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2018-09-30 20:50:31 UTC

This may be contraversial on this Discord but I'd have Trump as our PM in a heartbeat

2018-09-30 20:51:57 UTC

Terresa May is pretty bad. She endorsed land compensation in south africa, seems unable to get along with trump, seems generally bad on free speech, and seems incompetant on brexit

2018-09-30 20:52:13 UTC

He told our PM how to Brexit and she ignored him. now Brexit is a shambles and she told the press Trumps plan and it was a damn good one

2018-09-30 20:52:22 UTC


2018-09-30 20:52:30 UTC

I was embarresed when she did that

2018-09-30 20:52:55 UTC

my best mate married a south African. her family has all fed the country now

2018-09-30 20:53:03 UTC


2018-09-30 20:53:32 UTC

Kulaks 2.0

2018-09-30 20:54:53 UTC

Yeah, I tell people who don't want to believe the racial stuff that their also trying to do communism sometimes that works in showing that there are really problems in the Rainbow nation.

2018-09-30 20:55:30 UTC

Of the people who could realistically be PM in the UK who would you choose?

2018-09-30 20:57:05 UTC

Jacob Reese Mogg

2018-09-30 20:57:16 UTC

or me

2018-09-30 20:57:23 UTC


2018-09-30 20:59:18 UTC

What's the deal with Boris Johnson? A lot of people here thought he was going to be PM after Brexit. As I understand it someone in the Tory party stabbed him in the back or something.

2018-09-30 20:59:24 UTC

is there any good arguments for immigration and diversity๐Ÿค”

2018-09-30 21:00:12 UTC

basically the Conservative party is mostly centre left now

2018-09-30 21:00:36 UTC

Only UKIP has free speach in its manefesto

2018-09-30 21:00:50 UTC

the Tories dont care about it

2018-09-30 21:01:18 UTC

the left put hate speach on the books thinking they'd be in power forever and the tories embraced it

2018-09-30 21:01:54 UTC

left are just usefull idiots.
pushing for litteral communism

2018-09-30 21:01:55 UTC

@Jasse diversity of thought yes. skilled, controlled immigration yes. the rest? not that I've heard

2018-09-30 21:02:13 UTC

oh the leader of the Labour party is literally a Commie

2018-09-30 21:02:36 UTC

the british communist party advised its members to vote for him instead of them at the last election

2018-09-30 21:02:38 UTC

Yeah I heard him call in and congratulate Maduro.

2018-09-30 21:02:56 UTC

Corbyn has not met a terrorist he hasnt become friends with

2018-09-30 21:03:22 UTC

He still touts Venesuela as a sucess

2018-09-30 21:04:05 UTC

Still! That's delusional at this point.

2018-09-30 21:04:07 UTC

So the Tories put 2 women up and a bloke when Cameron resigned and May won. basically she is our Hilary

2018-09-30 21:04:27 UTC

he still thinks the IRA were just.

2018-09-30 21:04:46 UTC

even though they blew up malls full of families

2018-09-30 21:04:54 UTC

rather than military targets

2018-09-30 21:05:35 UTC

he;s a massive antisemite too

2018-09-30 21:06:26 UTC

you know the L'oreal trans model that got fired for anti white tweets? he hired her as the Labour parties diversity advisor

2018-09-30 21:06:39 UTC

I do remember seeing that.

2018-09-30 21:07:08 UTC

oh and like George Orwell said: socialists dont want to help the poor, they just hate the rich

2018-09-30 21:07:21 UTC

Corbyn grew up in a 9 bedroom house

2018-09-30 21:07:38 UTC

but that doesnt make him rich aparently

2018-09-30 21:07:53 UTC

Champaign socialist, huh.

2018-09-30 21:07:59 UTC

they all are

2018-09-30 21:08:05 UTC

here at least

2018-09-30 21:08:36 UTC

or they are so deep in welfare they dont see work as an alternative so he gets thosee votes

2018-09-30 21:08:49 UTC

a bit like Black voters and the Democrats in America

2018-09-30 21:09:10 UTC

not actualkly helping but percieved as the ones that care

2018-09-30 21:09:50 UTC

I find it funny that the "refugees" have been very hostile to Jewish people and its been making the left anti-semetic. so much so that Jewish people are turning to the right in Europe.

2018-09-30 21:10:18 UTC

well thats mostly because the Left has a huge history in Europe of antisematism

2018-09-30 21:10:37 UTC

and they have finally pissed the non religious Jews off enough to switch their vote

2018-09-30 21:10:49 UTC

Religious Jews tend to vote right already

2018-09-30 21:11:18 UTC

That and now Jews are openly attacked by Muslims in london

2018-09-30 21:11:40 UTC

and the mayor isnt doing anything about it

2018-09-30 21:11:51 UTC

he just screams islamaphobi

2018-09-30 21:11:54 UTC

Oh the Gay Muzzie

2018-09-30 21:11:57 UTC


2018-09-30 21:12:09 UTC

he isnt gay

2018-09-30 21:12:19 UTC

thts haram

2018-09-30 21:13:14 UTC

this is our most left leaning paper:

2018-09-30 21:14:22 UTC

However, when asked to what extent they agreed or disagreed that homosexuality should be legal in Britain, 18% said they agreed and 52% said they disagreed, compared with 5% among the public at large who disagreed. Almost half (47%) said they did not agree that it was acceptable for a gay person to become a teacher, compared with 14% of the general population.

2018-09-30 21:15:11 UTC

Nearly a quarter (23%) supported the introduction of sharia law in some areas of Britain, and 39% agreed that โ€œwives should always obey their husbandsโ€, compared with 5% of the country as a whole. Two-thirds (66%) said they completely condemned people who took part in stoning adulterers, and a further 13% condemned them to some extent. Nearly a third (31%) thought it was acceptable for a British Muslim man to have more than one wife, compared with 8% of the wider population.

2018-09-30 21:15:52 UTC

so 1/3 think stoning a woman for adultery is either fully okay or okay in some circumstanses

2018-09-30 21:16:19 UTC

No, I am referring to him reading mean tweets. For some reason the one that stuck with me was him reading out "Sadiq Kahn is a Gay Muzzie Terrorist".

2018-09-30 21:16:35 UTC

ahh that was someone being mean to him

2018-09-30 21:16:41 UTC

Kahn had them all arrested

2018-09-30 21:17:18 UTC

Geif 1st amendment

2018-09-30 21:19:50 UTC

Yeah, The Muslims you guys have in Europe are way worse than any we have. Our worst one is like Linda Sasour, whos kind of just become a clown at this point. I suppose Louis Farrakhan is still around, but that kind of different.

2018-09-30 21:20:04 UTC

Sarsour is cancer

2018-09-30 21:21:04 UTC

I think after Jake Tapper called her out, the MSM stopped taking her seriously.

2018-09-30 21:21:27 UTC

she is practcing Taqiya very effectivly

2018-09-30 21:21:35 UTC

or was at least

2018-09-30 21:22:39 UTC

I got to go run some errands. It was nice talking to you Jes.

2018-09-30 21:23:40 UTC

you too mate

2018-09-30 22:21:12 UTC

```This may be contraversial on this Discord but I'd have Trump as our PM in a heartbeat```
You'd take a tree or Trumps Pants as PM any day....

2018-09-30 22:26:23 UTC

I mean, you can't deny the enthusiasm Trump feels for the people he reps. I imagine if I was in a monolithic beuracracy like the EU that doesn't really seem to respond to the will of the people, I'd like him too.

2018-09-30 22:27:23 UTC

Unless your in a nation where you have a pm and isn't part of the EU, in which case just the amount of money he'd bring into the nation would seem like a god send.

2018-10-01 06:31:35 UTC

@Jes the Labour Party equalities minister whom Corbs appointed

2018-10-01 06:31:46 UTC

Damn canโ€™t send pictures

2018-10-01 07:01:07 UTC

@Scribblehatch Move it here, I guess, since complaining is being done in General.

2018-10-01 07:01:12 UTC


2018-10-01 07:01:46 UTC


2018-10-01 10:11:53 UTC

@Farmersbrew Naz Shah?

2018-10-01 10:12:43 UTC

@Stefan Payne a Tree would have more personality than our PM

2018-10-01 10:26:51 UTC

With so many people here isn't this a Mass debate?

2018-10-01 10:36:20 UTC


2018-10-01 10:36:49 UTC

โ€œGirls need to keep their mouths shut for the sake of diversityโ€

2018-10-01 10:41:26 UTC

She's the one that said "move Isreal to the USA"

2018-10-01 13:16:55 UTC


2018-10-01 13:17:26 UTC

Oh if it's about the EU I'm out. Good luck to you folks but that isn't my concern

2018-10-01 13:17:48 UTC

its a UK politicain we're talking about ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2018-10-01 13:39:27 UTC

Yeah. Then don't care. Appreciate the clarification

2018-10-01 14:55:16 UTC

I just watched the Official Trump @war: Full Movie. Did anyone else notice Steve Bannon is the first name that comes up in the credits. I thought we were supposed to think he and Trump weren't friends anymore. <:TimThink:482277772497125378>

2018-10-01 14:57:40 UTC

It's almost like the media lies or something.

2018-10-01 20:51:18 UTC

U know something I realised. A lot of legal immigrants are worse than illegal ones. Becuz many legal ones just drain welfare.

2018-10-01 20:51:29 UTC

Which is rather ironic

2018-10-01 20:53:54 UTC

are you making a statement of fact? because I'd like to see some evidence for that claim

to me it seems like lots of immigrants do quite well for themselves, particularly asians.

2018-10-01 20:54:15 UTC

I mean as someone who knows many immigrants

2018-10-01 20:54:26 UTC

In Ireland

2018-10-01 20:54:45 UTC

not just asians, but I've seen a lot of legal africans (usually central) also become hard workers and do well (at least here in canada)

2018-10-01 20:54:50 UTC

The housing crisis is caused by legal immigrants and others exploiting the welfare system

2018-10-01 20:55:05 UTC

Illegals just give cheap services and are underpaid

2018-10-01 20:55:34 UTC

Obviously most legal immigrants here donโ€™t do it

2018-10-01 20:55:40 UTC

I just mean a lot do

2018-10-01 20:57:48 UTC

its kind of odd how people see that immigration causes housing chrisis and price of real estate to rise.
and banks value is directly tied to real estate value:

but for some reason people dont seem to be abel connect those two.
but why๐Ÿค”

2018-10-01 21:00:17 UTC

_insert libertarian view_ If people started moving to affordable places that still accept their skill set, the real estate values would also normalize

2018-10-01 21:00:37 UTC

In Ireland Iโ€™d estimate only about 3/8 of the exploiters of the housing crisis is immigrants but the rest arenโ€™t. I know someone whoโ€™s a bloody pimp who somehow has council housing

2018-10-01 21:01:02 UTC

And another person who faked being unable to take care of themselves and living in a council house and daughterโ€™s house

2018-10-01 21:01:09 UTC

like look what happend in 2007 when housing prices started to level out.
because population boom ended

2018-10-01 21:01:56 UTC

Milton Friedman actually advocated for unrestricted illegal immigration--under the requirement that there is no welfare system--precisely because they would feed labor into the system and not take anything out.

It's obviously impractical and not very humane. And it would still depress wages.

Usually, (legal) immigration is a positive. It's like having a positive birth rate of *only* people who are wealthy or motivated enough to move.

The housing price rise is due to demand.

2018-10-01 21:02:14 UTC

The real challenge is figuring out how to defeat the tendency of industry to cluster in excess.

2018-10-01 21:02:38 UTC


2018-10-01 21:02:41 UTC

The internet was supposed to be the lifeline to the rural communities due to telecommuting, but instead it seems to accelerated population concentration.

2018-10-01 21:03:45 UTC

In Irelandโ€™s case it is. But the bloody government is allowing some of them to exploit welfare

2018-10-01 21:03:53 UTC

And others who are natives

2018-10-01 21:03:59 UTC


2018-10-01 21:04:10 UTC

white people dont want to live around immigrants so they move to richer neighborhoods, and push real estate prices even higher.
and thus pushing value of banks higher.

2018-10-01 21:04:31 UTC

In Ireland there is good diversity

2018-10-01 21:04:42 UTC

Immigrants are heavily integrated

2018-10-01 21:04:48 UTC

Except for some Muslims

2018-10-01 21:05:10 UTC

they are horrible at being integrated

2018-10-01 21:05:44 UTC

The Asians and Africans and Eastern Europeans become 90% Irish within just 1 generation

2018-10-01 21:05:52 UTC

No joke

2018-10-01 21:06:23 UTC

But the Roma just kinda beg on the streets

2018-10-01 21:06:32 UTC

Is Roma a derogatory term?

2018-10-01 21:06:46 UTC

mouse born in aquarium doesnt just become fish.

2018-10-01 21:07:14 UTC

bad analogy

2018-10-01 21:07:15 UTC

U wouldnโ€™t get it unless you lived in Ireland

2018-10-01 21:07:22 UTC

humans are the same species

2018-10-01 21:07:34 UTC

Itโ€™s the last bastion of good immigration

2018-10-01 21:07:46 UTC

In Western Europe

2018-10-01 21:08:04 UTC

different races.
race doesnt change based on where you born

2018-10-01 21:08:21 UTC

A lot of the immigrants adopt western values in short periods and inter marry

2018-10-01 21:08:33 UTC

In Ireland

2018-10-01 21:08:45 UTC

do you believe culture is downstream from race?

just clarifying

2018-10-01 21:09:07 UTC

been through this before, better to not beat around the bush

2018-10-01 21:09:16 UTC


2018-10-01 21:09:29 UTC

I have never heard that phrase

2018-10-01 21:10:50 UTC

it's a way of saying one thing will lead to another

in this context, I'm asking if he believes people of a certain race will always gravitate towards a certain culture, regardless of external factors

2018-10-01 21:11:40 UTC

Thatโ€™s not really true imo. That only happens if they arenโ€™t allowed to be assimilated (Like in a lot of Europe)

2018-10-01 21:13:27 UTC

you can teach monkey to act like human. but that isint natural for monkey and it would never develop to act like that.
and you cant deny where that way of behiving originated from.

2018-10-01 21:14:08 UTC

I wouldnโ€™t compare immigrants to monkeys

2018-10-01 21:14:13 UTC

again, a bad analogy. you're taking two different animals are using them as an example for a single species

2018-10-01 21:14:36 UTC

They are a by product of historical mishaps

2018-10-01 21:14:37 UTC

literally apples to oranges

2018-10-01 21:15:11 UTC

Before many things occurred their lands were once the pinnacle of human thought

2018-10-01 21:15:57 UTC

ofc that was exaggeration of what i mean. but you get the point?

2018-10-01 21:16:21 UTC

What about second generation immigrants?

2018-10-01 21:16:25 UTC

I think it's hyperbolic

2018-10-01 21:16:31 UTC

Do u think they still fall under that?

2018-10-01 21:20:21 UTC

there are certainly differences between races, but not to the degree you can say for certain that some things will always happen with certain races. Human variability is too great.

It's much more sound to explain the differences between culture by tying it to the environment in which it was created.
However, groups of people bring their culture with them, so if you bring a bunch of Muslim theocrats from the third world and all have them live together in a new society they will maintain that.

2018-10-01 21:20:41 UTC


2018-10-01 21:20:46 UTC


2018-10-01 21:21:13 UTC

If they are assimilated and live with natives they can change heavily and breed together

2018-10-01 21:23:35 UTC

why do you think different race with over one standard deviation lower IQ will ever perform in same level as native populaion?

let alone good reason to bring them in in first place.

2018-10-01 21:25:11 UTC

I never claimed to believe that.

Nor do I believe "bringing people over" is a thing that should be done.

2018-10-01 21:25:21 UTC

Wanna explain the Flynn effect?

2018-10-01 21:25:56 UTC

what about flynn effect?

2018-10-01 21:26:56 UTC

taking it into account, Americans of yesteryear were over one standard deviation lower than Americans today, depending on the point in time you want to focus on

2018-10-01 21:27:33 UTC

But I assume you wouldn't compare Americans in 1918 to other species

2018-10-01 21:27:33 UTC

'member IQ normalisation over time

2018-10-01 21:30:09 UTC

we are all the same species ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2018-10-01 21:30:19 UTC

well, except the commies ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-10-01 21:31:40 UTC

there were comparisons made between different races and mice vs fish lol

2018-10-01 21:32:19 UTC

not even aussie had the autism to do that

2018-10-01 21:32:54 UTC

at most he compared different breeds of dogs

which admittedly would be a far better analogy for a race realist to use

2018-10-01 21:33:49 UTC

But normalization doesn't explain the Flynn effect, which now appears to be reversing

2018-10-01 21:34:23 UTC

And was prev. a steady ~3 points per decade iirc

2018-10-01 21:35:09 UTC

>now appars to be reversing
yeah i wonder if bringing 60IQ africans have something to do with nations average IQ.๐Ÿค”

2018-10-01 21:35:48 UTC

Again, if we're accepting the Flynn effect we accept the whole thing, do we not? Consistency please

2018-10-01 21:36:56 UTC

If your assertion is that immigration is driving down the mean IQ and that the findings are correct for actual IQ test results then we also accept that 1918 America was full of smooth brains

2018-10-01 21:37:20 UTC

I would reject both, personally

2018-10-01 21:38:36 UTC

yeah you are rejecting everything that is contradicting with your view.

2018-10-01 21:38:55 UTC

No, I'm holding a consistent position

2018-10-01 21:39:27 UTC

Do you think Americans in previous generations were less intelligent?

2018-10-01 21:40:58 UTC

few points.
but ways to measure IQ have also developed.

2018-10-01 21:43:26 UTC

so does IQ _not_ change over time?

2018-10-01 21:43:36 UTC

over generations I mean

2018-10-01 21:43:40 UTC

The trend has held even after the type of testing modernized

2018-10-01 21:43:49 UTC

It's only more recently that we've seen the reversal

2018-10-01 21:45:49 UTC

Who cares?

2018-10-01 21:46:05 UTC

so you think africans with 60IQ which is by the definition mild mental retardation level of IQ. will some how catch up with europeans IQ?๐Ÿค”

2018-10-01 21:46:19 UTC

over time, yes

2018-10-01 21:46:23 UTC

Well that depends on circumstances doesn't it

2018-10-01 21:46:38 UTC


2018-10-01 21:47:17 UTC

Some of the lower scoring countries have shit education systems, or no formal education whatsoever, and yet are within striking range of some European nations for IQ

2018-10-01 21:47:39 UTC

Environmental factors aren't a majority cause, but theyre not negligible

2018-10-01 21:47:54 UTC

What will you do in your life which has anything to do with what you figure out during this conversation?

2018-10-01 21:48:12 UTC

will you treat people as anything other than individuals?

2018-10-01 21:49:41 UTC

ofc i have prejudices. everyone has.

2018-10-01 21:51:53 UTC

@xorgy try to explain how third world immiration to europe is alway net negative and will detroy europe.

2018-10-01 21:52:20 UTC

Make the babies and build a fence.

2018-10-01 21:52:30 UTC

or convince them to stay where they're at.

2018-10-01 21:52:36 UTC

instead of waaah waaaaah waaaaaaaah

2018-10-01 21:54:31 UTC

not a refutation of anything

2018-10-01 21:54:33 UTC

(trigger warning: this GIF is not an argument)

2018-10-01 21:54:47 UTC

if you don't want a proper debate then don't

2018-10-01 21:54:55 UTC

What are you even debating though?

2018-10-01 21:54:56 UTC

Build the babies, have more fences

2018-10-01 21:55:07 UTC

race realism

2018-10-01 21:55:13 UTC

like the good ol' days

2018-10-01 21:57:03 UTC

I have to say though, building babies is good idea

create superhumans, ethics be damned

2018-10-01 21:57:53 UTC

yeah. appareltly IQ can rise to level of europeans. but otherwise they will stay at the same.
because IQ is apparenly all about environment.

2018-10-01 21:58:01 UTC

I just took issue with muh IQ meme. Selective usage of data is almost as bad as no data at all.

2018-10-01 21:58:14 UTC

Try not strawmanning

2018-10-01 22:02:42 UTC

Let he who is of superiour IQ cast the first stone.

2018-10-01 22:02:50 UTC

_hands the stone to the jews and the east asians_

2018-10-01 22:03:04 UTC

>Environment is a significant factor even if it isn't the biggest factor
>OMG I guess environment is everything

2018-10-01 22:03:32 UTC

lel jew IQ meme.
israel IQ is 95๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-10-01 22:05:32 UTC

ashkenaz, if I am left to be more specific

2018-10-01 22:06:40 UTC

Nearly every reliably measured psychological trait, especially IQ, is significantly influenced by genetic factors.

2018-10-01 22:06:53 UTC

Okay, that doesn't contradict what I said

2018-10-01 22:07:09 UTC

Come back when you bolster your reading comprehension

2018-10-01 22:08:30 UTC

@Beemann Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.
africans will never be as smart.

2018-10-01 22:10:08 UTC

>less common
>entire group is fucked now lol
Someone missed the gene in their pool

2018-10-01 22:13:10 UTC

@Beemann so how much affect environment has to IQ?

2018-10-01 22:13:20 UTC

Depends on who you ask

2018-10-01 22:13:35 UTC

Debated range is like 14-49%, shit's ridiculous

2018-10-01 22:14:19 UTC

Nature vs Nurture is a fucking mess always

2018-10-01 22:14:47 UTC

humans are just too damn complex

2018-10-01 22:15:56 UTC

there's so much that goes into making a person who/what they are, and we barely understand the components, let alone how they all fit together.

2018-10-01 22:16:26 UTC

all we can do is guess or look at broad statistics

2018-10-01 22:16:51 UTC

We have models that are decently predictive, but it's not locked down

2018-10-01 22:17:18 UTC

And then the question is whether we have the factors in, in the correct direction

2018-10-01 22:18:48 UTC

Like is IQ a measure of success on its own, or because it's an indicator of other factors, or the result of them

2018-10-01 22:21:29 UTC

`Like is IQ a measure of success on its own, or because it's an indicator of other factors, or the result of them`
can you elborate little

2018-10-01 22:22:05 UTC

how it could be other way around?

2018-10-01 22:22:16 UTC

Environmental factors

2018-10-01 22:22:45 UTC

Like you can get a pretty hefty difference between the shittiest of shit environments and the closest to best we have

2018-10-01 22:23:54 UTC

but even in america black IQ is one standard of deviatoin lower?

2018-10-01 22:24:36 UTC

and its demosntably false to claim it because of bad school.

2018-10-01 22:24:58 UTC

>America doesn't have bad schools
Cmon now

2018-10-01 22:25:20 UTC

There's also cultural and legal aspects that will most certainly lead to worse outcomes

2018-10-01 22:26:04 UTC

cant poist picture here but look shitposting

2018-10-01 22:27:07 UTC

Fancy shit != better education

2018-10-01 22:27:31 UTC

The US is struggling with education in general now too, what with Common Core being a shitshow

2018-10-01 22:28:17 UTC

I would actually not be surprised if negative Flynn was partly a result of schools going to shit in the west. "We" are doing a shit job

2018-10-01 22:31:40 UTC

Poverty and fatherlessness are also huge proven hindrances to success, so demos that disproportionately suffer from these factors will also take a hit

2018-10-01 22:34:21 UTC

Black children raised in White households have similar IQ scores to Black children in Black households.

2018-10-01 22:34:27 UTC

what you think about this one

2018-10-01 22:40:06 UTC

Um "The socially classified Black adoptees, whose natural parents were educationally average, scored above the IQ and the school achievement mean of the White population.ย "
"The high IQ scores of the socially classified Black adoptees indicate malleability for IQ under rearing conditions that are relevant to the tests and the schools."

2018-10-01 22:52:14 UTC

You wanna point out where I've gone wrong here m8?

2018-10-01 22:52:35 UTC

Malleability != static

2018-10-01 23:58:05 UTC


2018-10-02 01:02:31 UTC

Alright @Timcast . I have a criticism of the video about the Ford memo. It has nothing to do with your reporting on the memo. My main issue is with what you percieve to be the ability to deny or whatever a supreme Court nominee based on you disliking the opinion of that particular nominee on whether you thought a ruling was too restrictive.

The problem with the process, even with Merrick Garland, was the obvious politicization of the nomination. I'm not going to bother with a chicken/egg argument here. The point is that the "advise and consent" role is SUPPOSED to be a review of the record of the judge and their ability to be fair minded, unbiased in their ruling, and if they are reading the law.

Now I've no doubt people could argue all day about whether or not Congress has ever really held to that purpose or if they even SHOULD be held to it. The point stands, the judciary is ideally only supposed to interpret law. The only real question is what you think is correct in terms of the way in which a judge interprets said law.

For example, you might think that judge kavanaugh was rather opposed (I guess) to the 4th amendment. To that I would say he isn't opposed or in favor of it. He is extremely narrow in his interpretation. The question I would ask in my own mind would be "Why is this judge particularly narrow in the 4th as oppose to the 2nd?"

To this question I look to the text. The 4th amendment is very broad for when it was written. However, in the digital age, it's actually pretty narrow. Whereas the 2nd (if you hold to the idea it does account for individual ownership) is incredibly broad. Anyway, this is my interpretation at least of what I see. Admittedly, I am a often heavily partisan person so take that for what it's worth.

2018-10-02 01:04:48 UTC

Addendum: Arguably, this lack of following the rules that were setup for the process of making and changing amendments is extremely unfortunate.

2018-10-02 01:17:10 UTC

Civics knowledge is pretty low these days. I had only half a year of civics taught all through grade school (California).

2018-10-02 01:17:31 UTC

Most the rest I learned on my own.

2018-10-02 01:22:06 UTC

I didn't do any significant amount of it until freshman college.

2018-10-02 01:22:17 UTC

Course I dropped out after sophomore year

2018-10-02 01:23:20 UTC

I got a college degree and civics was not a requirement. (Also California)

2018-10-02 01:23:32 UTC

Wasn't a requirement for me either

2018-10-02 01:23:48 UTC

I did it because I wanted to learn about U Govt and constitution

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