Message from @Antireal
Discord ID: 509601324480856084
its democrat
California is 1/5 of the entire US economy.
why would I "wait" for it
o u said maine
pretty much
Not yet.
@oprahsminge i didn't see u say maine mb
will they be in the morning?
A graph of that proportion over time would be interesting to look at.
people coming in here and asking lame questions
do your research like the rest of us
Republicans are picking up votes again.
cali does 13.3 % of US econ
I know it is hard.... but there is a off-chance.
I am waiting to see if something crazy happen.
We're not gonna flip 3 to get that +25 down to +22
An upset.
its not a match score
yay for images
I’m thinking reps get 53-4 in the senate. Not sure about the house yet.
votes are casted
they just counting
looks like someone made the usa out of legos
6 more districts and they get a lot of seats.
gosh this state is becoming way too blue
dusty you maga'd too hard earlier didn't you?
proportional lego
I mean 7 districts.
if only the country really looked like that, the pixelated one