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2018-05-31 11:57:17 UTC

bleh, the spoiled girl doesn't even come on that segment?

I wanted to see blood! ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-05-31 11:57:35 UTC

She's the one in black.

2018-05-31 11:57:42 UTC

She starts complaining and stuff.

2018-05-31 11:59:12 UTC

different clip then i think, this is just 3,5 minutes of momma being weak

2018-05-31 11:59:25 UTC

Watch what I posted.

2018-05-31 11:59:46 UTC

i am ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

2018-05-31 12:00:16 UTC

And this one for way more triggering.

2018-05-31 12:00:21 UTC

Isn't dr.phil just a more sophisticated verson of Jerry Springer?

2018-05-31 12:01:06 UTC

20 seconds in and i already want that girl dead ๐Ÿ˜‚

She spoiled me! she needs to continue now because thats all i've known

2018-05-31 12:01:55 UTC


2018-05-31 12:01:59 UTC

she is kinda right

2018-05-31 12:02:20 UTC

not gonna lie, i wish i had that much money every month

2018-05-31 12:02:34 UTC


2018-05-31 12:02:47 UTC

u cant spoil a kid and then at 18yo tell him/her to learn everything and earn a living

2018-05-31 12:02:49 UTC

But realistically we won't have people just throwing money at us.

2018-05-31 12:02:56 UTC

haha "My spending limit is now 1,000 dollar per month, i feel like a peasant"

2018-05-31 12:04:25 UTC

i'll agree you can't spoil a kid and then go cold turkey, but you have to start cutting off more and more and have them become self-sustaining

2018-05-31 12:05:30 UTC

but how do you even spend 1,000 dollars per WEEK for several years?!

2018-05-31 12:05:37 UTC

Teenagers need to get a job so they can learn the value of money.

2018-05-31 12:06:01 UTC

i run out of stuff i want to buy before i hit 200 dollars in a year ๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-05-31 12:06:08 UTC

More importantly, how do u manage not to live off passive income when u get 1k for free a month

2018-05-31 12:06:15 UTC

zero investment knowledge

2018-05-31 12:06:34 UTC

she probably just buys macbooks every week

2018-05-31 12:06:40 UTC


2018-05-31 12:07:29 UTC

well she said herself, its all just designer clothes

2018-05-31 12:07:38 UTC

prolly buys a new set of 500 dollar shoes every week

2018-05-31 12:07:59 UTC

she considers her 3000 dollar bag her baby

2018-05-31 12:09:03 UTC

I wonder if the mom is a single parent. Probably canโ€™t help that she doesnโ€™t have an authority figure in her life.

2018-05-31 12:09:48 UTC

probably is

2018-05-31 12:10:01 UTC

score 1-0 for the nuclear family? ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-05-31 12:12:54 UTC


2018-05-31 12:13:14 UTC

Bless the nuclear family

2018-05-31 12:13:25 UTC

Remind me where did the term come for.

2018-05-31 12:13:57 UTC

I'm hoping that term was coined before the atombomb

2018-05-31 12:17:20 UTC

Wikipedia says Oxford Dicitonary had it since 1925 or something.

2018-05-31 12:17:28 UTC

"While the phrase dates approximately from the Atomic Age, the term "nuclear" is not used here in the context of nuclear warfare or nuclear power, but instead originates in the same way as nuclear fission, from the noun nucleus, itself originating in the Latin nux, meaning "nut", i.e. the core of something โ€“ thus, the nuclear family refers to all members of the family being part of the same core rather than directly to atomic weapons."

2018-05-31 13:22:07 UTC

Bring back the 50s without the racism or red scare

2018-05-31 13:22:10 UTC

Boom, perfect society

2018-05-31 13:57:15 UTC

This might be a week overdue but I just stumbled back upon it. A 4 minute musical interlude for the shitposters:

2018-05-31 14:45:32 UTC

Have you ppl seen this

2018-05-31 14:45:35 UTC
2018-05-31 14:45:43 UTC

Great work lmao

2018-05-31 17:00:40 UTC

2018-05-31 17:05:17 UTC

2018-05-31 17:15:45 UTC


2018-05-31 17:43:04 UTC

Looks more like "generic block-folks at work" to me

2018-05-31 17:44:06 UTC

The person depicted is black, already pretty inclusive if you ask me

2018-05-31 17:44:30 UTC

Too black, if you ask me. Not inclusive of brown people.

2018-05-31 17:44:40 UTC

Are you implying black people are the ones that should be working

2018-05-31 17:44:41 UTC


2018-05-31 17:44:45 UTC

But black people should't be shown doing manual labor because it's reminiscent of slavery and that's racist.

2018-05-31 17:45:13 UTC

I can't even. I'm so triggered right now.

2018-05-31 17:45:24 UTC


2018-05-31 17:47:19 UTC

The thing has a white background, so it's mixed race.

2018-05-31 17:49:10 UTC

No, it just means you're trying to force them to work in a blizzard, you horrible person

2018-05-31 17:49:11 UTC

Nah, just means a black man are meant to work in a white world

2018-05-31 17:49:46 UTC


2018-05-31 17:50:27 UTC

Kept in a prison which the red border represents. Bit of a reach, but i tried

2018-05-31 17:50:40 UTC

in a white world in full control of the illuminati

2018-05-31 17:51:01 UTC

No, no, the red represents the blood spilled by white people to keep the black man oppressed and enslaved

2018-05-31 17:51:54 UTC

The white around the black man represents chem trails.

2018-05-31 17:52:01 UTC

I'm so close to doing a pin with "framed" don't make me do it

2018-05-31 17:52:06 UTC


2018-05-31 17:52:14 UTC

No, like Red said, it represents the white world in which a black man is forced to work

2018-05-31 17:53:09 UTC

No it shows how the white world has embraced the black man in their mid

2018-05-31 17:53:25 UTC

No, no, that would mean the white world isn't oppressive

2018-05-31 17:54:19 UTC

Well, the struggles of the black working man aren't thattwo dimensional

2018-05-31 17:56:11 UTC

the sign is meta-racist

2018-05-31 18:07:07 UTC

2018-05-31 18:17:03 UTC

what is it with these peaceniks

2018-05-31 18:21:00 UTC

Settlements just need to take on SuperMutant wasteland refugees.

2018-05-31 18:29:59 UTC

is that a real post?

2018-05-31 18:38:22 UTC

alliance building for what?

2018-05-31 18:38:47 UTC

"we have built an alliance"
"in case of?"
"well nothing ever happens so just because!"
"thats not really how alliances work..."

2018-05-31 18:39:59 UTC

"I will help help you!"
"To do what?"
"well, all we can do is build alliances so i guess build alliances!"
"but we already have an alliance. so mission accomplished?"
"so.... why do i need an alliance with you for then? there are no more alliances to build."

2018-05-31 18:40:30 UTC

You have to understand

2018-05-31 18:40:43 UTC

The only true enemy of communists is starvation.

2018-05-31 18:40:49 UTC

and reality

2018-05-31 18:40:51 UTC

Bread: The Final Frontier.

2018-05-31 18:42:12 UTC

remember, bread lines are a good thing

2018-05-31 18:43:54 UTC


2018-05-31 18:43:58 UTC

I finally got my shotty

2018-05-31 18:44:02 UTC

cleaned it up last night

2018-05-31 18:44:41 UTC

The gun shop owner was getting salty because I didn't want to buy shitloads of overpriced ammo from him

2018-05-31 18:45:01 UTC

He won't accept ammunition transfers

2018-05-31 18:45:16 UTC

Fortunately there's an actually good store locally that does

2018-05-31 18:45:57 UTC

I was just hoping the "Down the street in the bray area" gun store would have some semblance of helping people overcome the insane laws that currently exist

2018-05-31 18:46:08 UTC

He's now there only for FFL transfers and private sales

2018-05-31 20:00:13 UTC

2018-05-31 20:03:29 UTC

Eu will go even further

2018-05-31 20:16:50 UTC

2018-05-31 20:24:33 UTC

@Deleted User A few days ago I asked you to tell me the difference between National Socialism and "Jewish Socialism", aka Communism. The answer you gave me did not really answer the question in my opinion, but that's not an important point now.

I want to point something out, and attempt to answer the question you failed to answer yourself.

If you were to follow the literature of Marx as true as you possibly could, you would kill all Jews and genocide "lesser" races.

The reason I point this out is because you insist the Communist revolution was created by Jews to destroy western civilization (which by your definition is the white race). If Karl Marx was actually following some Zionist agenda when creating the communist manifesto, why would he say that all jews need to be killed? Is this some kind of 4d chess play to make people think it's not a zionist plot?

In fact, it wouldn't be too much of a leap to say Hitler was a better Marxist than our modern Marxists.

However, the main differences between Marx's communism and National Socialism seems to be "Honesty". Communism had a goal for a classless society, and used a dictatorship to try and achieve it (which it never did), while national socialism more-or-less embraces dictatorship. There are some more differences in methods and narrative, of course.

National Socialism is literally bootleg/rebranded Classical Marxism. You're advocating for almost everything Marx did, with the only major disagreement being Maintaining the Dictatorship versus a classless society (which never happens anyway).

Once again, I welcome you to retort. This time I give you a new question; If a large group of exclusively white people formed together and siezed poltical power, and then proceeded to enact every policy proposed by Marx-- including the genocide of all jews and the purging of lesser races-- what would you do differently? I think I already know the answer, but I like being suprised.

2018-05-31 21:20:40 UTC

Is this a shitpost?

2018-05-31 21:23:30 UTC


2018-05-31 21:23:33 UTC

this is a shitpost

2018-05-31 21:23:47 UTC

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What youโ€™re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as Iโ€™ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called โ€œLinuxโ€, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machineโ€™s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called โ€œLinuxโ€ distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

2018-05-31 21:25:02 UTC

can't confirm, nor deny

it's a continuation of an argument we had a while ago in this channel. was trying to get him to tell me what the difference(s) between National Socialism and what he called "Jewish Socialism". started because I though it was weird how he was shitting on communism for being socialist while he himself is a socialist

2018-05-31 21:58:50 UTC

Jilly Cooper, the doyenne of the posh bonkbuster, has given her observations on modern men: they cry too much, always have a beard and are perhaps so scared of women they seek relationships with men

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