Discord ID: 395860557988888576
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I was kinda wondering if Tim would be streaming or tweeting, but he's not
All predictions were that Dems take the house. Yeah, there was a chance that predictions were wrong like 2016, but I'm not gonna be surprised if they do win.
everyone in CA has their heads so far up their own asses that seeing shit is the norm for them
Disillusioned Californians and Hispanics come here and vote blue
Corpus Christi is pretty small compared to everything else in the state
I've been hearing some Dems do not want Pelosi as speaker again
I'm just happy Beto lost. The enormous amounts of salt over that one man... it fills me with joy
Those are both your perceptions on the temperature in the room. The room's temperature is objective.
Okay. I was wondering if anyone was actually claiming there was no objective reality.
Units used to measure time are arbitrary, but time itself exists
Days and years are maybe the only ones that aren't arbitrary because one day is equal to one rotation of the Earth, and one year is equal to a complete revolution of the Earth around the sun
But they are relative measures. There is no objective way to measure time.
Measurement of time is a descriptor, but time itself is not
If I'm remembering correctly, a better way to understand time on a metaphysical level is to synonymize time with change
not really; it's just the symbolic representation of the underlying logic that can be inconsistent
yeah, metaphysical stuff like this is pretty useless in everyday life
They're questions about the nature of reality itself, so it has its place
@Existence is identity I wasn't saying that reason is unimportant. I was saying questions like "does time exist" don't have much impact on one'
@Existence is identity Metaphysics: "a division of philosophy that is concerned with the fundamental nature of reality and being"
I'm pretty sure gay marriage went through the Supreme Court, and not Congress
I don't think it's an issue at this point. There's no need for a "hearts and minds" campaign. The decision was made. I don't see many people angry and making areal effort to reverse the Supreme Court ruling.
Have there been many stories of violence against LGBT's since the SC ruling?
As far as I've seen, the gay marriage question is a non-issue at this point.
Can you point me to examples of an anti-LGBT reaction since the SC ruling?
Anyway, my point is that I'm not seeing anyone trying to overturn the SC ruling. I don't think gay marriage is an issue. You don't need outright support for it; you just need indifference.
Nothing's at risk. No one opposes it. Not the Republican party, not the Democrats, not the Libertarians... It's a non-issue as far as I can tell.
Yes, I get it, but they're not campaigning to reverse the SC decision.
You're saying that there'll be a counter movement as a result to it being forced, but I'm just not seeing one.
The has to be a case before the court can overturn precedent
The court can't out of the blue say "Yeah, we don't like that, so that's gone"
When has legal precedent been overturned without a case?
As I see it, she mismanage her own finances, so you can't trust her with the nation's
The media is so hellbent on calling them far-right, but they're really pretty benign
He's said this several times over the last few days, that Tim Pool is his main
Democrats'll do whatever they can for votes. Non-citizens, minors, the dead...
@JohnOakman It's disappointing, but I don't know if there's much to say about it.
@Coochie coo wait, youโre talking about the caravans?
I have a friend who I'd say was likely turned gay.
It's anecdotal, and can't in any way be indicative of how most gay people are, but I'm fairly certain of it
Well, I base it on my knowledge of him as a person.
Don't you want to move to another topic though...
@ยฏ\_(ใ)_/ยฏ true
By all means, continue if you want. I'm just growing tired of this topic.
Heh. Well, I didn't know if you were alluding to my name or the actual philosophy.
Well, you've assumed me to be more sophisticated than I am then.
I liked it as a name because it sounded cool. I took it mean something between nihilism and absurdism
The actual philosophy is something I'm not very well acquainted with.
Eric "Give your gun or I'll nuke you for fun" Swalwell
@ยฏ\_(ใ)_/ยฏ Can confirm. Austin is full of them.
I'm fairly certain someone spraypainted it on a synagogue
The news story made it blow up and that's what made "kill all jews" trend
And they continue to use an imprecise definition of "alt-right" to scare people
"You must watch Moonlight, it is high art. You must watch The Danish Girl, it is high art. You must watch Call Me By Your Name, it is high art."
Yeah, I'm done with critics.
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