
Discord ID: 212771228966977536

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2017-04-11 05:24:44 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Daily reminder, US cars are absolute garbage.

How do we end the chad elements of our movement that are degenerate. Like having lots of premartical sex outside of serious relationships

2017-04-11 05:27:35 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Carry a firearm gentlemen

2017-04-11 05:28:28 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


I mean the only thing 'wrong' with chadism is sleeping with people left and right, some people even regardless of race

We have to lead women by example. If we go around fucking every girl we can women think its normal and do the same

thats part of why we have a thot problem


im certain

its the Ubermensch

2017-04-11 05:43:07 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-04-11 05:43:12 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-04-11 05:44:04 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-04-11 05:44:15 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-04-11 05:46:16 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

looks like this

2017-04-11 05:46:21 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

but more fucked up Vanguard

2017-04-11 05:50:27 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

push to talk required

2017-04-11 05:50:46 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

You made it a PTT channel

2017-04-11 05:50:58 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-04-11 06:00:21 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

the defender is more than a car

2017-04-11 06:00:24 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

its a way of life

2017-04-11 06:00:32 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

the White mans way of life

2017-04-11 07:26:39 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

What is the purpose of life Andrei

2017-04-11 17:49:27 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Thot Genocide when Vanguard

2017-04-11 17:51:01 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

One for each million Jews that died

2017-04-11 17:51:08 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-04-11 17:51:48 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-04-11 17:51:52 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-04-11 17:51:56 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-04-11 17:52:02 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-04-11 17:52:08 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Divisible by 2 now

2017-04-11 17:52:11 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Whole new system

2017-04-11 17:52:38 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Link Russia sanctions

2017-04-11 17:52:46 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Is it old or new ones

2017-04-11 17:52:52 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Fucking niggers reeeee

2017-04-11 17:53:02 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-04-11 17:59:42 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

united did nothing wrong

2017-04-11 17:59:47 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

the cop went overboard tho

2017-04-11 18:00:07 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

when you a buy a ticket you agree to the ability of being thrown out and compensated to a maximum of 1350

2017-04-11 18:00:23 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

but because the cop literally knocked him out he will get a shit ton more

Ive been doing that. The problem is when they score a hot chick they do the same they do to the fattie, pump and dump

2017-04-11 20:17:58 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Punished Bush A man denied his chemical weapons

2017-04-12 01:06:34 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-04-12 01:07:21 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

what book

2017-04-12 01:08:54 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

TFW when i just saw him

2017-04-12 01:08:56 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-04-12 01:09:28 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Look at the butthurt

2017-04-12 01:12:19 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Swift look at a map my dude

2017-04-12 01:13:00 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

the one that shows every county in the US

2017-04-12 01:13:04 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Red Vs Blue

2017-04-12 01:13:07 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

its retarded

2017-04-12 01:14:09 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

No its not dude

2017-04-12 01:14:37 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Its only fuck if you continue to be a black pilled faggot and die in your basement without having whie kids

2017-04-12 01:16:41 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Have shit tons of kids

2017-04-12 01:16:43 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

make them nazis

2017-04-12 01:16:47 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

make them fight

2017-04-12 01:16:56 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

the battle isnt gonna happen in our lifetimes

2017-04-12 01:17:07 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

we have to have kids, and try to fight back with as much policy as we can

2017-04-12 01:20:45 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I mean he isnt wrong

2017-04-12 01:20:48 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

But I dont care

2017-04-12 01:20:56 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Fucking keep non whites out

2017-04-12 02:30:33 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-04-12 02:30:50 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

840 HP for 120k.

2017-04-12 02:30:52 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

WTF Dodge

2017-04-12 02:35:52 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-04-12 02:37:19 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-04-12 04:08:36 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]

2017-04-12 04:08:36 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Wew lads

2017-04-12 05:43:05 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-04-12 20:07:40 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

So wait

2017-04-12 20:07:48 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

What is this Burger King thing?

2017-04-12 23:21:13 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Putin needs to airdrop this to me

2017-04-12 23:21:19 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]

2017-04-12 23:21:33 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

With a Dshka mounted

2017-04-12 23:21:45 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I will hand paint the adidas sripes

2017-04-13 03:28:20 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Hail Hortler from the Hoosier Haters

2017-04-13 03:55:25 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@everyone Is anyone in this discord from the state of Indiana?

2017-04-13 03:55:32 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

if so PM me please

2017-04-13 03:56:04 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Im trying to host a meetup for the land of corn. Leave me alonee

2017-04-13 03:58:13 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

we will build you one to come to the hoosier meetup

2017-04-13 04:03:32 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

>I am a hoosier and will fight you

2017-04-13 04:09:54 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

well your wrong

2017-04-13 09:16:51 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Where can I get an alt right hat like that

2017-04-13 16:23:38 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Reminder @Brad Small stop being a degenerate.

2017-04-13 16:43:28 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-04-13 16:43:31 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

No fucking way

2017-04-13 16:43:34 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-04-13 16:44:46 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Holy fuck

2017-04-13 16:44:51 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I have an erection now

2017-04-13 16:46:06 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

No that's not it wyatt

2017-04-13 16:46:11 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

It's way fucking bigger

2017-04-13 16:46:39 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Convo your a fucking cuck

2,540 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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