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2018-05-24 03:04:54 UTC

2018-05-24 03:07:07 UTC

2018-05-24 03:08:50 UTC

2018-05-24 03:09:47 UTC

wait wait are we being edgelords here?

2018-05-24 03:11:02 UTC

๐Ÿ˜Ž I'm always an edgelord ๐Ÿ˜Ž
๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ‘Œ

2018-05-24 03:11:54 UTC


2018-05-24 03:25:41 UTC

I'm no edgelord, just a safetyscissorslord

2018-05-24 04:37:35 UTC

Looks like multiracialism isn't working for the whites in South Africa.

2018-05-24 06:32:13 UTC

2018-05-24 06:32:56 UTC

more as I find them.

2018-05-24 06:33:12 UTC

but that one in particular was like, 8 tweets, all responding to herself

2018-05-24 06:33:26 UTC

after hooking into DJT's twitter feed

2018-05-24 06:34:05 UTC

2018-05-24 06:34:24 UTC

People use his Twitter as a platform to gain more followers not to actually add something useful to the conversation.

2018-05-24 06:35:45 UTC

But yeah, the first, like, 100 tweets from Trump after the election

2018-05-24 06:35:53 UTC

all had Bess Kalb as the first fucking post.

2018-05-24 06:36:15 UTC

2018-05-24 06:36:38 UTC

2018-05-24 06:36:43 UTC


2018-05-24 06:36:43 UTC

Apparently if you make a chain of tweets it ranks your posts higher so that's why people did it.

2018-05-24 06:36:59 UTC

2018-05-24 06:37:33 UTC

Which is kind of hypocritical when you consider the fact that

2018-05-24 06:37:35 UTC

thats when the salt came in

2018-05-24 06:37:36 UTC

2018-05-24 06:37:57 UTC

she probably loved that he blocked her, for the publicity

2018-05-24 06:38:05 UTC

Oh, absolutely.

2018-05-24 06:38:16 UTC

But the thing is, he wasn't taking constructive shit from people

2018-05-24 06:38:23 UTC

Well i predict this is going to backfire

2018-05-24 06:38:27 UTC

People like this were just being abusive and degrading to him

2018-05-24 06:38:35 UTC

Trump is not the kind of guy that takes constructive criticism

2018-05-24 06:38:36 UTC

Bess Kalb is just one example.

2018-05-24 06:38:38 UTC

or any kind of criticism

2018-05-24 06:38:43 UTC

None of that was constructive.

2018-05-24 06:38:51 UTC

Just imagine twitter handle of next dem president

2018-05-24 06:39:16 UTC

Especially if its woman or another person of colour

2018-05-24 06:39:38 UTC

Like, fuck

2018-05-24 06:39:46 UTC

It will be funny to see sjw fuming how they cant do anything about it lol

2018-05-24 06:40:03 UTC

that first message, he's wishing the Bushes well, and Bess Kalb has to fucking trash talk him THERE too

2018-05-24 06:40:06 UTC

That's not constructive

2018-05-24 06:40:30 UTC

Nah she was fishing for retweets

2018-05-24 06:40:36 UTC

Oh, absolutely

2018-05-24 06:40:39 UTC

Sargon made vid about her

2018-05-24 06:40:39 UTC

We live in a weird age

2018-05-24 06:40:43 UTC

but that's not constructive shit.

2018-05-24 06:40:47 UTC

So, I mean

2018-05-24 06:40:55 UTC

And described her very accurately

2018-05-24 06:41:27 UTC

if we're going to make Trump's personal account public access, we've got to have a public way in for those otherwise banned

2018-05-24 06:41:48 UTC

but as u said he had the account from before he was president

2018-05-24 06:41:55 UTC

It just doesnt make any sense to me

2018-05-24 06:42:00 UTC

It doesn't

2018-05-24 06:42:06 UTC

But you have to have a contingency

2018-05-24 06:42:10 UTC

I prefer to keep it simple, and think she is a stupid professional victim

2018-05-24 06:42:10 UTC

Anyway declaring it public forum might mean that every politicians twatter will be deemed as such

2018-05-24 06:42:25 UTC

She's not even named in the lawsuit.

2018-05-24 06:42:42 UTC

If they are gonna declare twitter public forum, they should just be China and confiscate the company

2018-05-24 06:43:07 UTC

And the fact that they will not be able to block ppl will make it very lucrative to employ professional shitposters

2018-05-24 06:43:14 UTC

Hey, maybe now he'll use Twitter less. And his PR team will thank the Lord for answering their prays

2018-05-24 06:43:50 UTC

So she piggybacks her whole career on stealing traffic from Trump

2018-05-24 06:43:55 UTC

and then complains about it

2018-05-24 06:43:56 UTC


2018-05-24 06:44:17 UTC

look at the article

2018-05-24 06:44:37 UTC

You will have team of ppl just folowing oposite partys accs and derailing and shitposting under neath without worry

2018-05-24 06:45:23 UTC

And Twitter removing positive posts.

2018-05-24 06:45:24 UTC

Hey, shitposting is a legitimate form of political discourse.

2018-05-24 06:45:24 UTC

As long as they dont break rules any nonsense and reaction images will be legit ok

2018-05-24 06:45:33 UTC

Much can be said in a shitpost

2018-05-24 06:46:17 UTC

Yeah but it make sense for politician beeing able to currate his own social media acc

2018-05-24 06:47:10 UTC

Making it impossible is making it harder to actually communicate with electorate if the politician chooses so

2018-05-24 06:47:42 UTC


2018-05-24 06:47:49 UTC

the author of that peice

2018-05-24 06:48:02 UTC

IS a listed principal Plaintiff in the case.

2018-05-24 06:48:37 UTC

Very professional lol

2018-05-24 06:48:51 UTC

I hope he at least mentioned it

2018-05-24 06:49:00 UTC

In that article

2018-05-24 06:49:28 UTC

@Timcast should look at some of the stuff I've got here and confirm it, if he's going to cover that in tomorrow's video. (If he hasn't got that already! :P)

2018-05-24 06:50:01 UTC

It's an interesting look at the matter, anyway.

2018-05-24 06:50:16 UTC

Sure deserves a videa in any case

2018-05-24 06:50:25 UTC

Its game changer

2018-05-24 06:50:34 UTC

So if the lawsuit wins then noone can block anyone on twitter?

2018-05-24 06:50:40 UTC

And apparently, even among people who are just going to delight in the chaos that comes with it, there's still disagreement on which side is actually "right".

2018-05-24 06:50:59 UTC

which makes it all the more amusing.

2018-05-24 06:51:12 UTC

No just official political acc shouldent be able to

2018-05-24 06:51:21 UTC

According to the judge

2018-05-24 06:51:37 UTC

oh ok

2018-05-24 06:51:49 UTC

but then there would be a precedent that twitter is a public forum

2018-05-24 06:51:49 UTC

I think they might come with some sort of guideline for it

2018-05-24 06:52:01 UTC

and hell will break loose

2018-05-24 06:52:04 UTC

The way it's framed, it's supposed to only target Trump

2018-05-24 06:52:06 UTC

Maybe you will be able to set rules of conduct

2018-05-24 06:52:10 UTC

why I keep calling it an activist judgement

2018-05-24 06:52:25 UTC

It will require to either be expanded, or revoked.

2018-05-24 06:52:40 UTC

Either one is going to lead to leftist butthurt

2018-05-24 06:52:55 UTC

Yeah as i said it will very likely backfire big time

2018-05-24 06:52:55 UTC

It's a case of the left crafting a weapon, and not considering it's use against them

2018-05-24 06:53:08 UTC

This is the product of old laws that dont work on the internet

2018-05-24 06:53:16 UTC

RE: Hate Crime laws and Title IX

2018-05-24 06:53:20 UTC

IRL u cant block somebody from talking to u

2018-05-24 06:53:38 UTC

Funny thing is that i agree in principle

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