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2018-08-09 14:52:30 UTC

I have only ever heard bad things about unions when people talk about when they were in a union

2018-08-09 14:53:27 UTC

When I got an envelope telling me how I could sign up for the union at my work and read the cost I threw it in the trash.

2018-08-09 14:55:56 UTC

well you would have to define what a union is.

2018-08-09 14:57:30 UTC

if a group of people team up in a company, is that not a union? You have to be very careful to define what and what is not considered a union. Any group of people usually form a structure of leadership.

2018-08-09 14:57:38 UTC

it is not

2018-08-09 14:58:10 UTC

teaming up for the sake of negotiation is collective bargaining

2018-08-09 14:58:21 UTC

Union is an organization

2018-08-09 14:58:36 UTC

and when is the line crossed?

2018-08-09 14:58:44 UTC

when the group teaming up gives itself a name?

2018-08-09 14:59:05 UTC

Have administration and charge members

2018-08-09 15:00:23 UTC

what if they didn't charge members, but accepted donations?

2018-08-09 15:00:57 UTC

In that case would depend but leans away from being a typical Union

2018-08-09 15:01:30 UTC

this is why i say you have to be careful what is and is not considered a union

2018-08-09 15:01:45 UTC

Course, if it is something that accepts donations, sounds like it is highly susceptible to corruption

2018-08-09 15:01:59 UTC

Isnt a Union just like an Alliance?

a group formed by individual units working towards a common goal?

2018-08-09 15:02:11 UTC

any power structure is highly susceptible to corruption.

2018-08-09 15:02:26 UTC

hence why people should be allowed to leave, and not forced to pay things if not involved.

2018-08-09 15:02:32 UTC

in a workers Union, the goal is for fair treatment etc

European union has a goal of working together to improve overal status


2018-08-09 15:02:57 UTC

Generally when people talk about unions they are talking about the ones with administrations and cost of admission

2018-08-09 15:03:19 UTC

workers unions that is

2018-08-09 15:03:32 UTC

and that is why they currently suck, at least in america.

2018-08-09 15:04:11 UTC

but the idea of what is a "typical" union is probably different depending on cultures.

2018-08-09 15:04:30 UTC

I'm talking about American

2018-08-09 15:06:35 UTC

so, if you define a union as a collective of workers banding together in a group that expands outside any specific company, in an effort to remain connected and informed so they are not taken advantage of by their employer, then i say there can be times when they are necessary, but they are not always necessary.

2018-08-09 15:07:03 UTC

however, if you are talking about what is especially legal mafia's, which is what current unions in the US are like, i agree they are not necessary.

2018-08-09 15:08:47 UTC

yes I am talking about the legal mafias

2018-08-09 15:09:36 UTC

yes, i agree. hence why i said they have too much power

2018-08-09 15:09:37 UTC

The first one I might call collective bargaining

2018-08-10 17:58:17 UTC

I think social media would be better if users hosted their content on their own platforms and third party apps could inject user content into their feeds instead of platforms like YouTube controlling all of the data and forcing users to comply with their restricting terms of service

2018-08-10 18:35:01 UTC

you'd get the same issue,

the app could block the feeds/links/content from being sent over

2018-08-10 19:35:01 UTC

Apps could still restrict content from their feeds but they couldn't monopolize the content and would allow for dozens of apps being able to share the same content.

2018-08-10 19:56:58 UTC

the clips would still have to be hosted from somewhere, which would be susceptible too

2018-08-10 20:34:51 UTC

There are hundreds of hosting companies world wide, it's unlikely all of them would activity sensor clips and even if that were to happen, creating a new hosting company is trivial compared to creating a new social media platform.

This idea however, would not be able to prevent ISPs or dns registrars from sensoring. You'd need a lower level solution to prevent that. But this would at least help remove links from the chain of sensorship

2018-08-11 04:55:06 UTC

Thatโ€™s called google

2018-08-11 18:27:25 UTC

I propose a gaming debate. Legend of Zelda's Rito and Zora are not anthropomorphic (furries). Change my mind. <@&464233153654030360>

2018-08-11 18:27:42 UTC

Fuck you you're just a furry in denial

2018-08-11 18:27:45 UTC

define furry

2018-08-11 18:27:48 UTC

accept that you want to fuck the anthro fish

2018-08-11 18:27:55 UTC


2018-08-11 18:28:05 UTC

Uh, scalies

2018-08-11 18:28:11 UTC

oy vey, don't disturb me when I'm palying Crash Bandicoot

2018-08-11 18:28:12 UTC


2018-08-11 18:28:24 UTC


2018-08-11 18:28:36 UTC

mee6 keeps on supressing my posts

2018-08-11 18:28:50 UTC

I can accept the Zora being alien and unique enough not to count as furry, but the Rito definitely are unless you're arguing that birds don't count because they lack fur

2018-08-11 18:28:56 UTC

like wtf

2018-08-11 18:29:18 UTC

I'm arguing that they're not human-shaped birds.

2018-08-11 18:29:39 UTC

antros are antros

2018-08-11 18:29:45 UTC

they are not human

2018-08-11 18:29:58 UTC


2018-08-11 18:30:15 UTC

Rito are actually evolved Zora.

2018-08-11 18:30:15 UTC

is mee6 supressing you too?

2018-08-11 18:30:18 UTC

What makes a fantasy race not an anthro, in your opinion?

2018-08-11 18:30:23 UTC

i seen that blip off for me

2018-08-11 18:31:15 UTC

You can say that they're their own race, but from a design standpoint they're absolutely anthropomorphized birds

2018-08-11 18:31:27 UTC

they are literally a different intelligent species

2018-08-11 18:31:28 UTC

In my opinion, they would be, by all definition, a form of x animal.

2018-08-11 18:31:44 UTC

if a furry is a "anthropomorphized animal" then it would logically need to have a real-life counter part for this definition to work, i.e., fox-furry, horse-furry, etc

2018-08-11 18:31:55 UTC

Hylians arent even human, they are more akin to elves

2018-08-11 18:31:56 UTC

doesnt need to exist in real life to count
See: Dragons

2018-08-11 18:32:00 UTC

but then it leaves out shit like dragons

2018-08-11 18:32:12 UTC

it's all semantics

2018-08-11 18:32:23 UTC

what is a furry even?

2018-08-11 18:32:24 UTC

I actually associate Hylians more as humans, and the Zora as a type of sea elves.

2018-08-11 18:32:39 UTC

OK, but that doesn't mean they aren't furry.

2018-08-11 18:33:00 UTC

@Schedrevka define furry

2018-08-11 18:33:14 UTC

anthropomorphized animal

2018-08-11 18:33:27 UTC

Are Ewoks furries?

2018-08-11 18:33:27 UTC

so it needs a real life counterpart?

2018-08-11 18:33:27 UTC

different species imo

2018-08-11 18:33:46 UTC

So, would you argue there's a distinction from an animal with human qualities

2018-08-11 18:33:48 UTC

Ewoks are a different species imo

2018-08-11 18:33:57 UTC

And a human with animal qualities?

2018-08-11 18:34:01 UTC

Their real life counterpart is bird

2018-08-11 18:34:13 UTC

as are Zora and Rita

2018-08-11 18:34:29 UTC

They don't have a real life counterpart. They're given their wings by magic.

2018-08-11 18:34:38 UTC

If you just took a picture of a rito and divorced it from its context in Zelda they would fit in perfectly well within furry shit

2018-08-11 18:34:58 UTC

So if I took any furry character and gave it lore it would stop being furry?

2018-08-11 18:35:00 UTC

humans dont have to be the only default intelligent life

2018-08-11 18:35:03 UTC

If an Ewok is into humans and dresses like a human is that Ewok the equivalent to a furry?

2018-08-11 18:35:07 UTC

at what point does something become furry? using rito as an example

is it the feathers, the beak, the talons on the toes

2018-08-11 18:35:28 UTC

Furry defines a fetish isn't it?

2018-08-11 18:35:33 UTC

They also absolutely have human form, not chicken legs or anything like that

2018-08-11 18:35:42 UTC

Including hair.

2018-08-11 18:35:50 UTC

Some of the Ninas from breath of fire are directly related to birds, are they furries?

2018-08-11 18:35:51 UTC

The intent is what matters

2018-08-11 18:35:55 UTC

More a subculture based on a common interest than just a fetish

2018-08-11 18:36:11 UTC

There's lots of furry shit that isn't sexual, even if there is a TON of sexual furry shit

2018-08-11 18:36:17 UTC

Unless the question is what are furries into

2018-08-11 18:37:12 UTC

are humans furries because we're anthropomorphized monkeys?

2018-08-11 18:37:59 UTC

That is why I say intent

2018-08-11 18:38:11 UTC

Humans are already an animal

2018-08-11 18:38:14 UTC

But you can't know the creator's intent

2018-08-11 18:38:45 UTC

Two people could create the exact same thing and one could say 'it's furry' and the other not

2018-08-11 18:38:52 UTC


2018-08-11 18:39:17 UTC

like mascots

2018-08-11 18:39:28 UTC

Let's take it from a different angle, one of evolutionary development.

2018-08-11 18:39:28 UTC

so what happens when the author never tells you? Is everything in a constant state of quantum furry because it's rarely explicitly stated?

2018-08-11 18:39:44 UTC

How is it being used rather

2018-08-11 18:39:47 UTC

schrodingers furry

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