
Discord ID: 550157829231869952

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2019-02-28 06:03:09 UTC

2019-02-28 07:15:44 UTC

2019-02-28 07:26:52 UTC

-drfine spoopy

2019-02-28 07:26:58 UTC

-define spoopy

2019-02-28 07:26:58 UTC

**Spoopy**: Something that is [funny] and [spooky] at [the same] time.
*"I saw [a ghost] [fall down the stairs] today, it was so [spoopy]."*
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2019-02-28 07:48:07 UTC

2019-02-28 07:57:37 UTC

2019-02-28 08:58:11 UTC

-define cow

2019-02-28 08:58:11 UTC

**cow**: Someone who [blocks] the aisles in a [grocery store] with their massive [girth].
*Get [the hell] out of [my way] you [fucking cow]!*
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2019-02-28 08:58:16 UTC


2019-02-28 09:00:20 UTC

-define pig

2019-02-28 09:00:21 UTC

**pig**: a [officer] of [the law]

*[Want] another [donut] [PIG].*
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2019-02-28 09:00:50 UTC

-define goat

2019-02-28 09:00:50 UTC

**goat**: [Greatest]

(like [tight], [the best])
*Those [shoes] are [G.o.a.t].*
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2019-02-28 09:01:06 UTC

-define calculus

2019-02-28 09:01:11 UTC

**calculus**: Calculus is how we know everything about everything, except sex, maybe.

It is also a name for the page and a half of [indecipherable] foreplay used in university physics [textbooks] before they give you [the formula] for something.
*[Engineering student]: I forgot [the formula] for the volume of a sphere, but I was able to figure it out from the area of a circle using calculus.
Non-engineering student: I looked in the back of [the textbook].*
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2019-02-28 09:01:49 UTC

-define organic chemistry

2019-02-28 09:01:49 UTC

**organic chemistry**: A class that [rapes] the shit out of you and your [GPA]. Learn useful things like deprotonating your mom [and what not] to do after college
*The organic chemistry did me [in the butt] and I [bent over] [for it].*
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2019-02-28 09:02:01 UTC


2019-02-28 09:02:16 UTC

I dont know shit in Organic

2019-02-28 09:02:33 UTC

-define trigonometry

2019-02-28 09:02:33 UTC

**Trigonometry**: The study of how [the angles] and [lengths] of a [triangle] relate to each other.
*Want to find the height of a tall building or the length of an [underground tunnel], without actually measuring them? Thanks to [trigonometry], you can get a pretty good [approximation] of these measurements.*
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2019-02-28 14:19:31 UTC

-define Amadeus

2019-02-28 14:19:31 UTC

**Amadeus**: A [bad ass] movie about [Mozart]. It won 8 [Academy Awards] including best picture.
*My [class] watched Amadeus in [music] class.*
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2019-02-28 14:22:15 UTC

-define 24th

2019-02-28 14:22:15 UTC

**24th base**: [Picking up] a random person on the side of the street, [raping] them, and then having them [enjoy it]. therefore not considered rape afterwards.
*Guy: Hey, I got to 24th base.
Guys friend: [Sooo] [did that] [work out] for you?
Guy: yeah, I'm meeting her tomorrow...*
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2019-02-28 14:23:06 UTC

-define joji

2019-02-28 14:23:06 UTC

**Joji**: A beautiful, [talented], funny, and drop-dead [gorgeous] person; he's [mostly] known for being 'Filthy Frank'.
*[Person 1]: [Whoa], [look], it's Joji!*
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2019-02-28 14:23:14 UTC


2019-02-28 14:23:16 UTC

2019-02-28 14:23:25 UTC

Can I hit 24th base with chad? <:thonk:511590628866654209>

2019-02-28 14:24:10 UTC

-define no

2019-02-28 14:24:10 UTC

**no**: [The word] that makes [sex] [rape].
*[Lets fuck].
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2019-02-28 14:24:36 UTC

Fuuuuucking hell

2019-02-28 14:24:39 UTC

-define hell

2019-02-28 14:24:39 UTC

**Hell**: [School].
*[School] is [hell].*
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2019-02-28 14:24:48 UTC

-define humanity

2019-02-28 14:24:48 UTC

**Humanity**: 1: [the living end].
2: a walking disease.
3: [beyond good and evil].
4: the [flesh] that never rests.
*"My hatred for humanity has reached an [all time high]."
[The Berzerker] - [February]*
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2019-02-28 14:24:50 UTC

-define heaveb

2019-02-28 14:24:50 UTC

No result :(

2019-02-28 14:24:56 UTC

-define heaven

2019-02-28 14:24:56 UTC

**Heaven**: An [eternal] home where Christians are at home with Jesus, who boldly claims that "I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"โ€”a statement that angers Muslims who believe that [Prophet Mohammed] is the only way to [Allah].
*Jesus told his disciples before his death and [resurrection] that heaven is where he was [heading] to, and that they could be there too, if they [abide] in Him and He in them.*
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2019-02-28 14:25:04 UTC

-define islam

2019-02-28 14:25:04 UTC

**Islam**: Islam is a universalizing Abrahamic monotheistic religion teaching that there is only one God and that Muhammad is [a messenger] of God .
Al-Islam (Submission) is a religion that believes in one God (Allah).

According to Islamic Tradition, there are five basic things that Muslims should do. They are called "The Five Pillars of Islam":

[Tawheed]: The Testimony (faith in English) is the core of the Muslim belief that there is no god but Allah himself, and that Muhammad is his last messenger.
Salaat: Muslims pray five times per day, at special times of the day.

Zakaat: Muslims who have money must give 1/40th of their money (charity in English) to help people who do not have money or need help.
Sawm or Siyam: Fasting during Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic year. Muslims do not eat or drink from dawn till sunset for one lunar month.

[Hajj] (Pilgrimage in English): During the month of Zulkaedah, the 12th month of the Islamic Calendar is [the pilgrimage] season where many Muslims go to Mecca, the holiest city of Islam
Muslims pray in a place of worship called the mosque. A mosque is called a masjid in Arabic.

*Women have a great and honored place in Islam, [Quran] has a chapter titled "Women" and another chapter titled "[Mariam]" which is [a testament to] the importance of women in Quran.
*His [name] is [Khaled] , he converted to Islam and became a [muslim].*
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2019-02-28 14:25:07 UTC

-define consent

2019-02-28 14:25:07 UTC

**consent**: getting permission for touching, kissing, or various sexual behaviors. [consent culture] is becoming a [wider] spread movement especially within feminist settings. If one does not have consent for a said act, the act is often considered [sexual assault]
*"Can I [kiss] you?"
"Would you [like me] to touch your [thigh]?"

are examples of people using consent*
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2019-02-28 14:25:14 UTC

-define hinduism

2019-02-28 14:25:14 UTC

**Hinduism**: Hinduism is a modern reference to the many religious paths of India deriving from the Persian word for an Indian. Hindus themselves now use the term, though it is more traditional to refer to the [Sanatana Dharma]โ€”the Eternal Law. The religion is centered on the [Vedas] (the 4 Hindu holy texts) and the caste system related in it. Outside that core is a vast and rich world of texts, teachings, stories, rituals, behaviors, experiences, etc. A pious Hindu will rise early, to meditate on the god or goddess, pray and ritually bathe before the morning meal. Hinduism has many gods/goddesses such as Vishnu, Krishna, Shiva, [Rama], and Kali, to name a few.
*4 important goals in Hinduism are [kama] (pleasure), artha (wealth), dharma (duty and obligation), and [moksha] (liberation from [samsara], the endless cycle of reincarnation).*
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2019-02-28 14:25:23 UTC

-define sinbad

2019-02-28 14:25:23 UTC

**SINBAD**: SINBAD is an acronym of "Single [Income], [No Boyfriend] And Desperate" which describes a single desperate [city girl].
*She's a [typical] SINBAD*
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2019-02-28 14:25:25 UTC

-define homosexuality

2019-02-28 14:25:25 UTC

**homosexuality**: The same-same [sexual orientation]โ€”once considered a crime in the developed worldโ€”is today celebrated in pride parades, and even used as a sign to [gauge] how open and [innovative] a city or country is.
*In a number of African societies and "[Muslim] nations," [politicians] and liberal citizens can be [jailed], stoned, or even killed, if they're caught promoting or practicing homosexuality.*
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2019-02-28 14:25:42 UTC

-define define

2019-02-28 14:25:43 UTC

**define**: What [Urban Dictionary] doesn't do.
*[Jim]: Don't [worry] I looked up on [Urban Dictionary]
Joe: Urban Dictionary doesn't define anything*
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2019-02-28 14:25:52 UTC

-define sinbad

2019-02-28 14:25:52 UTC

**SINBAD**: SINBAD is an acronym of "Single [Income], [No Boyfriend] And Desperate" which describes a single desperate [city girl].
*She's a [typical] SINBAD*
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2019-02-28 14:25:58 UTC


2019-02-28 14:26:04 UTC


2019-02-28 14:26:08 UTC

Dont put in 89

2019-02-28 14:26:13 UTC

You have been warned

2019-02-28 14:27:29 UTC

-define egirl

2019-02-28 14:27:29 UTC

**egirl**: an egirl is a species of emo usually found on [tiktok] but commonly spends time on tumblr. can be found wearing pink eyeshadow with a large wing, little hearts under the eyes and a blushed nose. normally wearing some type of shirt from urban outfitters over a longsleeve [striped shirt]. commonly found doing [the me]!me!me! dance but has probably never seen it before.
*did you see that egirl doing a [ahegao] face [unironically]??

[yeah man]*
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2019-02-28 14:30:09 UTC

-define respect

2019-02-28 14:30:09 UTC

**Respect**: [Treating] people in a positive manner that acknowledges them for who they are and/or what they are doing. Being treated or [treating] an individual in a dignified manner.
Respect is earned and is never just given. BUT, you must give respect to receive respect. Meaning when you interact with an individual you treat them with dignity and in a respectful manner as this shows your character as a person. And the respect will be [reciprocated]. You must always behave in a respectful manner as this reflects on you, your character, integrity and values of who you are as a person.

No one owes you respect until you have earned it, so there is no such thing as I will give it after they [give it to me] first. That attitude is a disrespectful action to anyone you interact with as it insinuates that you do not trust them to [act accordingly], and implies that they "owe" you respect before you will give it. That will cause people to LOSE respect for you or never gain it in the first place. When you first meet someone, everyone is given the [benefit of the doubt] that they are a respectable individual. Questioning their integrity(respect) before you have even met them and "expecting" respect to be given without giving it yourself is insulting and condescending to that person and is judging them in a negative light when you know absolutely nothing about them.

To get respect, you must give it. So respectful behavior should just be part of how you act as a person 100% of the time.
*Everyone deserves a [basic] amount of [respect] as an [individual] until proven otherwise.*
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2019-02-28 14:30:27 UTC

-define android

2019-02-28 14:30:27 UTC

**android**: The famous Google made [operating system] for [mobile phones]. First debuted on the [T-mobile G1], android is used on many different phones. Much can be done to the linux-based mobile operating system.
*Guy - "Dude! That guys phone looks cool!"
Nerdy Guy- "That phone runs android!"

Nerd1- "I [got root] on my nexus, which is running android [eclair]! Now to [overclock]!"

Nerd2- "freakin awesome!!!"*
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2019-02-28 14:30:38 UTC

-define ios

2019-02-28 14:30:38 UTC

**iOS**: The [mobile] [operating system] for Apple mobile products. [Android] and iOS are direct rivals. Personally, I believe Android is better for more advanced users, and iOS is for users who want a more simpleminded experience.
*iOS is [developed] and maintained by [Apple]. It was created by [Steve Jobs].*
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2019-02-28 14:30:51 UTC

-define bill gates

2019-02-28 14:30:51 UTC

**Bill Gates**: [correction], his current stock is worth over $100 billion now. Plus he donated $32 billion to educational purposes. Hes [a good man] and a [philanthropist] who made our world alot easier through Microsoft.
*Bill Gates does not dress up like [P. Diddy] ...even though hes a [thousand] times [richer] than him.*
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2019-02-28 14:31:08 UTC

-define jeff bezos

2019-02-28 14:31:08 UTC

**Jeff Bezos**: An adjective coined by Brandon to describe something thatโ€™s [ample], efficient, useful or of exceptional quality by relating it to the [prolific] CEO of [Amazon] and the success that can be attributed to him.
*โ€œbro [look at this]โ€
โ€œdude thatโ€™s pretty [jeff bezos]โ€
โ€œ[wtf] did you just say?โ€*
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2019-02-28 14:31:33 UTC

-define neymar

2019-02-28 14:31:34 UTC

**Neymar**: the new star of brazilian football.
Equally skilled than their compatriots [Ronaldinho] and Ronaldo, Neymar plays for [FC Barcelona] in Spain. This call to become the next great player from Brazil in the 2014 World Cup. Regates improbable, shots are accurate and genius Neymar [cover letter]!
*If [Messi] and towards the front of [Barcelona] was dangerous, now with the arrival of Neymar, the team is [shaping] up much more powerful on offense!*
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2019-02-28 14:31:48 UTC

-define war

2019-02-28 14:31:48 UTC

**war**: does not [determine] who is [right], but who is [left].
*[war in] [iraq], the only thing that makes [CNN] worth watching.*
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2019-02-28 14:31:59 UTC

-define alex jones

2019-02-28 14:32:00 UTC

**Alex Jones**: A fat and bigoted [know-nothing] who has wet dreams about raising his own [white nationalist] version of the [Vietcong] to take over the U.S. Believes blacks and Jews are plotting to take over the world. Paradoxically calls himself a patriot while threatening the U.S. military. Frequently jerks off to pictures he drew himself depicting the Founding Fathers having sex with top members of the Nazi regime whilst wearing a three corner hat. Occasionally seen sucking cock.
*"You see that interview [Piers Morgan] had with Alex Jones? What a [fat piece of shit] moron!"

"Man, you suck more cock than Alex Jones!"

"Alex Jones has a tattoo of Hitler on his balls".

"Alex Jones has micropenis and likes to [get tea] bagged by tea bagging patriots dressed like a slave master from colonial times."*
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2019-02-28 14:32:13 UTC


2019-02-28 14:34:27 UTC

-define jeff bozo

2019-02-28 14:34:28 UTC

**Bozo**: A fluffy and lumpy dumb person who struggles through everyday activities like getting to work fully clothed and [in one piece]. Often used affectionately but with an [eye roll]. Said [bozo] typically wears tragically goofy footwear and has sleep in their eyes.
*today I saw Mary [the bozo] staggering to the bus stop in the rain. Her sneakers were barely on- they were [untied] and she was walking in them like they were clogs. What a little [BOZO]!*
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2019-02-28 14:35:52 UTC

-define tekashi69

2019-02-28 14:35:52 UTC

**tekashi69**: A guy who thinks he's cool with is LGBT [skittles rainbow] hair and is full body of 69 [tats]. but come to find out he's just [a weirdo] who raped a 13 year old and denied it and also he ain't about shit.
*Guy 1: did you [hear] [about that] tekashi69 guy

Guy2:: I hear he's [a lame]*

2019-02-28 14:36:06 UTC

-define jid

2019-02-28 14:36:06 UTC

**jid**: any [type] of [jewish] [child].
*[hey look] at the jids [running] to the jid [school bus] !*
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2019-02-28 14:36:35 UTC

-define NAV

2019-02-28 14:36:35 UTC

**Nav**: A word to describe an attractive male. sexy, [fashionable], Fit, HOT. short for [Navid]. usually has [great hair].
*"Man, that guy is so Nav"
"woaahh, [check out] [the Nav] over there!"
"i've [bagged] myself a hot Nav"*
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2019-02-28 14:36:47 UTC

-define drake

2019-02-28 14:36:47 UTC

**Drake**: A "[rapper]" who is really more of a [singer] than a rapper. When he tries to rap he just sounds weird and [out of place].
*Bob: Have you heard the [rapper] Drake?
Bill: [Rapper]? I thought he was a [singer]!*
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2019-02-28 14:36:58 UTC

-define travis scott

2019-02-28 14:36:58 UTC

**travis scott**: [A real nigga]
*"Only [real niggas] keep you [float]" said by [Travis Scott]*
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2019-02-28 14:37:06 UTC

-define ice cube

2019-02-28 14:37:06 UTC

**ice cube**: [Truly] [the wrong] nigga [to fuck] with
*don't [fuck with] ice cube*
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2019-02-28 14:37:17 UTC

-define eazy e

2019-02-28 14:37:17 UTC

**Eazy E**: Born [Eric Wright]. Eazy E was born in Compton on September 7, 1963. A former [drug pusher] and 10th grade dropout Eazy puts his stuff together with Ice Cube and Dr Dre to make "Boyz n the Hood'. Eric W. meets J Heller and together they form Ruthless Records.With a new label and Dre, Ice Cube, Dj YElla,Eazy E, and MC Ren, the West Coast gangsta rap group N.W.A releases Straight Outta Compton a controversial album of ghetto LA life. The group releases the single "Fuck tha Police" which leads to the FBI sending a warning letter to Ruthless. Eazy released 'Eazy duz it' his only complete solo album in 88. Ice Cubes leaves NWA which leads to Dr. Dre also leaving NWA. [Eazy's] career was in trouble now, with Dre gone no one could produce the beats. This lead to Ruthless spirlaing downward. In desperation Eazy signs Bone Thugs n Harmony, which becomes a huge group.Eazy releases tracks once in a while, but in mid March of 95 Eazy finds out he has AIDS and 10 days later he dies of [AIDS related] lung illness. RIP EAZY 63-95
*"[Eazy's] [fued] with Dre was heated but they needed each other Dre perfected the beat while [Eazy] locked the flow"*
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2019-02-28 14:37:28 UTC

-define 21 savage

2019-02-28 14:37:29 UTC

**21 Savage**: A [rapper] who sounds like he just [woke up] from having an intense [cocaine] high.
*[Lamar] "Yo [21 savage] sound like he be just [wakin] up from a dope ass rave".*
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1,198 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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