Message from @dr.Chaos2017
Discord ID: 650085771772035082
tfw no longer lvl thirtysomething :^(
Killing the state means communism moves i. Through the power vaccum
This quote is from one of the Israeli president's.
I'm in a city and some random Jews came up and asked me if I was jewish
Took the practice ASVAB, got a 54.
I am literally handicapped at math.
Did good on everything else, bombed math.
Well that's passing
I did great on more historical/Literacy oriented stuff, and did good on logic and mechanical questions.
I'm considering active duty anymore
Not considering?
well I was originally going to do part-time National Guard
I kinda just wanna go Active
civilian jobs fucking suck
I'd rather do something with meaning
I am gonna do 4 years active, 4 years reserve.
6 active, 4 reserve
Probably gonna do more active than that
All forms of military service make you an instant legit faggot ever since they let trannys and gays in openly
Probably coming from someone who would die of exhaustion if they tried hiking with a ruck sack on
Either way i wouldnt be in the gay tranny pride patrol
You're all insta faggots either an entitlement complex. 70s was for real men thats about were honorable service ended.
@dr.Chaos2017 you do know that transgender individuals aren't allowed to serve in the military anymore, right?
Thank god
thank daddy Trump for that
I even wrote an essay about it in junior year English backing him on it
had to present it to the class and everything smh
Good shit
Now bannish the faggots spreading gay aids
And make slurs and being white ok again
I love being white
Except the fact that I'm so pale, my arms look like snow
Thas rite
rip lorax
That means someone on your friendslist requested you to be memorialized and told them you are dead.
Hell boys, like half of the active people in here are going into the Military, this discord will be dead lmfao.