Message from @Dvir

Discord ID: 517107620042113044

2018-11-27 22:10:48 UTC  

REvolutionary World Party.

2018-11-27 22:10:54 UTC  

Yeah I don't think these people should gain power in Ukraine.

2018-11-27 22:11:54 UTC  

Government should have never bailed these companies out

2018-11-27 22:15:30 UTC  


2018-11-27 22:15:33 UTC  

ukraine russia war!

2018-11-27 22:15:39 UTC  

I mean.. it's already a war.

2018-11-27 22:16:01 UTC  

I don't care what happens to Ukraine

2018-11-27 22:16:02 UTC  


2018-11-27 22:16:12 UTC  

just that Europe don't tries to go deeper

2018-11-27 22:23:15 UTC

2018-11-27 22:36:01 UTC  

I understand you @JohnOakman

2018-11-27 22:36:16 UTC  

If I wasn't biased I would feel the same

2018-11-27 22:36:19 UTC  

I think

2018-11-27 22:36:42 UTC  

@Bookworm The Grand Duchy, not along with the Commonwealth though?

2018-11-27 22:37:43 UTC  

Though I believe Lithuanians have their animosity against the Polish.

2018-11-27 22:39:16 UTC  

I fucking hate the service industry.
Saying I am sorry I can't do something is apparently rude according to my boss.

2018-11-27 22:39:21 UTC  

@Rouqen If you weren't biased?

2018-11-27 22:39:22 UTC  

like how?

2018-11-27 22:40:45 UTC  

@The Yellow King Is your icon suppose to be the Lovecraftian King in Yellow?

2018-11-27 22:41:04 UTC  

... at least a version of it

2018-11-27 22:41:31 UTC  

Yes just anime edition.
Then a had to edit it because apparently the original was too lewd for some prudes.

2018-11-27 22:41:45 UTC  

So I made comical censorship

2018-11-27 22:42:43 UTC  

Hastur is sexier in His truest form.

2018-11-27 22:43:20 UTC  

Trashy anime avatars are the best avatars

2018-11-27 22:44:10 UTC  

Highly debatable.

2018-11-27 22:47:27 UTC  

Wikileaks is going to sue The Guardian.
This is a link to their GoFundMe.

2018-11-27 22:53:31 UTC  


2018-11-27 23:00:16 UTC  

Concept art > anime avatar

2018-11-27 23:01:03 UTC  

cropped hentai avatar > everything else > anime avatar

2018-11-27 23:01:41 UTC  

Trashy anime avatar > cropped hentai avatar >everything else

2018-11-27 23:01:56 UTC  

The trashy nature is what makes it superior

2018-11-27 23:03:42 UTC  

It's kinda celebrity stuff more than it is like, politics and news, but, Stephen Hillenburg, Spongebob Creator, died from ALS yesterday

2018-11-27 23:04:10 UTC  

ye :c

2018-11-27 23:07:26 UTC  

I wanna audit some hot thots

2018-11-27 23:08:52 UTC  

I missed out on the translations. What did they say?

2018-11-27 23:09:04 UTC  

(Ukranians & Russians)

2018-11-27 23:09:20 UTC  

While I don't think any 1 particular person is going to get audited, I do think the IRS might take a harder look at stuff like premium snapchats/camshows etc

2018-11-27 23:09:35 UTC  

because it's a whole new market to tax and make revenue from

2018-11-27 23:11:18 UTC  

Amazing how The Guardian has come full circle on WikiLeaks.

2018-11-27 23:19:09 UTC  

Did they get the audio translated from Ukraine that was mentioned earlier?