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2018-05-10 10:44:07 UTC

seen some people saying Iran fired first .... as you can see above, I followed it as it happened.... Israel absolutely fired first... provoked or not... it will be interesting to see if that narrative gains any speed

2018-05-10 10:44:20 UTC

My PM has just condemned Iran

2018-05-10 10:45:19 UTC

I'm Israeli and it seems like we fired first. Was because of enemy activity on the border apparently.

2018-05-10 10:48:11 UTC

yeah, although the first strike from Israel was on Mezzeh airport ... which isnt really that close to the border

2018-05-10 10:53:56 UTC

and the US just reminded us their Nimitz class aircraft carrier the USS harry s truman is just off the coast ... ready to strike.... (at ISIS... of course...) even tho ISIS is preeeeetty much dead now

2018-05-10 12:24:30 UTC

Also, probably an attack of opportunity

2018-05-10 17:24:17 UTC

isnt it about time youtube bans the slingshot channel ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-05-10 17:35:44 UTC

sticks and stones may break my bones.... but they also break my drones.

2018-05-10 19:29:49 UTC
2018-05-10 19:36:26 UTC

But... why?

2018-05-10 19:38:44 UTC

I guess we've been drinking cow milk all this time.... maybe they wanted something for the cows?

2018-05-10 19:39:35 UTC

Ah smart.

2018-05-10 19:46:08 UTC

@wacka @CreativeRealms

i mean, has anyone every stopped to think why we drink cow's milk? Milk, both cows and human, is meant to nourish THEIR young. not some other creature.

2018-05-10 19:46:21 UTC

who was the first human to suck on a cows teats?

2018-05-10 19:46:30 UTC

you know they were fucking it

2018-05-10 19:57:25 UTC

some evolutionists theorize based off of our tolerance for milk as adults, that one of the reasons white people in europe got ahead of everyone tech wise, is cause they where able to consume milk as adults.

2018-05-10 19:57:45 UTC

and they prolly just saw the similarities between cow udders and human titties

2018-05-10 19:57:59 UTC

something they would have needed to know cause breastfeeding was the only option

2018-05-10 19:58:21 UTC

well.. they would have seen the baby cows drink from them ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-05-10 19:58:37 UTC

2 new boston dynamics youtube vids out btw

2018-05-10 19:58:46 UTC

it would have been a reason to keep cows rather then hunt and eat them

2018-05-10 19:59:16 UTC

husbandry would have required advances in other areas like fences, controlled enviroments to keep the cattle safe

2018-05-10 19:59:21 UTC

etc etc

2018-05-10 19:59:28 UTC

technically we don't have an ability to consume milk as adults. or not well.

2018-05-10 19:59:53 UTC

stop drinking it for a while and chances are good you will become lactose intolerant

2018-05-10 20:00:16 UTC

well ye but we can keep drinking it if we keep it up

2018-05-10 20:00:31 UTC

i believe this is almost exclusive to europeans

2018-05-10 20:00:44 UTC

yeah....but why do we stop sucking our mother's tits for it?

2018-05-10 20:01:01 UTC

they should do these videos with the terminator music in the background

2018-05-10 20:01:06 UTC

ultimate trollin

2018-05-10 20:01:21 UTC

i heard about 9 year olds still breastfeeding

2018-05-10 20:01:34 UTC

americans if i recall

2018-05-10 20:03:01 UTC

true. but you have another 6 years (almost half their lifetime) before they reach our old concept of adult, back when we barely lived to 30, and 25 until we stop developing.

2018-05-10 20:03:20 UTC

that doesn't really answer why they went to cows milk

2018-05-10 20:03:39 UTC

cause it allowed us to turn a relativly useless resource for us, grass

2018-05-10 20:03:43 UTC

into something we can use

2018-05-10 20:03:45 UTC


2018-05-10 20:04:03 UTC

gotta protect em though, which is where selection for smarter humans comes in

2018-05-10 20:04:44 UTC

that still leaves that first human to suck on a cows tit, however....

2018-05-10 20:04:45 UTC


2018-05-10 20:05:34 UTC

people wherent that dumb back then

2018-05-10 20:05:50 UTC

they saw the similarities, baby cow drinks from udder mommy cow

2018-05-10 20:06:08 UTC

baby human drink from bobs mommy human

2018-05-10 20:06:28 UTC

maybe we can drink from cow udder too?

2018-05-10 20:06:55 UTC

i understand the joke and all, but if you tackle it seriously its not that hard to see i think

2018-05-10 20:07:20 UTC


2018-05-10 20:07:23 UTC

off to bed gn

2018-05-10 20:07:52 UTC

have fun dreamin about death robots that can now run

2018-05-10 20:13:45 UTC

this isn't really that new

2018-05-10 21:46:32 UTC

''Why is the media trying to malign so many individuals who challenge the mainstream narrative?''

2018-05-10 21:46:36 UTC

The reason probably speaks for itself lol

2018-05-10 21:47:00 UTC

you protect your power by discrediting the enemy!

2018-05-10 21:49:26 UTC

So by discrediting themselves?

2018-05-10 21:49:34 UTC

Because it's what they do with their actions

2018-05-10 21:49:49 UTC

Then again, they are their own worst enemy

2018-05-10 22:10:05 UTC

Ye, they are setting themselves up for termination. But their strategy is all about attributing negative connotations to their opponents.

2018-05-10 22:11:12 UTC

they want to give certain names a stigma by attaching labels of racism or alt-right on it, or whatever else works. So when people hear the name ''Sargon of Akkad'' people will think: ''wasnt he racist or sumthin?'' folks will naturally be weary and mistrusting of him, even WHEN they read his wikipedia page or see his youtube channel. so even if the mainstream media dies, they will make sure people like Sargon will be too stigmatized to definitely replace them

2018-05-10 22:11:19 UTC

Thats MY take on it anyway

2018-05-10 22:16:05 UTC

But then they label everyone these things, so that there is an increase chance of someone knowing the a person personally who the msn has now labeled racist or alt right or whatever. And they realize the term is bs

2018-05-10 22:16:15 UTC

its a mix of things,

They need the audience to stay alive, so they keep up the extreme fear and terror level of reporting (Trump did this, Trump did that, ooh how terrible!)

And at the same time try to prevent people from knowing they're full of shit, by smearing them, and having the people stay afraid by basically going "Oooh, so many evil nazi people, <MSM> is correct, we're all in danger! what else can they tell me?"

2018-05-10 22:16:53 UTC


2018-05-10 22:17:29 UTC

so those people are afraid, and trust their media source, and if their media source tells them to avoid people like sargon, the people will be afraid of sargon and listen to anything anti-him because he's supposedly bad

2018-05-10 22:17:36 UTC

Also grenade not as many people realize the term is BS because the term is very open to interpretation and has actually switched meaning over the years lol

2018-05-10 22:18:15 UTC

What is considered racist today wasnt racist 20 years ago

2018-05-10 22:18:23 UTC

well, its mainly that not many people are interested enough, they lead their own lives, and just catch some media to stay just updated enough

2018-05-10 22:18:30 UTC

Its easy to find anything racist and it's all evil because we live in an evil society

2018-05-10 22:18:42 UTC

what is considered racist today was called being liberal 20 years ago

2018-05-10 22:18:47 UTC

and being radical 60 years ago

2018-05-10 23:39:41 UTC

is it Israel and any other middle east country? then yes.

2018-05-11 03:44:18 UTC

@Deleted User cool it with the anti-semitic remarks

2018-05-11 05:30:19 UTC

Nine out of ten times I would agree with you WHAT, but he may have a point this time.

2018-05-11 05:33:19 UTC

The statement of not wanting to escalate the conflict does not work to well when you just performed the biggest assault in the last 50 years in retaliation to an attack that had no casualties.

2018-05-11 08:53:00 UTC

i wonder if you could just be a crepidarian

2018-05-11 09:10:52 UTC

Hi everone. Im from Sweden

2018-05-11 10:00:59 UTC

sorry to hear that

2018-05-11 10:11:00 UTC

hello isaac

2018-05-11 10:11:30 UTC

maybe you could help me with something

2018-05-11 10:11:55 UTC

i recall half a swedish expression, and i was wondering what the latter half was

2018-05-11 10:11:57 UTC

it goes like:

2018-05-11 10:12:07 UTC

a granade a day, ...

2018-05-11 12:51:58 UTC

Funny ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2018-05-11 12:55:13 UTC

...keeps the police away?

2018-05-11 12:55:17 UTC

sorry, had to.

2018-05-11 12:56:49 UTC

โ€No go zones doesnt existโ€ - Swedish PM

2018-05-11 12:57:19 UTC

only ill-advised travel destinations?

2018-05-11 12:57:46 UTC

like Chicago

2018-05-11 13:03:30 UTC

No need to travel to turkey or some like that. Just visit your local no go zone

2018-05-11 13:05:02 UTC

No but in all seriousness, I feel pretty safe (but not completly safe) in a no go zone during daytime. The biggest problem is fringe gangs roaming at nights

2018-05-11 13:50:57 UTC

I dont know what its like in sweden... but I can say for sure the "no-go" zones reported in the UK especially round london are kinda BS :/

2018-05-11 13:51:29 UTC

theres supposedly one on bethnal green road... which I walked through every day for work and had no issues

2018-05-11 14:12:58 UTC

how about at night though?

2018-05-11 14:20:47 UTC

its like any other street in east london pretty much

2018-05-11 14:21:23 UTC

but theres a lot of market stalls down that street in the day time

2018-05-11 14:23:46 UTC

I've seen a few "halal foods" stores opening up around the south coast

2018-05-11 14:24:21 UTC

its confusing as to why anyone would say "its racist" to be against halal

2018-05-11 14:24:52 UTC

"I don't want animals to have their throats cut and left for hours to bleed to death in agony" .... "racist"

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