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2018-10-22 16:16:01 UTC

I am voting for Republican in the state of Oklahoma.

2018-10-22 16:18:47 UTC


2018-10-22 16:19:09 UTC

Im watching the chunk vs tuck debate

2018-10-22 16:19:34 UTC


2018-10-22 16:19:37 UTC

Is it complete cancer or worth watching?

2018-10-22 16:19:48 UTC

"hes married but he's still my man"

2018-10-22 16:20:00 UTC

@Undead Mockingbird idk i started watching it now

2018-10-22 16:21:23 UTC

Eww wtf was that shit @LotheronPrime thats some cringe level shit

2018-10-22 16:21:45 UTC

I. have. no. idea.

2018-10-22 16:22:31 UTC

Lol Cenk is getting booed like crazy in the Shapiro debate.

2018-10-22 16:22:46 UTC

Wait wtf theres a chunk vs shaprio going on now ?

2018-10-22 16:22:54 UTC

Not now.

2018-10-22 16:22:59 UTC

Watching the replay.

2018-10-22 16:23:05 UTC


2018-10-22 16:23:06 UTC


2018-10-22 16:23:57 UTC

I was just randomly logged out of Youtube for some reason.

2018-10-22 16:25:44 UTC

There is always a reason.

2018-10-22 16:26:04 UTC

What is your astrological sign?

2018-10-22 16:26:44 UTC

Trust me, I'm an engineer.

2018-10-22 16:28:21 UTC

@Dusty Morgan you tube knows your one of them

2018-10-22 16:28:23 UTC


2018-10-22 16:28:58 UTC

what chinese animal were you born under

2018-10-22 16:29:00 UTC

Ah, Libra. Yes, it says REST calls might experience transient failures for Libra this month.

2018-10-22 16:29:48 UTC

I was born on the year of the cock

2018-10-22 16:29:55 UTC

Gemini should take heed not to divulge secure cookies for XSS.

2018-10-22 16:30:04 UTC

The cock is a good year

2018-10-22 16:30:23 UTC


2018-10-22 16:30:32 UTC

I wonder if most feminists' sign is cancer.

2018-10-22 16:30:41 UTC

well time to go drown my sorrows in being shit at DCS

2018-10-22 16:31:00 UTC

I was born under the year of the Rat.

2018-10-22 16:31:01 UTC

am cancer, not femenist

2018-10-22 16:31:36 UTC

think that would work as a chatup line? hey grrrl what chinese animal were you born... I was born under the year of the cock

2018-10-22 16:31:51 UTC

I heard rats are prone to do rodent things and engage in rodent like behaviors at times.

2018-10-22 16:32:07 UTC

I am not an expert, though.

2018-10-22 16:32:38 UTC

I was born the same year as britney spears and beyonce

2018-10-22 16:33:04 UTC

That's fine, as long as you didn't drink from the same water supply they must have.

2018-10-22 16:33:07 UTC

you know what you must do

2018-10-22 16:33:14 UTC


2018-10-22 16:33:39 UTC

Wood 1924, 1984 These Rats are multi-talented. They are strong-willed and always finish what they begin.

2018-10-22 16:33:58 UTC

Men born in the Rat year are clever and adapt quickly to new environments. They are creative great at taking advantage of opportunities. However, they sometimes lack the courage to do so. Although they have great ideas, they might not be suitable for leadership positions.

2018-10-22 16:34:54 UTC

*Iโ€™m going to die*

2018-10-22 16:35:13 UTC

This kind explains me to the tee.

2018-10-22 16:35:21 UTC

I am not a good leader, but I have great ideas at times.

2018-10-22 16:35:58 UTC

shouldnt lol.... but NYPD body cams are being recalled.... cos one exploded :/

2018-10-22 16:36:30 UTC

when youre out of ammo... and just throw the body cam in like a grenade...

2018-10-22 16:37:32 UTC

"The incident revealed a potential for the battery inside the camera to ignite. The cause and scope of the defect are currently being investigated," the NYPD said.

2018-10-22 16:38:03 UTC

Didnt someone say tht most feminists were born under the sign of cancer ?

2018-10-22 16:38:23 UTC

@Dusty Morgan im born of china rat ....

2018-10-22 16:39:08 UTC

Im from the UK... surely thats grounds for refugee status?

2018-10-22 16:39:46 UTC

@wacka you are a refuge of kek you were persecuted for using memes

2018-10-22 16:40:22 UTC

IIII am a veteran..... of a thousand meeeeme wars

2018-10-22 16:40:41 UTC

Well you are in serious danger thanks to the mass immigration that happen in your country.

2018-10-22 16:40:49 UTC

Your laws have become tyrannical.

2018-10-22 16:41:04 UTC
2018-10-22 16:41:10 UTC

For having an different opinion, you have the full weight of the law used against you by teh SJW's.

2018-10-22 16:41:28 UTC

2018-10-22 16:41:29 UTC

well not quite tyranical yet... we just need to vote for more freedom

2018-10-22 16:43:18 UTC

is it me... or was this headline written by someone who's first language is not english

2018-10-22 16:44:10 UTC

@wacka Not surprising at all.

2018-10-22 16:44:16 UTC


2018-10-22 16:44:30 UTC


2018-10-22 16:44:34 UTC


2018-10-22 16:44:37 UTC


2018-10-22 16:44:41 UTC


2018-10-22 16:44:48 UTC


2018-10-22 16:46:19 UTC

2018-10-22 16:46:27 UTC

I have no problem with people who's first language is not english... but for a job where 10's of millions of english speaking people will have to decipher what they write... english should be a top priority.... like .. my first and only language is english... and even I shouldnt be given that type of job ๐Ÿ˜› since my english lit/lang is crap

2018-10-22 16:47:11 UTC

I hate how SJWs abuse courts.

2018-10-22 16:48:32 UTC

I could tell

2018-10-22 16:48:33 UTC

@Spectre9 thats a sexy drone

2018-10-22 16:48:45 UTC

Iโ€™m changing my gender to drone

2018-10-22 16:49:32 UTC

I sexually and racially identify as an MQ-9 attack drone

2018-10-22 16:51:10 UTC

I wanna shove my sidewinder in your exhaust port

2018-10-22 16:53:45 UTC

Not if I do it first

2018-10-22 16:53:58 UTC

no dinner?

2018-10-22 16:55:21 UTC

Whatโ€™s the point of setting up a discord you can only text in kind of stupit

2018-10-22 16:57:43 UTC


2018-10-22 16:58:52 UTC

Dinner first of course

2018-10-22 17:00:39 UTC

@Spectre9 thankfully devgru has you covered for dating sims

2018-10-22 17:00:54 UTC

Iโ€™m sorry what

2018-10-22 17:00:54 UTC

Oh I get it Itโ€™s a safe space

2018-10-22 17:01:27 UTC

If you wanted to play a game that allowed you to date combat aircraft

2018-10-22 17:01:31 UTC

Now you can

2018-10-22 17:07:55 UTC

How about no

2018-10-22 17:08:20 UTC

How about yes

2018-10-22 17:11:50 UTC

Dude that's not even the wildest dating sim out there. They just released a Doujin that has literal piles of poop transforming to young men.

2018-10-22 17:12:52 UTC

And I think someone said there is actually a full length anime film about it too.

2018-10-22 17:13:12 UTC

This is funny as fuck

2018-10-22 17:13:15 UTC

there is also the tank dating sim

2018-10-22 17:13:23 UTC


2018-10-22 17:13:24 UTC

The libs were defending this guy lmao

2018-10-22 17:13:48 UTC

loos like my school is having some sort of protest about "living wages now" this week. I have a feeling that between now and then, I'm going to run into one of these people advertising for it

2018-10-22 17:14:49 UTC

what should I tell them? I'm of the opinion that more money for the same amount of work negates the value of the money (basically anything in the camp of "are you aware of the long term effects of raising the wage")

2018-10-22 17:15:40 UTC

I don't think that's what I'm looking for lol

2018-10-22 17:16:18 UTC

It's on Steam and its bonkers

2018-10-22 17:16:35 UTC


2018-10-22 17:17:23 UTC

what surprises me is that the students aren't asking for the wages of students working at the college to be raised

2018-10-22 17:17:41 UTC

honestly that's what I expect from the far left at this point, only trying to support themselves

2018-10-22 17:18:49 UTC

but their approach is pretty dickish. It's all about "respecting staff." I'm guessing if you disagree on raising the wage, they'll say you don't respect staff

2018-10-22 17:20:29 UTC

where is this money going to come from though? It will be hilarious if the money has to come from raising tuition

2018-10-22 17:23:12 UTC

Provide a supportive planned point of view

2018-10-22 17:23:47 UTC

Specifically say that you agree with it, but that many people you know are against it because they're concerned with unimportant things like where they money will come from

2018-10-22 17:24:25 UTC

Suggest that they use the college and town as a model, raise the minimum wage and then study it to see how the town/college improves

2018-10-22 17:26:02 UTC

I'm not that good of a liar and I don't really want to hide behind "asking for a friend."

2018-10-22 17:26:11 UTC

or something like that

2018-10-22 17:26:21 UTC

But you arent lying and you arent asking for a friend

2018-10-22 17:26:35 UTC

You do agree that people should have a liveable wage

2018-10-22 17:26:55 UTC

People should have the ability to earn a livable wage

2018-10-22 17:26:59 UTC

to be honest, I don't even know what their idea of a liveable wage. It's been conveniently left out of all their posters

2018-10-22 17:27:16 UTC

Nothing is deserved in life.

2018-10-22 17:27:17 UTC

I don't know how much the staff here are paid

2018-10-22 17:27:21 UTC

And you do know many people that are hung up on the question of where the money will come from

2018-10-22 17:27:31 UTC

you are one of them in fact, but you wont say that

2018-10-22 17:29:09 UTC

If you dont want to do this for whatever reason asking for clarification is probably the next best thing

2018-10-22 17:29:38 UTC

If I want to talk to them, I want to learn how much the staff are getting paid and what the students think the "living wage" is. I'm going to guess that cost of living here in bumfuck, Ohio is pretty low compared to a major city

2018-10-22 17:30:35 UTC

Suggest that they raise their wages to the same level as canada, 110 per hour

2018-10-22 17:30:57 UTC


2018-10-22 17:31:01 UTC

do you mean 11

2018-10-22 17:31:06 UTC


2018-10-22 17:31:29 UTC

110 dollars per hour, that doesn't sound like a recipe for inflation or anything

2018-10-22 17:31:36 UTC

one hundred and ten candian dollars per hour was the wage for teachers at the university of toronto last time they went on strike for higher wages

2018-10-22 17:31:48 UTC

I don't think they're talking about teachers

2018-10-22 17:32:00 UTC

I think they're talking about the staff

2018-10-22 17:32:03 UTC

like janitors and stuff

2018-10-22 17:32:04 UTC

Doesnt matter if they're talking about teachers or not

2018-10-22 17:32:35 UTC

The point is that canada is seen as a better version of america, but many people dont know much about how it actually functions

2018-10-22 17:32:36 UTC

yeah I think it does. A janitor shouldn't be earning 110 dollars per hour

2018-10-22 17:32:46 UTC


2018-10-22 17:33:44 UTC

there is a lot of bloat

2018-10-22 17:34:00 UTC

Nobody minds a janitor earning $100/hr if that wage is merited.

2018-10-22 17:34:02 UTC

Most of the time their knowledge stops at "universal healthcare, low gun crime, tredeau, legalized weed and sorry eh"

2018-10-22 17:34:21 UTC

why would that be beneficial to me

2018-10-22 17:34:51 UTC

the whole point of this is why I don't want to join the protest

2018-10-22 17:34:52 UTC

The minimum wage should be abolished. It is the greatest barrier to the underprivileged to gain entry to the workforce.

2018-10-22 17:35:06 UTC

Your goal is nothing more than to see if they actually have a goal at all

2018-10-22 17:35:59 UTC

Nah i like minimum wage

2018-10-22 17:36:05 UTC

Janitors in schools and hospitals have great benefits and pension plans, that is paid by the tax payers mine you (while the private sector has to also pay for their own) so no, I don think they should earn that much.

2018-10-22 17:36:10 UTC

I had actually considered telling them that whatever they're doing isn't enough. Like, if they think the wage should be 15, it really should be 30

2018-10-22 17:36:18 UTC

By putting forth a number which most people would regard as very high you force them to correct you, or risk scaring off the general population

2018-10-22 17:36:19 UTC

just to see how far I could push them into lunacy

2018-10-22 17:36:36 UTC

Not everyone has an IQ above 90. Yet these people are denied entry to the workforce due to minimum wage restrictions thus placing undue pressure on social welfare programs.

2018-10-22 17:37:16 UTC

This is sort of an extension of the 15-30 effort, but its increased to allow for maximum shock value

2018-10-22 17:38:05 UTC

Raiding the minimum wage will only serve to accelerate automation in effort to defray the cost, driving more underprivileged workers out of the workforce.

2018-10-22 17:38:09 UTC

There's no need for a legal min wage when the welfare state already creates a wage floor.

2018-10-22 17:38:12 UTC

Just finished watch chunk vs tuck it was decent the hour def flew by

2018-10-22 17:38:23 UTC

I don't need them getting mad at me because I apparently showed that they were wrong

2018-10-22 17:38:39 UTC

and if they start using your 110 number or saying things like "professors and staff should be paid the same" during their protests later you will know beyond a reasonable doubt that they have no goal in mind

2018-10-22 17:38:59 UTC

they have no goal in mind?

2018-10-22 17:39:04 UTC

then why are they protesting in the first place

2018-10-22 17:39:11 UTC

No specific number that they want achieved

2018-10-22 17:39:14 UTC

Accelerating automation is beneficial, though.

2018-10-22 17:39:30 UTC
2018-10-22 17:39:45 UTC

Protesting isnt to affect change, its to show displeasure with soemthing

2018-10-22 17:39:48 UTC

kill all the menz

2018-10-22 17:39:51 UTC

No larger goal is necessary

2018-10-22 17:39:52 UTC

I thought we were like lobsters?

2018-10-22 17:40:06 UTC

McDonalds is piloting a nearly fully automated restaurant in several key cities in direct response to pressures to raise minimum wage. This will get accelerated when that happens and drive thousands of workers elsewhere to find employment and health benefits.

2018-10-22 17:40:08 UTC


2018-10-22 17:40:28 UTC

lol srsly... "Now, add โ€œoverthrowing the patriarchyโ€ to that list."

2018-10-22 17:40:50 UTC

I think street protesting is mostly virtue signaling theater.

2018-10-22 17:41:02 UTC

yes... the termites have overthrown the patriarchy .. by killing all the men...

2018-10-22 17:41:10 UTC

hm, I think I might see what you're saying. If I give them the "morally superior answer" (Canada is better than drumph's America reeeeee) and they disagree with it, I'd force them to rethink their entire argument?

2018-10-22 17:42:24 UTC

This kind of automation is also being explored by large companies like Walmart and Amazon who are already highly automated. Minimum wage increases have historically reduced the labor pool of low-income wage earners and will continue to do so by most estimates.

2018-10-22 17:42:54 UTC

"Tanya Dapkey, an entomologist at the University of Pennsylvania, said that there was much to learn from successful โ€œsocieties in nature run without any input from males.โ€"

2018-10-22 17:43:11 UTC

the termites can fuck off, "real journalism"

2018-10-22 17:43:34 UTC

Yes thats correct. Assuming that they have no goal in mind and they're protesting for the moral reason of a "liveable wage" they should default to the most moral position possible. Until now theyve been fed generalizations, however by giving them a number it brings them back to reality instead of allowing their minds to fill in the blanks naturally.

2018-10-22 17:44:28 UTC

I like the idea of putting up more posters during the night explaining this

2018-10-22 17:44:58 UTC

Just remember to post a picture of them here before you post them irl

2018-10-22 17:45:00 UTC

hopefully a lot of people won't see me so no one will know who did it

2018-10-22 17:45:10 UTC

You can't just increase minimum wage and say that you'll "re-train" unskilled laborers who get displaced by the automation as a result. This is a myth perpetuated by politicians who ignore the basic truth that not all people are in fact "equal" and some simply are not capable of taking on more highly skilled work requiring higher cognition.

2018-10-22 17:45:42 UTC

Because im sure everyone remembers when the media depicted "its ok to be white" posters as "white supremacist posters"

2018-10-22 17:45:50 UTC

because if they decide that the new number is a better answer, won't they try to reign me in as a "hero" for the movement

2018-10-22 17:47:01 UTC

They shouldnt, that would threaten whatever control the organizers already have over the protest/movement

2018-10-22 17:47:35 UTC

how can you be so sure? I'd assume they'd adopt whatever makes them look the best, even if it hurts their cause

2018-10-22 17:47:54 UTC

think TERFs

2018-10-22 17:47:59 UTC

Are you a minority or white? and are you a male or female?

2018-10-22 17:48:05 UTC

I'm a white male lol

2018-10-22 17:48:12 UTC

I'm their face of evil

2018-10-22 17:48:21 UTC

you think theyll want the face of evil at the head of their movement?

2018-10-22 17:48:32 UTC

hm, good point

2018-10-22 17:48:41 UTC

Besides you can always refuse them

2018-10-22 17:48:43 UTC

You might be overstating the disruption because people with IQ < 90 are mostly unemployable already.

2018-10-22 17:48:51 UTC

its not like they can force you to take part in the protest

2018-10-22 17:49:46 UTC

well, what happens if I get caught? what you said about the "it's okay to be white" posters

2018-10-22 17:50:06 UTC

if they assume I'm just trying to upset people, I'll get the bias response team or some shit breathing down my neck

2018-10-22 17:50:16 UTC

If you get caught doing what? putting up posters?

2018-10-22 17:50:37 UTC

Any politician who claims to be fighting for "equality" is fundamentally corrupt. People don't want to hear that humans are much more complex and variant along three axis that drive their relative success

Values - those principles that are held most dearly and usually imbued during childhood and by culture. Not everyone is equal and shares the same values. For example, Islam's treatment of women.

Skills- those things that are learned by training or by experience. Again, this is highly variant.

Abilities- those things that come naturally. For example, those able to play basketball professionally are typically very tall.

2018-10-22 17:50:40 UTC

I think they could easily frame it as "vandalizing" since I'm putting up something right next to them

2018-10-22 17:50:51 UTC

though I guess I don't have to put it next to them in the first place

2018-10-22 17:50:58 UTC

Unless you're putting them on top of the other things its not a worry

2018-10-22 17:51:14 UTC

Maybe you need a permit or something to do it and you might get some trouble for that

2018-10-22 17:51:20 UTC

but its usually just fines

2018-10-22 17:52:02 UTC

I see a lot of fliers going up without permits.

I like this idea. The reeing will be amusing to say the least

2018-10-22 17:52:05 UTC


2018-10-22 17:52:15 UTC

Remember, the media will frame you as evil no matter what you do

2018-10-22 17:52:38 UTC

But you sound like youve been paying attention so you know their playbook and you know what they're going to do

2018-10-22 17:52:42 UTC

I've got class so I'm off. We can talk about this more later, I've got a number of things to do today

2018-10-22 17:53:10 UTC

If you have an IQ below 90, you don't possess the required ABILITY to perform more highly skilled labor requiring higher cognition- therefore the market cannot support what value you provide at a 15 dollar rate.

2018-10-22 17:53:47 UTC

It's not "hate" it's just cold hard reality

2018-10-22 17:54:20 UTC

So what we should be doing to help those people is fight to abolish the minimum wage entirely.

2018-10-22 17:54:47 UTC

I'm actually arguing for the more compassionate position to benefit the most people in the real world.

2018-10-22 17:55:14 UTC

Yet I'm the "evil" center-right libertarian jew

2018-10-22 17:55:37 UTC

An IQ below 110 is a "simpleton" eh?

2018-10-22 17:55:44 UTC

<:ReminaEye:485363422326816789> ~ <:ReminaEye:485363422326816789>

2018-10-22 17:55:50 UTC

If I remember correctly

2018-10-22 17:55:57 UTC

Apparently everything is "center right" outside of socialism and its variants

2018-10-22 17:55:59 UTC

110 was average right?

2018-10-22 17:56:14 UTC

>believing in IQ

2018-10-22 17:56:24 UTC

IQ doesn't exist

2018-10-22 17:56:28 UTC

The fact is, there are people who don't have the ability to provide market value at or above 15 dollars. They deserve to have the dignity of earning a wage the market will support

2018-10-22 17:56:39 UTC

IQ was made up by Australia, which also does not exist

2018-10-22 17:56:50 UTC

HA take that ya cunts!

2018-10-22 17:57:54 UTC

Earning a wage shouldnt be the main focus of a person's life, social welfare should pick up the slack of those who are unable to find work

2018-10-22 17:58:05 UTC

This is also the same argument against collective bargaining. It eliminates market mobility and competition that allows entry level workers to enter the markets to compete.

2018-10-22 17:58:13 UTC

assuming that they have a good reason for such a thing beyond laziness that is

2018-10-22 17:59:02 UTC

I believe in collective bargaining when it comes to workplace safety issues that affect the well being of workers. I'm opposed to it when it comes to wages.

2018-10-22 17:59:35 UTC

Alright. Well if I get the job officially today I'll have been unemployed for 4 work days

2018-10-22 17:59:58 UTC
2018-10-22 17:59:59 UTC

2018-10-22 18:00:01 UTC

Minimum salary requirements almost always wind up hurting the poorest people

2018-10-22 18:00:05 UTC
2018-10-22 18:00:06 UTC

2018-10-22 18:00:46 UTC

ofc the pedo state rep is for abortion

2018-10-22 18:00:53 UTC

abort the evidence is likely his motto

2018-10-22 18:00:58 UTC


2018-10-22 18:01:00 UTC

Wait wait wait.

2018-10-22 18:01:06 UTC

Why would the pedo be pro-abortion.

2018-10-22 18:01:10 UTC

That's less fuckmeat.

2018-10-22 18:01:27 UTC

They sound good on paper but in reality aren't as effective as their proponents claim and almost always wind up in massive social welfare expansion.

2018-10-22 18:02:46 UTC

Milton Friedman excellently pointed this out many years ago. I highly encourage everyone to go check out his talks on YouTube.

2018-10-22 18:02:50 UTC

You need a job

2018-10-22 18:03:02 UTC

Go get a job

2018-10-22 18:03:09 UTC

Your daddy had a job

2018-10-22 18:03:13 UTC

His daddy had a job

2018-10-22 18:03:15 UTC

This NPC is broken.

2018-10-22 18:03:23 UTC

Your son will have a job

2018-10-22 18:03:26 UTC

Where's our damn coder.

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