
Discord ID: 292812979555139589

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2017-04-06 19:04:00 UTC

I picked up a vape for a bit to replace my 1 pack every 2 mo habit of smoking camel wides and it tastes like utter shit

2017-04-06 19:04:06 UTC

its like inhaling car exhaust

2017-04-06 19:21:20 UTC

i thought its plus side was the lack of nicotine and all the chemicals in cigarettes but the downside is looking like a fag and occasional explosions

2017-04-06 19:22:06 UTC

>lack of nicotine
no that would be pointless that's the drug

2017-04-06 19:22:27 UTC

oh then it's the other way around

2017-04-06 19:24:09 UTC

I thought the upside was not smoking paper

2017-04-06 19:24:16 UTC

but tbh I prefer that now to this

2017-04-06 19:24:18 UTC

its fucking horrible

2017-04-06 19:24:36 UTC

vaping is shit

2017-04-06 20:33:33 UTC

My answer to your WQ is this: if a chick is gonna cheat on a dude, she's gonna cheat on a dude. When I was a degenerate I used to think it was hilarious when I found out a chick I'd hooked up with had a boyfriend. My attitude was "well, might as well be with me" Now it just makes me want to start Mayhem posting.

2017-04-06 20:33:41 UTC
2017-04-06 20:34:15 UTC

I want to become Mayhem

2017-04-06 20:35:32 UTC

okay, well, the kind of expereinces with women that make you hate them even more indiscriminately than I do don't come without a lot of baggage, so I don't recommend it

2017-04-06 20:35:44 UTC

but if you insist:

2017-04-06 20:35:50 UTC

> pull chick

2017-04-06 20:36:41 UTC

> smash chick

2017-04-06 20:36:49 UTC

> take pictures

2017-04-06 20:36:56 UTC

> with her phone

2017-04-06 20:37:33 UTC

> send them to bf with captions like "LOL TOP KEK /pol/ STRIEKES AGAINSZ LOLZ"

2017-04-06 20:39:01 UTC

> after you finish tell her she has 30 seconds to leave before you start doing WWE moves on her

2017-04-06 20:39:41 UTC

^ Everything above is satire, NSA no bully, etc

2017-04-06 20:39:54 UTC
2017-04-06 20:40:03 UTC


2017-04-06 20:40:09 UTC

you KNOW I'm the cream of the crop

2017-04-06 20:40:23 UTC


2017-04-06 20:40:37 UTC


2017-04-06 20:40:57 UTC


2017-04-06 20:41:14 UTC


2017-04-06 20:41:23 UTC

bring out randy savage

2017-04-07 02:43:27 UTC

Latest purchase


2017-04-07 03:04:40 UTC


2017-04-07 03:04:57 UTC

It's good. Have you read any Hegel ?

2017-04-07 06:30:05 UTC

@Pathos - NY nope. What was his thesis?

2017-04-07 12:30:00 UTC

Spengler can be thought of as a synthesis of hegels philosophical history, normal cyclical view, and Nietzsche as applied to history. The first is just that Hegel divided history into 3 high level groups

2017-04-07 12:30:09 UTC

One is like observational history

2017-04-07 12:30:15 UTC

Like Xenophon etc.

2017-04-07 12:30:22 UTC

Accounting over time

2017-04-07 12:30:29 UTC

Don't remember second

2017-04-07 12:30:33 UTC

Third is philosophical

2017-04-07 12:30:43 UTC

Which is that the zeitgeist of an era needs to be taken into account

2017-04-07 12:30:51 UTC

The individuals philosophies and psychologies

2017-04-07 12:32:39 UTC

Philosophical history for Hegel, is the true way. Hegel maintains that with philosophical history the historian must bracket his own preconceptions and go and find the overall sense and the driving ideas out of the very matter of the history considered.[1]

2017-04-07 12:43:09 UTC

Iirc the term "Geist" itself can be traced to him

2017-04-07 12:43:15 UTC

At least as used in a sociological context

2017-04-07 18:17:55 UTC

I see where Spengler was influence by Hegel in regards to history and culture.

2017-04-07 18:18:32 UTC

I'll have to check him out. Any particular book you would recommened?

2017-04-07 18:53:55 UTC

Philosophy of History
Philosophy of Right
Reason in History

2017-04-07 23:07:51 UTC

I leave you with one final black pill. I need a break.

2017-04-07 23:25:40 UTC

@James Egoist what's the song?

2017-04-07 23:26:58 UTC

Thank you

2017-04-08 08:38:40 UTC

for those who spend time on MPC

2017-04-08 08:38:45 UTC

here it is

2017-04-08 08:38:53 UTC

in all its glory

2017-04-08 08:39:28 UTC

finally, holy shit pleasureman, how long does it take you

2017-04-08 16:28:40 UTC

>aging goons
They're left of fucking Rush Limbaugh.

2017-04-08 17:22:28 UTC


2017-04-09 18:51:27 UTC

There was recently a thread on 8pol advocating a brand name change

2017-04-09 18:51:38 UTC

they recommended changing from "white nationalist" to "white survivalist"

2017-04-09 18:51:48 UTC

and instead of trying to get a white nation, we should talk about white survival

2017-04-09 18:52:10 UTC

which gives us a victim status that causes a shitload of cognitive dissonance

2017-04-09 18:54:03 UTC


2017-04-09 18:54:14 UTC

There's so much going on here that we don't understand

2017-04-09 19:43:42 UTC

Maybe an avalanche of constant conflicting misinformation is the plan.

2017-04-09 21:55:57 UTC
2017-04-10 02:17:05 UTC

Monday morning: pissed to go to work, glad I have 88 mins to enjoy though.

2017-04-10 11:13:08 UTC

4D chess is codeword for anti-white

2017-04-10 12:29:47 UTC


2017-04-10 21:42:48 UTC


2017-04-11 05:25:27 UTC

How do we end the chad elements of our movement that are degenerate. Like having lots of premartical sex outside of serious relationships

2017-04-11 05:32:31 UTC

We get rid of buttmad incel betas an then no one has a problem anymore.

2017-04-11 05:32:40 UTC

I keed, I keed.

2017-04-11 05:33:47 UTC

I mean the only thing 'wrong' with chadism is sleeping with people left and right, some people even regardless of race

2017-04-11 05:34:16 UTC

We have to lead women by example. If we go around fucking every girl we can women think its normal and do the same

2017-04-11 05:34:23 UTC

thats part of why we have a thot problem

2017-04-11 05:34:27 UTC

Is the true hyperborean a Chad/Autsie hybrid?

2017-04-11 05:34:32 UTC


2017-04-11 05:34:34 UTC

im certain

2017-04-11 05:35:00 UTC

its the Ubermensch

2017-04-11 05:40:40 UTC

v v ubermensch

2017-04-11 10:49:34 UTC

I figured it out guise! Trump's betrayal is a ploy to get the alt-right to spend time among the left spreading dank memes thereby converting the left to indentitarianism! 1488D underwater Risk!

2017-04-11 19:18:44 UTC

@SledgeHammer tell chads to screw only hot girls so there's little point to sleeping around. Quality over quantity

2017-04-11 19:20:29 UTC

I mean, if you have no other goals in life then trying to secure hotter girls is better than nothing. That's more challenging than bedding any slag on tinder.

2017-04-11 19:21:26 UTC

One first prize trophy is better than multiple participation ones.

2017-04-11 19:22:19 UTC

"Wow you screwed a bunch of fatties. Way to go bro" said sarcastically

2017-04-11 19:23:47 UTC

Ive been doing that. The problem is when they score a hot chick they do the same they do to the fattie, pump and dump

2017-04-11 22:25:58 UTC
2017-04-12 03:35:18 UTC

Night guys. I have to split. Early day tomorrow.

2017-04-12 20:44:12 UTC

@Evan Z. The Left will be forever scared as long as Trump is in power, if he turns 360 degrees and walks away from his bullshit, he MIGHT just be salvagable, but I would not think this likely considering what we have seen.

2017-04-12 20:44:21 UTC

They are getting more comfy because they know he's fucking up

2017-04-12 20:45:00 UTC

They'll be smug again, but unlike us, they'll oversmug and lose any form of foresight, they'll be blinded by their own ego like we have often seen when things go not our way but rather a kike'd way.

2017-04-12 20:45:32 UTC


2017-04-12 20:46:22 UTC

Yes we had our whitepill, we deserved it. We fought hard to get a man who we thought was the best choice, considering our options we did the right thing... But now is the time for hard truths to settle in and while we should not be blackpilled outright, we must be skeptical as always. Trump was never /ourguy/, he was but a bastion we prepped up to try and fix America, he is certainly not a win win situation and we must fight on to ensure that we still have a chance.

2017-04-12 20:52:19 UTC

the only cure for black pills is networking in IRL. creating your local AR group and growing membership. then partnering with other AR groups across the country.

771 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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