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2019-12-03 11:05:22 UTC


2019-12-03 13:19:31 UTC

Kinda cringe

2019-12-03 16:10:22 UTC

cringe is a fact that I belived that they exist as a kid

2019-12-03 20:45:50 UTC

i mean they are a fairely well known bavarian fable creature

2019-12-03 20:46:28 UTC

tbh its a bit odd to cut real creatures up and reatach them to recreate them, but to each their own i guess

2019-12-04 02:07:14 UTC

so i have these really weird fukin documents on my google docs and idk what to do with them

2019-12-04 02:07:17 UTC

this is what i have so far:

2019-12-04 02:07:32 UTC

**1st document**

2019-12-04 02:07:33 UTC


2019-12-04 02:08:04 UTC

**2nd document**

2019-12-04 02:08:05 UTC


2019-12-04 02:13:34 UTC

idk where these docs came from but apparently something happened and they didnt want it coming out

2019-12-07 09:26:57 UTC

firstly i want to apollogise if im interrupting anyone's conversation here.
i watched this video not long ago... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DY7DAV3MhvI.
in short the author of the green text claims he accquired all his knowledge of skinwalkers from a really old text file he found on the internet, which in some capacity must have been a guide for encountering a skin walker
i wanted to ask around
see if anyone knew of/has/had this mystical text file
or if anyone knew a good text file sharing or archiving site for paranormal shit i could look through where it might be or for other guide like information about cryptoids
i'm looking to investigate the existance or cryptoids
so basically im an armature paranormal investigator

2019-12-07 11:33:57 UTC

Found that one. Heres an idea. Dont. Nagoshi arent fun to fuck with. They are basically scary fucking woods demons that can steal your skin and murder your loved ones while wearing your face. Does that sound like a fun thing to zeek out?

2019-12-07 11:34:11 UTC


2019-12-07 11:34:13 UTC

Not really

2019-12-07 11:37:42 UTC

You have a button in front of you. 95% chance it makes you uncomfortable for 15 minutes and nothing happens. 4.99% chance you see something weird but afe just left with some ptsd and otherwise fine. .009 chance you die in horrible agony and terror. .001% chance you live and have an awesome story to tell.

2019-12-07 11:38:09 UTC

Is that .001 chance worth the risk?

2019-12-07 11:55:07 UTC

i agree with you

2019-12-07 11:55:23 UTC

and i am by a long way too much of a pussy to actually attempt this irl

2019-12-07 11:55:44 UTC

but still, i am really interested in researching this topic further

2019-12-07 11:56:28 UTC

if you've found what i'm looking for, i would like to kindly ask if you could share it with me, maybe in a dm

2019-12-07 11:56:36 UTC

i would really love to see it

2019-12-07 11:56:48 UTC

if you dont want to thats cool

2019-12-07 11:57:06 UTC

i only ask you let me know or offer an way for me to earn some trust

2019-12-07 11:57:11 UTC

and i wont bother you

2019-12-07 11:59:18 UTC

i'm not doing this for the glory of a story, nor doing it at all, but such a piece really interests me...

2019-12-07 12:00:35 UTC

i should probably correct myself in saying im more of an amature paranormal researcher rather than investigator

2019-12-08 04:59:43 UTC
2019-12-08 05:02:35 UTC

I saw the thread but it was a long time ago, i dont remember where i saw it, just a few of the steps. It feels irresponsible to recount a partial guide on how to summon a nagoshi

2019-12-08 13:45:41 UTC

well understandable i guess

2019-12-09 03:24:32 UTC

Had a really weird dream the other day that I was some forest skinwalker shit that looked like scp 106 floating off the ground, my family and I were murdered in the 1800s by the neighboring towns people for something we didn't do. I came back 200 years later and started kidnapping hikers and haunting the town. Some killdozer grade shit but super natural and people would disintegrate into a swarm of pests like roaches and rats upon my touch. But I was after some old dude who held a bloodline tied to the original people that killed my family 200 years ago.

2019-12-09 04:29:12 UTC

had a really weird dream or had a really weird trip??

2019-12-09 22:19:42 UTC

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsJywT0CQbk&list=PL00531A535CDCA7EE I think this should be the background music for a new video maybe

2019-12-10 13:29:25 UTC

Here's a npc thread

2019-12-10 13:30:25 UTC

>Imagination is a mental illness.

2019-12-14 00:17:49 UTC

Well i mean technically in some cases

2019-12-14 20:50:19 UTC

Found the OP

2019-12-14 21:03:01 UTC

>using your brain is a mental illness

2019-12-15 20:21:15 UTC

Tbh, sounds the average /x/ poster

2019-12-15 22:49:21 UTC

Holy fucking shit I was watching Hunt For The Skinwalker and a classic /x/ piece of music started playing. Felt like I was hallucinating.

What classic piece of /x/ music you mean?

2019-12-15 23:09:05 UTC

Aw hell yeah that one

Spoopy time bois<:skinwalkerpepe:490517089124089876>

2019-12-16 04:15:19 UTC


2019-12-16 04:15:27 UTC

Hereโ€™s that video

2019-12-16 04:17:23 UTC

what fucking language

2019-12-16 04:17:25 UTC


2019-12-16 04:17:41 UTC

Native Canadian Northern Cree Language

2019-12-16 04:18:19 UTC

buddy thats an indian guy from india trying to speak english

2019-12-16 04:18:29 UTC

It's got the gay

2019-12-16 04:18:34 UTC

This was recorded in Saskatchewan Canada my guy

2019-12-16 04:18:48 UTC

A place for good spook

2019-12-16 04:18:51 UTC

that is clearly in the tropic sub continent of india

2019-12-16 04:19:00 UTC


2019-12-16 04:19:26 UTC

do you speak it

2019-12-16 04:19:31 UTC


2019-12-16 04:19:40 UTC

Not very well

2019-12-16 04:19:56 UTC

I got red pilled

2019-12-16 04:23:55 UTC

You been the the crooked forest @Kori_603

2019-12-16 07:23:15 UTC



2019-12-16 07:23:28 UTC

Dreams and shit

2019-12-16 20:41:03 UTC


2019-12-16 20:42:29 UTC

what spells or demons should I summon to cleanse this earth off idiots and kikes that should not have ever lived and take decent, loving people instead of them, or at least let those live.

2019-12-16 20:43:42 UTC


2019-12-16 20:43:53 UTC

Just be sure to take that Karen fucker when you do

2019-12-16 20:44:30 UTC


2019-12-18 11:34:46 UTC

Watching some stuff on the mammoth cave system, specifically kentucky goblins. Fairly good yarn.

2019-12-18 11:35:06 UTC

Never really realized how big those caves were

2019-12-18 11:35:26 UTC

Bigger than many european countries

2019-12-19 21:23:04 UTC

@Sleepy Sauce?

2019-12-20 02:34:14 UTC

I want to know about the cave goblins

2019-12-20 09:44:09 UTC

@DisCrypto Alright, so I'm hesitant to link it because it turns into something else, and that something is. . .well, kinda cringey, but kind of brilliant at the same time

2019-12-20 09:45:10 UTC

as near as i can tell it's something kind of like the blair witch, but shot as a doccumentary where it's these people just going around chasing obviously bullshit and trying to fit a narrative together out of it

2019-12-20 09:45:43 UTC

and it starts out kind of interesting, but then continues to devolve into increasing levels of cringe and loathing

2019-12-20 09:46:10 UTC

and if that was the aim of it, then bravo, but i fear it wasn't

2019-12-20 09:47:16 UTC

anyway, with that said:

2019-12-21 04:01:08 UTC



2019-12-21 14:06:02 UTC

Nice crop

2019-12-21 14:57:34 UTC

When the blah blah FBI blah blah drugs blah blah makeshift traps blah blah shitty gear blah blah backplates


2019-12-21 19:10:49 UTC

@Sleepy Oh yeah, I've heard of Hellier! I've been meaning to check that out.

2019-12-21 19:11:05 UTC

Thanks for reminding me it exists

2019-12-25 07:27:53 UTC

Attic Goblin only within the last 2 months did a spook, which isnt suprising since all instances of it is usually lightning fast and i could have not noticed.

2019-12-25 07:28:50 UTC

First time anything physically owned by me has gone missing in those circumstances, assuming its gone where i think its gone.

2019-12-25 07:29:18 UTC

> mfw attic goblin steals my underwear

2019-12-25 07:29:28 UTC


2019-12-25 07:29:34 UTC

underpants gnomes

2019-12-25 07:31:25 UTC

I literally turned a corner for a second, gone without a trace.
I dunno i have some theories.
> ugly ass attic goblin is infatuated with me or something?

2019-12-25 07:31:39 UTC

It never bothers or has been seen/claimed to have spooked by anybody else.

2019-12-25 08:05:13 UTC

It does seem to be materialistic though, i wouldnt rule out that it likes what i leave behind on the purpose of not personal consumption but to attract the beetles i've seen leaving my attic

A few years ago there was a mass flood of black beetles and since i've hardly seen any.

2019-12-25 08:06:46 UTC

set a live trap for it?

2019-12-25 08:14:18 UTC

im not encouraging it with bait, im just going to let it live and let live. Im quite sure its aware of everyones movements in the house anyway

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