Discord ID: 472964903330643979
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Ayyy lads
The magwell bugs me
No bottom rail for angled grip.... i wouldn't run it
I just like angled grips. Even stub ones
I like to accessorize firearms.
The only thing i actually make look good
Best carry pistol in your opinion, guys? Concealed only.
Yeah. At least im not a calitard
Im almost 21 so im lookin at different options. And i know video games aren't reliable for stats, but i love the looks of the pistols in bf4. Specifically the first gun.
Sig p226
Put a mini red dot on it, a laser or flashlight, and maybe a compensater(or?)
Thats what i run ingame and i like the looks
I live 45 minutes out of Chicago. The only time I see guns not on a screen is when i see police. Im not allowed to go to a range or anything...
Illinois doesn't even know its own weather. They say other states have patterns to their weather... ours does whatever the fuck it wants...
@Foxhound can confirm
And cali is ultra shit
@Foxhound not Chicago area...
I legit live like 45 minutes from Downtown
@Foxhound chiraq
I feel so lonely... i work so much and dont have hobbies or friends... and I firmly believe im going to die alone, a V, and before I turn 30... only 10 years left my dudes...
Vent closed.
Im not old enough to drink yet... and i kinda want to save the experience as my 21st is my golden birthday (turning the age of the day you're born on)
What would yall consider for a first rifle? Something that will work but not too expensive.
New acronym i made up, pip. Pedos in power.
He was taken off SW
He was. Like a week or so ago
No, he was taken off suicide watch and put in solitary confinement new favorite YouTube video
Noice ๐
I liek how music is spelled muisc
Yes my "liek" was intentional
A techpriest. Flesh is weak.
Yay democracy.......
Hey, what do you guys think of recommissioning ww2 era ships such as bb61 (iowa) and shooting white phosphorus or napalm shells as long range group artillery?
@AKAlexei modernize ww2 designs.
Even ww1 designs. Uss Texas 2.0 now with more anti ship missiles.
@AKAlexei you understand im talkin about the navy not the marines and army
Can we get the jp Jones image used in the pfp of the group? Looks amazing
Like the actual image, not blurry crop crap
Also, why am i a grass hut shitter?
We burn the thatch...
Not shit in it...
How do ranks work in this server? Dont really care what rank i am as long as im able to interact with yall, just curious.
Whats everyones favorite ccr song? Im split between "Run through the jungle" and "green river"
Why is the dogs eyes sensored?
Made a few gifs from scenes out of the Astartes series on YouTube if you guys want to see em. Theyre pretty shit though. Just a dark and a light screenshot made into a loop. Epilepsy warning.
@ me when ya reply. Imma be in other servers and probably will forget
Found these 2 as images for patriotic ear rape vids on YouTube.
Oooh innawoods
A few loadouts ive made while bored at work or home.
Ah crap i cant find em to begin with
Welcome boyo
Yes, yes yes YES. PRAISE the Emperor
Loadout creation. It is a game in itself
Am sick me bois. Stomach bug and fever.
Too young to drink. Plus i want to save the experience as my 21st is my golden birthday.
@queefburgler that sounds like paradise. Im dealing with a fever and stomach pain while watching Indiana jones and the last crusade.
I dont know if this belongs here or not.
@One Shot Paddy that i believe is a flashlight
@wendiko according to marvel .com i am the same height as thanos at 6 7
Almost 11 here...
What game?
What civband radios would you guys suggest that wont put a huge dent in my wallet?
Am sick again... my life fucking sucks. I can never get better it seems. Once I defeat this fever something else is gonna invade my system...
I feel like garbage...
Hello friends. Im looking for a relatively inexpensive plate carrier mostly for a costume and to use as airsoft gear. OD green would be very much preferred. Also shoulder pads in the same color. Already have a helmet. Im building it based on the imperial guard from warhammer 40k. Thanks in advance.
Dont matter.
I am a big dude
6 foot 7, i weigh 205.
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