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2018-08-31 18:15:27 UTC

"Liberal Socialism" is the BS people in the DSA claim to be about where it is socialism with full rights for the peasants... until the peasants get greedy and want basic human dignity and just compensation...

2018-08-31 18:15:53 UTC

I am a pure-blooded capitalist

2018-08-31 18:16:17 UTC

I wanna say one thing tho

2018-08-31 18:16:20 UTC


2018-08-31 18:16:40 UTC

If when we started civilization we went with socialism

2018-08-31 18:16:45 UTC

And everyone did

2018-08-31 18:16:52 UTC

It would possibly work

2018-08-31 18:17:18 UTC

But when capitalism appears, <:commie:463087263153258506> can't survive for long

2018-08-31 18:17:23 UTC

No, because human nature makes it impossible for it to work

2018-08-31 18:17:36 UTC


2018-08-31 18:17:44 UTC

you can't have socialism or communism when there is a chance people will starve.

2018-08-31 18:17:48 UTC

or go homeless

2018-08-31 18:17:51 UTC


2018-08-31 18:17:52 UTC

We tried that, @Rouqen, the colonists pooled there resources when the started but after a whole people fought about what was a fair share. It ended with the line the man who does not work does not eat

2018-08-31 18:18:10 UTC

You rite

2018-08-31 18:18:14 UTC

Was wrong

2018-08-31 18:18:26 UTC

liberal socialism is from thomas moores 14th century book titled "utopia"

2018-08-31 18:18:44 UTC

you also can't have socialism/communism if you have more people taking than you have producing.

2018-08-31 18:18:45 UTC

My gran is against "money-grabbers"

2018-08-31 18:18:49 UTC

In order for the USSR to feed it's self it had to embrace Capitalist reforms in it's agrocultural sectors. Half the food was grown in small gardens and sold for proffit by collective farmers

2018-08-31 18:18:54 UTC

2018-08-31 18:19:05 UTC

She grew up in the Soviet union

2018-08-31 18:19:17 UTC

which means you need to throw out those not producing enough. And if you do that, you create an enemy. So better to dispose of them first.

2018-08-31 18:19:28 UTC

And commies got in her head

2018-08-31 18:20:20 UTC

you sure she is just not old an annoyed she can't be a "money-grabber" anymore and instead needs to take from society more than she puts in?

2018-08-31 18:20:38 UTC

She contributes

2018-08-31 18:20:44 UTC


2018-08-31 18:20:55 UTC

Sounds to me like another authoritarian (censored) that doesn't want anyone to hear what counter points to her (censored)

2018-08-31 18:20:56 UTC

And she helps the gov of her town

2018-08-31 18:21:27 UTC

That's right, don't debate. Just punch em

2018-08-31 18:21:34 UTC

She definitely just doesn't take

2018-08-31 18:21:39 UTC

She does stuff

2018-08-31 18:22:04 UTC

But pure capitalism is not exactly her thing it looks like it

2018-08-31 18:22:19 UTC

she a public school teacher?

2018-08-31 18:22:21 UTC

But is any of it contributing? Or is it just doing something for the sake of making it look like she is doing something?

2018-08-31 18:22:25 UTC

I grew up with capitalism in my head but I am open to ideas

2018-08-31 18:22:43 UTC

@Grenade123 high school and uni tutor

2018-08-31 18:22:46 UTC

In Ukraine

2018-08-31 18:22:51 UTC

Not in US

2018-08-31 18:23:01 UTC

That is a big deal

2018-08-31 18:23:02 UTC

ah, fuck if i know how schools are funded there

2018-08-31 18:23:07 UTC

We don't pay them well

2018-08-31 18:23:18 UTC

are there any teachers that are paid well?

2018-08-31 18:23:21 UTC

The gov sucks at that

2018-08-31 18:23:30 UTC


2018-08-31 18:23:33 UTC


2018-08-31 18:23:40 UTC

And very niche ones

2018-08-31 18:23:49 UTC

true, i should rephrase

2018-08-31 18:24:00 UTC

are there any teachers in public schools anywhere that are paid well?

2018-08-31 18:24:09 UTC

outside of the very very rich areas

2018-08-31 18:24:32 UTC

I don't think so

2018-08-31 18:24:49 UTC

They have average to low stuff

2018-08-31 18:25:02 UTC

cuz corruption

2018-08-31 18:25:32 UTC

The new gov is less corrupt

2018-08-31 18:25:35 UTC

But still

2018-08-31 18:26:21 UTC

"they only charge us 50 bucks instead of 100"

2018-08-31 18:26:21 UTC

And I have a thought that revolution was influenced by US to discredit Russia

2018-08-31 18:26:45 UTC

Anyone got thoughts like that

2018-08-31 18:26:57 UTC

Tinfoil hat on btw

2018-08-31 18:27:15 UTC

I should make a stylish tinfoil hat and post it here

2018-08-31 18:27:30 UTC

is it really that much of a conspiracy theory if we have a history of doing that?

2018-08-31 18:28:12 UTC

I mean

2018-08-31 18:28:21 UTC

Being a puppet of US is ok I guess

2018-08-31 18:28:32 UTC

For the economic side

2018-08-31 18:30:21 UTC

I went fuck it and started my own buisness.

2018-08-31 18:30:29 UTC


2018-08-31 18:30:33 UTC

What kind

2018-08-31 18:30:37 UTC

Its very small right now.

2018-08-31 18:30:50 UTC

But I preserve vegtables for hipsters.

2018-08-31 18:31:09 UTC


2018-08-31 18:31:13 UTC

What state?

2018-08-31 18:31:32 UTC

Look at this guy rubbing it in. Nah, wish I was american but not.

2018-08-31 18:31:49 UTC

I did not know

2018-08-31 18:31:52 UTC

I am new

2018-08-31 18:31:57 UTC

Joking aside. Im from malaysia.

2018-08-31 18:32:35 UTC

And youd be surprised. Theres a few people here not from europe or america

2018-08-31 19:03:57 UTC


2018-08-31 19:19:09 UTC

Asking someone to a debate is both racist and toxic

2018-08-31 19:19:27 UTC

adirne brody

2018-08-31 19:19:43 UTC

Words like โ€œfactsโ€ and โ€œstudiesโ€ will get used and it will trigger ๐Ÿ”ซ people

2018-08-31 19:20:56 UTC

@Rabbi Shekels Debate me

2018-08-31 19:21:29 UTC


2018-08-31 19:21:49 UTC

2018-08-31 19:22:40 UTC

Gamera, the "Friend to all children" and mentor to Pedo-bear.

2018-08-31 19:26:39 UTC

Have you ever pet a cat and ended up with enough cat hair in your hand to make another cat?

2018-08-31 19:31:53 UTC

I don't pet cats I am allergic

2018-08-31 19:32:13 UTC

I wish I could

2018-08-31 20:04:48 UTC

Wew @Timcast did you see comments under the china vid ?

2018-08-31 20:05:10 UTC

All them ppl cheering china on

2018-08-31 20:05:20 UTC


2018-08-31 20:08:44 UTC

Good ole china with their command economy

2018-08-31 20:08:54 UTC

What do you mean you cant eat pork...

2018-08-31 20:11:39 UTC


2018-08-31 20:12:00 UTC

I agree with that agree

2018-08-31 20:14:27 UTC

I am not surprised the Chinese are cracking down hard on religion, they have a long known history of cracking down on Christians has been rather extensive.

2018-08-31 20:14:28 UTC

yeah i think the chinese are being a bit passive agressive with that. they should go back to massacring the muslims like back in the good ol days

2018-08-31 20:14:51 UTC


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