Message from @Jasse
Discord ID: 685747991125950496
niggers get everything handed to them
the fbi said to congress radicalized white males are their number one priority and a grater threat than isis
@Justin Burger (Major-GA) your take tells me you havent lived amongst a largely nigger populated area, would i be correct?
the female nedroid is extremely violent and act on it often in public. Offend one at a grocery store or tell one to be quiet in a movie theater, my family was assaulted over this before by a nigger bitch. I had to stand between one and my mother when i was younger so the nigger didnt get to her.
And i have to say niggers all smell like they pooped them self and spray perfume on after.
Nigger, i come from, and live in Atlanta.
You havent witnessed nigger hoes attacking people?
It's **vastly** lower.
They mostly only commit petty crime.
When it comes to rape, murder, shootings, gang violence, kidnapping, etc, all those are *overwhelmingly* men.
yeah im in the bay. not gonna do any activism tho
The numbers, Mason, what do they mean!?
they mean that kikes are the real racists
GG @Maggie The Magpie, you just advanced to level 27!
That was kkkringe bruh
I am a real racist
@clogged sink you should come to Berkeley to watch my friends debate between a descendant of the holohoax and a descendant of the waffen SS discuss the holocausts
im going to film it and upload it online
also gonna try getting patrick little to come out
Real Urbanite hours.
yeah sounds sus ima just stay home
How brown?
Its funny, women make up 0.1% of Marine combat arms.
But I'd you just watched the adds, promotional stuff and things posted by the military, you would think it's 50%+
If anything, we will appropriate Jewish food.