Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 515677401330483210
I'll drop it in soy real quick.
@coattailsandbowties ye furry got no common sense ya twat ya dont know how to eeal with trolls ya melt
fucking data sets
I don't want her in my games unless they bring back aatrox
@Tea all we have
Best champion in the game is Irelia.
Just fucking do it
I main her.
@Shlaknautica I'm sorry, who are you?
Are these steven universe/she-ra level tumblrfags
A champ that can solo carry without a team ?
That's how I like.
No fucking relying on dribblers.
So bring back aatrox ?
Fucking aa bruiser healer. Fucking aids.
@coattailsandbowties aww ye fuckin got me there ye wank
It was a nightmare to balance.
Basically little girl <@414520809168568331>
Just no loli porn
Bring it back, they can give me back my season 4 Soraka
is not ok here
@Shlaknautica I recognise that name and you're a melt so go away
aatrox now can hyper carry, almost as well as riven or yas, I don't think old aatrox could do much more than pick off squishes
Season 4 raka was the shit.
@coattailsandbowties FurryTails.
@Based Rai not really.
Hyper carry he isn't.
You mean the mid raka ?
He falls off.
yes loli is banned in discord terms so
@Dino at least I have TITS
where she point and clicks silenced you ?
Maybe without the hyper but he can still add immense value to teamfights
And fucking gave mana to people ?
you mean the invulnerable aoe aids