William TX

@PF-3544 RocketChat ID: PsnMRhexWJv5PSuGQ

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Someone was recording the call

Some notes from listening.
-Was one of the first 100 in the chat
-recording began around 8pm
-recording was originally posted to Atlanta anti-fascists but was also shared by anarchist federation.
(Could have been deliberately sent to a different group/region as a red herring)
-I do not think they applauded or cheered. If its possible to look in the chat history and see who remained muted the entire time that might be of use.

Youre almost there Alan good work!

I have work tonight

He turned out to be a furry? Which one?

And how did James find out?

Well at least you did not slide. That is a positive thibg.



It would seem one of the women from last night is active on twitter

From how she sounded(if shes the one I think she is), and guessing from the cartoon profile pic, she was not much of a looker.

all the ones I found should be in here


How did the irl one go

I am still at work

Would they be able to pin any charges for the murals on Thomas? Thats my only real concern honestly

Alright then. Nothing to worry about

I will be working tomorrow bight as I picked up a shift to get Friday off


in the Secondary Evaluative Questionnaire section Q2 still reads as Q14 from the previous version of the script.

For the unaffiliate questions Q1 and Q8 are partially redundant. Q11 is incomplete.

You are welcome

I dont see anything else glaring

We will see how the new script works in practice. I think things may go faster

Man what is with these people and flipping off things on camera? Tough guy act?

copy that

welcome to boot camp

I can go ahead and hop on

I'm looking right now

A single track line going under what looks like one bridge somewhere in Austin

this might be it 30.201432, -97.802072 cant get a look under the bridge to see it

Interviewee- / /
/ / notes:William TX conducted:

(result of interview)

test question: Ever interviewed before: Transportation: Drug Abuse: crimes: govt. employment: physical/mental ailments: Secondary Evaluative Questionnaire: Q1: Q2: Q3: Q4: Q5: Q6: Q7: Q8: Tertiary Evaluative Questionnaire: Q1: Q2: Q3: Q4: Q5: Q6 Q7: Q8: Q9: Q10: Q11: Q12: Q13:

Interviewee- / /
/ / notes:William TX conducted:

(result of interview)

test question: Ever interviewed before: Transportation: Drug Abuse: crimes: govt. employment: physical/mental ailments:

Secondary Evaluative Questionnaire: Q1: Q2: Q3: Q4: Q5: Q6: Q7: Q8: Tertiary Evaluative Questionnaire: Q1: Q2: Q3: Q4: Q5: Q6 Q7: Q8: Q9: Q10: Q11: Q12: Q13:

Sam youre going to have duplicates at the begining

the first three will already be at the top right?

unless we arent doing " age/state/city" at the top

So like Sam has?

Why have age/state/city listed at the top as well as in the first questions?

whats the point of the duplication?


Missing attachment: EvaluationProcessAndInterviewScript121121.pdf

did we get confirmations from victor and stephen?

would you vouch for james IL?

would you vouch for James IL?

Who would you say we send guys in north Louisiana to?

DFW? Thomas

copy that

send it to Leo

Great hob George!



Hope you feel better soon Paul

Hes up by Chicago

Thats rough.

Downloading it now

How do you like that scribe icon buddy?

The title and icon look good man

Hey Paul how do you like your new icon and title?

it looks based


the hell is a snake diet?>


fasting once a month is one thing but regularly is crazy

did we ever come to a decision regarding 962674?

Glad to hear it. You deserve it

22/TX/Ft Worth
notes:William TX
conducted:Jason TX

Test question: how long ago did you send in your app? Sunday night/ 2 days
Q1:is 22 years old
Q2:lives in Texas, permanent resident
Q3:Ft worth
Q4:never interviewd
Q5:does have transportation
Q6:no substance abuse. does drink but can abstain
Q7:no crimes
Q8:was in the army for 50 months 07/16-11/20. Left as it wasnt the most lucrative or rewarding firled
Q9:no ailment
Q10:His brothers sharpened his politics, over time they bacme more redpilled. over time their opinion of the republican/conservatives changed and they were led to question them. Why are things restricted? Why do those who advocate for us fail so badly? He was driven to seek more traditionally leaning values. Does not agree with anyone completely but Fuentes he follows still today, appreciates his content. Metokour is one of his favorites, jack donavan even though he doesnt align with his life views. Found Fuentes through one of his brothers. Believes he speaks from the heart. His beliefs are "approaching zero" he feels hthey are approaching the truth. the average modern American is ideologically useless
Q11:labels self a christian nationalist. this nation was founded on christian principles and traditional principles align with Christianiy. Traditionalism and truth originate from christianity. Words like nationalist have meaning, someone who put their country first, policies like nation building and other overseas events cemented his views
Q12:knew about our activism, flyers/sticker etc but not our name. Over time it became a priority to find an organization that fit his values. His brother spoke about us and we had superb optics, were well organized, there was nothing that made him question the organization. The DC march is what made him put our name to our actions. Was most impressed and influenced to join. Wants to join because his inner circle is only a handful of guys. They need connections and he cant secure anything for his descendents on his own. "strong men are better together" I willing to apply himself towards activism
Q13:has heard of civic nationalism. Migratory foreigners cannot become american. Nothing can replace being born and raised here. Even being raised here cannot compare to having ancestry and heritage here. There is an ethnic component to being an American. European roots and European values. He has more in common with a german nationalist compared to say someone from southeast asia
Q14:family has german descent beyond great great grandparents. been here longer than 5 generations but doesnt know for certain. describes self as 100% european descent
Q15: pentecostal Christian. his brother has converted to catholocism and he might go the same way. His hatred for what is in front of him can make him question something is right. can work with the irreligious, agnostic, and pagans. Not judaism however
Q16:11-bravo MOS, infantry. land nav, comms/radios, basic bushcraft. Is currently a storm restoration contractor. is a master of know/jack of all trades. is able to work with his hands. special operations infantry man. First aid skills very well ingrained, emergency first responder. Has a certificate in computer science, though he admits that was quite a while ago.
Q17:physical fitness is very high. resolves never to let it get away from him. runs and lifts regularly. 5'10 225lb mile time is at 6minutes "on the safe side" wrestled in high school, jiu jitsu. Was a personal trainer in WA before moving to Texas.
Q18:was part of a relatively out spoken church in (spokane he said but retracted)WA mainly against abortion and anti-vaccine mandate. the church at planned parenthood. was an active member but nothing more. His brothers are likemionded and his boss, a former squadmate recently applied and was accepted for an in person. has never been doxxed.
Q19:biggest threat to america is cultural marxism the knife to americas throat. there are more enemies to be sure but it is closest to home. the enemy wielding that knife is the synagogue. "The head of the snake" they hate christianity and hate him and those like him. The blatant destruction of and hatred of value structures like family and strength to bring it down to nothing.
Q20:The time to be violent is when it is advantageous. In Australia that is more reasonable than here. Any act of political violence should be avoided at all costs. Violence is not right now a viable choice but its not completely off the horizon as for the future. Can remain peaceful during actions. Would not allow himself to get enraged or act stupidly. agreed and understood to violence statement.
Q21:last fight was after a man had hit a woman at an anti-vax rally, blocked him from approaching to speakers with his hands down and in full view of police
Q22:listens to audiobooks instead of music now. alternates betweens ideological, success based then religious then back to ideological usually. occassionally to a podc

Missing attachment: IntermediateMeetingAndEvaluation11_11_20.pdf

We are fortunate to have you with us

We have a guy in Temple


but even an intermediate in a dry spell is something to look forward to



@Walter ID what are you using to download videos from youtube? The software I have will not download the new frontier AuA video and when I try screen capture on the sections in question are horrendously out of sync

Thats good progress Norman. Good job! Hopefully you are recovered enough.

I cannot even get the interview server to pull up. Is it down currently?

Mason are you ok

And at 1am too. Do they never sleep?

Yes I do. @Thomas I will update it again tonight when I get home

In such a case I would say that it depends on whether they have assimilated to our culture or not. They would meet the 75% requirement. Also depends on whether they were born here or not. We wouldnt accept 1st generation immigrants from other parts of the anglo sphere unless they had gone to a great effort to adopt American culture. Even then I would say how long they have been here would also affect their acceptance.

Alright, I will unsubcribe from the others I follow

Hey Sam are all of you MN guys alright from that storm?

Tyler did you survive that storm?

962674 was sorted out right?

Iirc there was discussion that he should be made to do a regular interview due to the fact no current members could vouch for him

Hey are you KY guys doing ok?


Ok cool

Well glad you werent blown away

Jesse regarding 962674 Francis IL are we treating him as a returning member or do you want to have him do a new interview as a new member?

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