Message from @the1j

Discord ID: 695071935918243840

2020-04-01 15:53:10 UTC  


2020-04-01 16:17:44 UTC  

tucker coming out with the 'people die when they are killed' revelations

2020-04-01 16:20:41 UTC

2020-04-01 19:04:32 UTC  

Jimmy Dore is one of the few leftists I respect

2020-04-01 19:09:39 UTC  

disgusting leftits

2020-04-01 19:09:56 UTC  

its 100% clown world now

2020-04-01 19:10:34 UTC  

It's been 101% clownworld since 2016.

2020-04-01 19:10:53 UTC  


2020-04-01 19:14:17 UTC  

its just manifesting itself more now i guess'

2020-04-01 21:32:12 UTC  

Brilliant case, solid arguments gotta give it to you...

2020-04-01 21:42:08 UTC  

this is what a british man look like, bigot baggins

2020-04-02 00:11:13 UTC  

Step 1: make your way to the higher echelons of the government
Step 2: invest in 5G technology
Step 3: establish nationwide 5G coverage
Step 4: fry the testicles of unsuspecting conspiratards with said 5G technology so they will never reproduce
Step 5: ???
Step 6: profit

2020-04-02 00:30:06 UTC  

I'm slowly turning Alex here...

2020-04-02 00:47:43 UTC  

that video is really retarded, 5G is not ionizing radiation - it doesn't have enough energy to harm people (at least as far as we know, there is extremely minimal heating), ionzing radiation is not just based off the frequency

2020-04-02 00:53:17 UTC  

Thank you

2020-04-02 00:53:38 UTC  

'...but also power intensity'

2020-04-02 01:42:27 UTC  

Oh, that shit again? First it were laptops, then the cell phones, now it's this. Some people really forgot the school basics. But that always were like that, at least from that idiotic "Moon hoax" shit.

2020-04-02 03:29:27 UTC  

@Goddess Tyche Problem: America doesn't have the production capacity and even if they did, without globalism, all the funny money would come back to the US in the form of inflation

2020-04-02 03:49:42 UTC  

5g does have the potential to cause harm in the same sense that carrying a cell phone in your pocket does- at point blank range, and over the span of years if not more

2020-04-02 03:51:17 UTC  

The more I look at it the more I feel like the US could easily produce everything at the drop of a hat if only we allowed such to occur and the market to readjust from being put a veritable economic torture rack for decades

going to have to pay for that *sometime* after all

2020-04-02 05:33:57 UTC  


2020-04-02 06:29:03 UTC  

I like that we don't even need to photoshop him existing quotes are good enough

2020-04-02 06:38:14 UTC  

Day 2 of the Viktor Orban's dictatorship in Hungary

Notable achievements over the last few days:
-de facto ban on legal gender change
-Nationalist education curriculum, compulsory reading from nationalist authors including members of the 1930s fascist Arrow Cross Party that was in power from 1944-45
-Leftist and liberal authors removed from curriculum

2020-04-02 06:38:53 UTC  

For context, Hungary's parliament passed a bill a few days back basically turning the country into a de jure dictatorship in response to the coronavirus

2020-04-02 06:40:08 UTC  


2020-04-02 06:53:17 UTC

2020-04-02 06:55:54 UTC

2020-04-02 07:06:10 UTC

2020-04-02 07:09:52 UTC

2020-04-02 07:13:19 UTC

2020-04-02 07:13:43 UTC

2020-04-02 07:14:17 UTC  

Many instances of Fasces in early American iconography

2020-04-02 08:52:16 UTC  

based Hungary