Message from PF-173220

RocketChat ID: ovA9bPuR4qgKdqCpv

Yes, I completely agree with the nation-state concept, and understand what you're saying about cultural expression. The only area where I differ is with regards to the relative importance of each level of the Identity Hierarchy. While a healthy society does depend on the health of each level to flourish, I think race takes precedence where it conflicts with the other levels.

For instance, if the individual must sacrifice for the good of the race, then they should. If the nation must sacrifice for the good of the race, then it should. This establishes race as more important in itself than all the rest. The good of the (racial) collective as a whole always being more important than the good of any other level that it can be subdivided into.

But maybe this is all besides the point. Patriot Front is the only organization effectively organizing European men on the American continent, and therefore the most likely to achieve power. If it did take power, it would safeguard our racial survival here and elsewhere.