-05-30 07:20:15 UTC

Duke is a member of the 1% it seems <:think_woke:378717098681171988>

2018-05-30 07:20:17 UTC


2018-05-30 08:40:54 UTC


2018-05-30 09:52:18 UTC

One of the interesting points Shapiro brings up is how the French Revolution got it all wrong, trumping individual rights in favor of group rights.

2018-05-30 09:52:36 UTC

France was a mistake.

2018-05-30 09:53:46 UTC


2018-05-30 09:53:56 UTC

Honestly most revolutions don't really turn out too well

2018-05-30 10:02:43 UTC

>Honestly most revolutions don't really turn out too well
no shit

2018-05-30 10:03:00 UTC

you're just burning everything down around you

2018-05-30 10:06:35 UTC

He contrasts with the American revolution, that got individual rights over collective rights.

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