Discord ID: 377033612580618243
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fucking niggers
what do you do if you have a gf that is pc and doesnt like "racism"
i see
ill search it
nationalist patriot
im 29 now
unproductive but changing
I agree
they already have a wall to contain it
me too
what a time it was
ps+ is a ripoff
Anyone into destiny 2 ? Its free right now
On pc
I need people to play with sometime
im a 30 yr old boomer so i still dont understand discord totallly
wheres it from?
"nazis" wasn't that a term jews used as a slur
This page actually sent me a pm on fb saying that because i don't agree with them i am not allowed to Post... https://m.facebook.com/factsandlogicaboutthemiddleeast/?refid=12
Wonder who's behind this page... Hmmm
Curious what our take in the tern racist agould be is it an actual thing or is it just a weaponized term to keep white people fron talking or thinking?
Lets make an alt right lager, put a swastika on it
Ooh shite
Really, where have i been
I like the black sun symbol to be honest
Needs bars and steel reinforced doors with gun peeps
Haha i want more, cancled a date for this
I want some rum
My girl smokes weed and is pretty pc / sicilian
I agree ober
She don't know my actual views
That is true, porb running our minds real sex is best
United nationalst front?
Whata unf?
Yeah what happened to it
Stormfronts been around since i was 15 why dont they get fucked with
Der judgen
Good point
Tattoos yuck
Did he shoot back?
I was interrogated over my friend leaving a backpack at the mall once
Was a big production
Yea almost got charged
This was 2007 yo
They said they notified bush lol
I threatened to fuck random ppl when i get drunk on campus
Thoughts on being a polygimist nazi?
What if yoy cant find a female in modern society that agree with traditionalist marriage?
Thats more difficult on the lower incone side of things
In voluntey celebit?
Traps are gay and make your fingers smell like poop
Are italians white?
Mud cookies
Best thing from nigger culture
Extra flies might help with protien
My niece is ugandan knuckles
Jews stole my 4skin
It is a major piss off factor for me. In reality
I notice my cock retracts to protrct its self because of my missing foreskin
Jewa had us cucked at birth
Take her rights away tho
I dont think they should vote
Ass is best
I am really liking this girl im seeing but i haven't been productive in life so it feels somewhat undeserved that shes so into me
Makes me want to do more though
She said trump makes her angry though...
She doesn't know but ive told her i have some exteme views
I agree
The political spectram isnt really meaningful
Its someone elses perspective drawn on a graph
Are yoy cousins?
Du haust mich
Schlobbin mcknobbin ya?!
Is burger beer gernan if its made in Cincinnati?
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