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2018-04-07 22:30:47 UTC

There's a reason you're instructed to not do anything such as make quick movements for your pockets in front of police officers.

2018-04-07 22:32:57 UTC

When you're pulled over, don't move around a lot and just keep your hands on the steering wheel, etc.

2018-04-07 22:35:17 UTC

And yeah, when you actually see the video that was taken, you'll see that he was clearly freaked out. He was clearly not ready to be out on active duty yet.

2018-04-07 22:38:25 UTC

He was not. He said for the guy to get his wallet then freaked out when he did as asked.

2018-04-07 22:39:01 UTC

I don't know how to respond to that other than to say that no, he was?

2018-04-07 22:39:06 UTC

He clearly was if you saw that video.

2018-04-07 22:39:38 UTC

Unless you're trying to say he was putting on some kind of act?

2018-04-07 22:45:36 UTC

When in doubt, say specifically what you're going to do, then do so, slowly. If that isn't good enough, get out of the car.

2018-04-07 22:46:40 UTC

Ask before you do anything.

2018-04-07 22:47:05 UTC

I agree it shouldn't be this way, but this is more a matter of police training than it is anything else.

2018-04-07 22:47:44 UTC

Indeed, the fact that officers in the US only get half a year's worth of training before they hit the streets is absolutely incomprehensible to me.

2018-04-07 22:47:58 UTC

Becoming an officer over here is literally getting a Bachelor's degree, and takes at least three years.

2018-04-07 22:52:23 UTC

same here... and one of the hardest jobs to get.

2018-04-07 23:02:42 UTC

@JadenFrostwolf I was agreeing that the cop was not ready for active duty. He asked for the guy to give him info, so he was getting his info. The cop freaked out that the dude was slowly reaching for his info and started to scream don't reach for "it", and it was clear to both parties that "it" meant the gun and the driver said "I'm not". This cop was clearly not in a good state of mind to be out on patrol.

2018-04-07 23:05:23 UTC

Yeah, I read that convo, it was more just a general statement than specifically addressed to you, sorry. lol

2018-04-07 23:06:22 UTC

It was a generalized 'you', not a *you* 'you.'

2018-04-07 23:06:37 UTC

*Checks to make sure that makes sense.*

2018-04-07 23:06:41 UTC


2018-04-07 23:17:51 UTC

TL;DR:4 people break into house, cops show up, one robber starts shooting at the cops, cops fire back, killing him. Now one of the other remaining 3 is being sentenced to 65 years for the robbery and a count of murder... Of the robber killed by the police.

2018-04-07 23:22:08 UTC

Was he the leader of the group?

2018-04-07 23:23:08 UTC

I learned in class that they'll sometimes pin any other crimes committed by the others on the ringleader, but I don't remember that applying to the police.

2018-04-07 23:25:41 UTC

An accomplice law that basically said anyone who participated in a crime could be held accountable for murder should a death occure.

2018-04-07 23:26:59 UTC

Why just one of the teens, though, and not all of them?

2018-04-07 23:29:39 UTC

Oh, 'cause he didn't take the plea bargain. I guess the other two did.

2018-04-07 23:30:18 UTC

Idk, my assumption is that this guy just got the largest sentence so I would guess that the other 2 might have.

2018-04-07 23:30:30 UTC

Would have to look into the records for the other two.

2018-04-07 23:31:14 UTC

Says the others have not been sentenced yet so that's why

2018-04-09 02:14:04 UTC

so you guys ready for world war 3?

2018-04-09 02:14:16 UTC

didint really think it would start on my birthday

2018-04-09 02:16:24 UTC

whats happened now?

2018-04-09 02:23:50 UTC

we just killed some russians

2018-04-09 02:27:01 UTC

we killed some russians in syria not too long ago

2018-04-09 02:27:33 UTC

they were firing at our troops so they got a face load of bombs.

2018-04-09 02:29:08 UTC

@Arch-Fiend we killed 7 russians last time

2018-04-09 02:29:22 UTC

and a whole load of syrians

2018-04-09 02:30:07 UTC

one small step for man, one giant leap for the 4 horsemen

2018-04-09 02:30:41 UTC

at some point they will think its a good idea to retaliate

2018-04-09 02:30:59 UTC

it won't lead to anything, syria is just another proxy war.

2018-04-09 02:31:54 UTC

you cant just keep punching the kid with the most nukes in the school in the head every day during lunch break and not expect to ever face reprocussions

2018-04-09 02:32:49 UTC

you think that kid doesn't punch you in the head with equal frequency?

2018-04-09 02:33:40 UTC

how often do russian missles from russian boats land in our alleys military bases while our people are cought up the the crossfire?

2018-04-09 02:33:40 UTC

russia and american are the two sides of the same coin and have been for a while.

2018-04-09 02:35:08 UTC

actually weve been at war with ourselves for the most part in the middle east since the 2000's

2018-04-09 02:35:18 UTC

supplying weapons to the same people we kill

2018-04-09 02:35:23 UTC

this situation is a bit different

2018-04-09 02:35:51 UTC

i mean, when is american not making its own problems?

2018-04-09 02:35:54 UTC

this is more like the gulf war but we dont actually know how its going to go because its been like 40 years

2018-04-09 02:36:30 UTC

american's number one export: causing our own problems and fucking over the locals as we do

2018-04-09 02:36:36 UTC

world is a bit of a different place now, hell if i know whats going to happen

2018-04-09 02:37:12 UTC

i dont think we will see a repeate of the same

2018-04-09 02:37:30 UTC

we might not have a world war but i dont think we are seeing the dominos fall in the same pattern

2018-04-09 02:37:52 UTC

i wouldn't be surprised if the "syrians" attacked american bases in retaliation, only they are flying russian planes, speak russian, and fly back to a russian base.

2018-04-09 02:38:20 UTC

i expect that to happen

2018-04-09 02:38:28 UTC

that was kinda what i ment

2018-04-09 02:38:44 UTC

its no different than the last what, 50-70 years?

2018-04-09 02:38:47 UTC

then it has the oppertunity to escolate, maybe it doesent though

2018-04-09 02:39:34 UTC

Vietnam, Cuban missile crisis, the Gulf war, the whole conflict in syria, same shit, different day

2018-04-09 02:39:39 UTC

syria is a different situation than the rest of the middle east was to us

2018-04-09 02:39:59 UTC

and if you go back to the time of the soviet union the entire world was very different

2018-04-09 02:41:10 UTC

you know the cuban missile crisis was started by us and we committed a literal act of war by blockading cuba? World didn't go into WW3, why would attacking a valid military target that russians should have been in in the first place be worse than that?

2018-04-09 02:41:24 UTC

during the gulf war russia was a failing empire, now they are a relitively stable yet precariously placed country with more viable threats than they had in the past

2018-04-09 02:41:28 UTC


2018-04-09 02:42:32 UTC

if the russians don't want to be bombed, they should be hanging out with people attacking american soldiers. the same applies to us.

2018-04-09 02:43:33 UTC

and the ability for both our sides to wag a finger at the other for "attacking us" when we are hanging around their official enemy is why we chill out there

2018-04-09 02:43:35 UTC

the number of bullets hasent changed much but the number of guns has increased, the eu is in a position to make choices that have a far more meaningful impact (be it good or bad) than they did during the gulf war, the chinese can get involved, while during the gulf they had issues they were sorting out, japan is militerizing (though i think thats a good thing), north korea is on the map and is a mouse carrying dynomite

2018-04-09 02:44:18 UTC

if north korea makes the first move in any conflict, even china says they are on their own, so i wouldn't count NK in there.

2018-04-09 02:44:40 UTC

i think its more a consern that they end up taking the second move

2018-04-09 02:45:01 UTC

NK don't want war. The only reason they want nukes is so that no one invades them.

2018-04-09 02:45:48 UTC

if the usa is involved in a conflict already of greater magnitude than its been in in 30 years than china wont be as intimidated and will give nk a longer leash, nk will see that and the fact the usa is more distracted as an oppertunity to be a retard

2018-04-09 02:45:48 UTC

NK needs china, and why would china nuke the us? It would cause them take a major hit to their economy

2018-04-09 02:47:35 UTC

i've become jaded to WW3 since literally every little thing is "this will be WW3!" and has been that way for basically all of my life.

2018-04-09 02:47:58 UTC

you know how long "NK is gonna start firing off nukes!" has been around?

2018-04-09 02:48:04 UTC

the last 10-20 years at least.

2018-04-09 02:48:27 UTC

hell, why haven't we attacked them yet? aren't we like a year overdue for that now?

2018-04-09 02:48:45 UTC

china can justify a self defense war much better than it can a world war, but can use a self defense to restructure its economy into a milierized one and low key shift out of consumer communism and into something more like NK but with actual weight behind it

2018-04-09 02:49:30 UTC

and then need to start a war or kill its own economy?

2018-04-09 02:49:34 UTC

china basicly uses slave labor already, thats actualy kind of a good place to start if you want a cheap and productive war machine

2018-04-09 02:50:27 UTC

i think the thing is no one wants to be first, because the first shooter is the loser right now

2018-04-09 02:50:38 UTC

thats why im complaining about america and its bullshit

2018-04-09 02:50:54 UTC

admitedly america can get away with shooting first and maybe winning

2018-04-09 02:51:10 UTC

they didn't shoot first, russia already shot first in syria

2018-04-09 02:51:15 UTC

but it gives everyone else an excuse to do what theyve wanted to do for 50 years

2018-04-09 02:51:28 UTC

syria is their alley

2018-04-09 02:51:31 UTC

and they have been accused of using chemical weapons in syria

2018-04-09 02:51:46 UTC

you can only spin russia as a bad guy there if your cnn

2018-04-09 02:51:49 UTC

and are still in hot water over the whole diplomat poisoning

2018-04-09 02:52:08 UTC

theres substantial evidence they didint actually do that poisoning

2018-04-09 02:52:25 UTC

Nor use chemical weapons.

2018-04-09 02:53:00 UTC

consitering they were accused of that before the actual poison was identified and it turned out to not actually be the poison that the uk accused them of using

2018-04-09 02:53:05 UTC

there is no "shooting first" in syria anymore. because both sides have backed 1 or more sides.

2018-04-09 02:53:14 UTC

and conveniently that story never made it to MSM

2018-04-09 02:53:49 UTC

like the girl who was poisoned is awake right now

2018-04-09 02:53:56 UTC

has been for a month

2018-04-09 02:54:02 UTC

i've basically written off any conflict in the middle east area as just more of the same bullshit

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