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2019-09-16 18:04:46 UTC

I did want to get into airsoft, paintball, piloting, boating and all sorts of other cool stuff. But nope. Work is more important than what I want to do.

2019-09-16 18:05:34 UTC

My dad didn't have one for years, until he finally did the stereotype doctor thing and bought a boat. Now he looks forward to race days every week and gets as excited as a kid

2019-09-16 18:05:47 UTC

@PanzerWrecker dude I play paintball, I go hiking, and I spend one weekend a month in the mountains. Youbhave to make time for yourself or you'll end up blowing your brains out

2019-09-16 18:05:56 UTC

Is a man supposed to be happy? Do i deserve happiness? Do i need it? No... work is more important than what I want to do.

2019-09-16 18:06:06 UTC


2019-09-16 18:06:45 UTC

My dad always says to contribute to society. I just want out of society...

2019-09-16 18:07:45 UTC

See, thats the thing lil homie, we were groomed to be dependant on the government and to fit into a perfect schedule, that shit doesnt work

2019-09-16 18:07:51 UTC

So make time for you

2019-09-16 18:08:17 UTC

You can contribute, but you need to unwind. Ever see a watch spring under too much tension? It snaps under the pressure and stops working

2019-09-16 18:08:32 UTC

Now im being yelled at by him that i need to get cleaning and stop wasting my time doing stupid shit. Its my only day off, i work more than him...

2019-09-16 18:09:25 UTC

*"we gotta get out of this place, if its the last thing we ever do"*

2019-09-16 18:11:02 UTC

Self care bro. Everyone needs it. I head to the range, and also find catharsis cleaning my guns for hours. Find those things that bring you back to center

2019-09-16 18:47:03 UTC

Guns, cleaning improvements to self

2019-09-16 22:51:09 UTC

@PanzerWrecker how are you now

2019-09-16 23:06:40 UTC

Ok i guess. Was helping my dad cleaned out part of the garage. Found his old weights. He said to put them back (as in we were putting things back so we could close the garage door) and i asked him "how about i start using them?" So now i have a weight and bar. 30 pound curls.

2019-09-16 23:07:06 UTC


2019-09-17 02:50:10 UTC

Guys, my depression has faded.

What tf is going on?

2019-09-17 02:50:21 UTC

Why am i scared that im about to play myself

2019-09-17 02:52:54 UTC

Play yourself?

2019-09-17 02:54:53 UTC

Like, i feel like i damn near already got too attached. Im seriously scared that I just fuckin teenage girled myself and fell for someone who just wanted sex

2019-09-17 02:56:12 UTC

I'm glas tjat worked out so far. But has she talked to you since or has he gone ghost?

2019-09-17 02:57:12 UTC

She's driving home atm. As far as ik atleast. She said she'd message me, and before she left, she said something to the effect of please don't block me after this

2019-09-17 02:57:38 UTC

Idk man. I feel traumatized by love, but like the way my brain ie wired, i damn near need it

2019-09-17 02:59:30 UTC

It be like that. But for now take a breath, do something else to distract yourself. And maybe in an hour or so ask if she got home ok. Show you care, and if it was more than a nail n bail

2019-09-17 03:00:12 UTC

I told her that i had a great time and hoped she felt the same.

2019-09-17 03:02:31 UTC

You have someone on your side

2019-09-17 03:02:37 UTC

Someone who you like

2019-09-17 03:02:50 UTC

Thats a great thing, man

2019-09-17 03:03:50 UTC

Better lose a loved one than not have loved at all

2019-09-17 03:04:07 UTC

Loneliness is a fucking bitch

2019-09-17 03:04:45 UTC

Try your best

2019-09-17 03:05:11 UTC

Just don't be like me

2019-09-17 03:06:11 UTC
2019-09-17 03:06:33 UTC

But ain't no use stressing over spilt milk

2019-09-17 03:07:32 UTC


2019-09-17 03:08:25 UTC

You had the opportunity to love someone

2019-09-17 03:08:38 UTC

Be grateful

2019-09-17 03:09:06 UTC

You may think its nonsense, but it isn't

2019-09-17 03:12:10 UTC

Ive had many

2019-09-17 03:12:26 UTC

And honestly, i think id be bwtter ofd without then ever happening

2019-09-17 03:12:33 UTC

I feel ya

2019-09-17 03:12:54 UTC

Tbh I'm at the stage where I'm ready to settle down n shit

2019-09-17 03:13:42 UTC
2019-09-17 03:14:10 UTC

I live a life without any fucking good opportunities

2019-09-17 03:14:36 UTC

Idk man. I've been so fucked up because of past relationships. They literally tore my brain apart

2019-09-17 03:15:42 UTC

And I lived a life having relationships with hookers

2019-09-17 03:15:50 UTC

That's all I got

2019-09-17 03:16:07 UTC

And It's disgusting

2019-09-17 03:16:31 UTC

I could imagine it not being fun

2019-09-17 03:17:14 UTC

But imho, id rather be alome than be mentally fucked up and abused by someone other than me

2019-09-17 03:17:56 UTC
2019-09-17 03:18:11 UTC

But you can always kick out

2019-09-17 03:19:00 UTC

You can't force someone to get into a relationship, but nobody you can always get out of one

2019-09-17 03:19:47 UTC

Idk, man. I don't think my brain works well around women

2019-09-17 03:19:59 UTC

It straight spazzes and it makes me a ratger easy target

2019-09-17 03:20:00 UTC

Neither mine

2019-09-17 03:20:19 UTC

Don't try to understand them

2019-09-17 03:20:41 UTC

Just follow the wind

2019-09-17 03:21:22 UTC

Its not that. I just trust them too easily and believe things that in hindsight, i should have straight left over

2019-09-17 03:22:13 UTC

Then your good

2019-09-17 03:22:27 UTC

I can't trust'em

2019-09-17 03:22:41 UTC

It's a nightmare

2019-09-17 03:23:13 UTC

Not really. I still get terrors and ptsd from shit that happened years ago from females that weren't worth it

2019-09-17 03:24:28 UTC

All of us

2019-09-17 03:25:10 UTC

Exactly my point. Why cherish those who destroyed you as a person and made you hateful?

2019-09-17 04:08:21 UTC

Enjoy them little things and stay positive

2019-09-17 04:10:38 UTC

She said she wasn't going anywhere.

2019-09-17 04:10:55 UTC

Can't count how many times I've heard that from basically ghosts now

2019-09-17 04:15:18 UTC

It might be true. Just take it one step at a time, and try not to worry about it too much. If you need us we'll be here

2019-09-17 04:16:14 UTC

I really appreciate you all. Thank you so much.

2019-09-17 16:36:47 UTC

Anyone here ?

2019-09-17 16:36:57 UTC

All ears

2019-09-17 16:37:22 UTC

The government wants you to think that the government is behind everything

2019-09-17 16:37:28 UTC


2019-09-17 16:37:38 UTC

Man I'm fucking stressed the fuck out. My art isnt getting fucking anywhere. Not that I aspire to be anything crazy. I'm just so fucking broke

2019-09-17 16:37:53 UTC

I know that feeling bro

2019-09-17 16:38:08 UTC

@Thomatorr, King of Ohio I produce music for a living and used to feel this way

2019-09-17 16:38:18 UTC

My manager is always talking about how to use twitter to network to people

2019-09-17 16:38:27 UTC

Been there but there's a lot you can do to make money at it

2019-09-17 16:38:33 UTC

What art you make?

2019-09-17 16:38:47 UTC

I make all sorts of stuff. I like to keep a varied style

2019-09-17 16:38:54 UTC

All of it starts with mindset and understanding who you want your clients to be

2019-09-17 16:39:06 UTC

I am just worried about not getting to training for the part time job

2019-09-17 16:39:06 UTC

Send me some in the DM

2019-09-17 16:39:21 UTC

@Thomatorr, King of Ohio do you use Patreon?

2019-09-17 16:39:27 UTC


2019-09-17 16:39:38 UTC

I dont quite get how those things work

2019-09-17 16:40:00 UTC

Sign up for Patreon. The website explains everything on how it works. Excellent for artists of all kinds

2019-09-17 16:40:52 UTC

Again, as someone who does high ticket freelance creative work for a living- it's less about tools and more about knowing who you're working for, what your goals are, and what you a want to be doing

2019-09-17 16:41:49 UTC

When I get more time I wouldnt mind getting a chance to work that shit out with you Hobbit

2019-09-17 16:42:21 UTC

Part of what I do is coaching but I mostly coach music producers like myself. I'd still be happy to chat with you tho

2019-09-17 16:45:05 UTC


2019-09-17 16:45:56 UTC

DM me and I'll send you a link to my call calendar

2019-09-17 16:49:27 UTC

I cant thank you guys enough for your time. Y'all motherfuckers dont even know me,and I sit here crying because you have all been so helpful. I've had people bullshit me out of art. Several people back out of commissions I started. I've sold my laptop,my old NES games,my collection of art books. Magic cards.

2019-09-17 16:50:40 UTC

Most if not all of us know what it is to struggle. I'm going through some shit right now that could end any chance at a quality life for good. We're here for each other because we recognize that that it's all we got

2019-09-17 16:51:27 UTC

@AKAlexei what's happening?

2019-09-17 16:52:31 UTC

@Sir Harndes don't feel comfortable discussing it on public chat

2019-09-17 16:52:39 UTC

It's serious, that's all I'll say

2019-09-17 16:52:49 UTC

Got it

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