Based Rai
Discord ID: 236643331533176832
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Spin the wheel
Long nose
He can smell hedonists from miles away
Chicken scratch
How is Serb a retarded version of something thatโs already retarded
>beat your wives to show that you love them
also Ukraine? I think you mean Russia 2
That looks like a good boy
anybody have a free nut coupon
I can smell you being a dirty gay
Bro pls
Can I hit ur juul
Thats a good meme
don't mind if I pocket that
Maybe we should just nuke Europe, there arenโt any more white people left anyways
at its peak
I guess it is
The infrastructure required to get fiber nationwide is also extremely expensive
it doesnt
thats on me
we're not allowed to have wired connections on my campus
which is a shame
I'd probably be reaching gigabit speeds with it
the router is on the ceiling
oh yeah
that makes sense
so here's where you're wrong
While kingdom hearts has probably the most cliche, convoluted, and outright shitty story, it still has plenty of merit in its polished combat systems.
What the hell is goin on
Did someone say
Reddit meme arrows
Give me liberty
or give me death
Huh, thats true
Alright so autism aside
A shame
Thought I could give it a try
does it matter
I'm writing a paper right now
A sexuality shouldn't be an ideology or personality
his name is cunt
a moniker lovingly bestowed upon him, as it is the national word
That looks good if it was separated
Together it's just a mess
Its one of those nights
Member when opinions weren't hate speech?
thats not true
opening a discord server to a tik tok in public will just make you look like a faggot
Opening a server full of scat porn just makes you a degenerate if anybody catches a glimpse of your phone screen
Why is there a bot
dedicated to this shit
*badum tis*
I have almost reached
48 hours
without sleep
no nut november is for virgins
Gay for the sake of gay perhaps
I'd say Neeko's is gonna play like nid with the AoE of nunu
The past few champions have been pretty disney
I mean like I don't mind it in all honesty
because it offers some contrast to things like aatrox and kayn
I tried playing shen into irelia
it made me cry
There are so many good top laners
but shen is actual trash
I have no idea how anyone is able to play him
A good shen isn't nearly as valuable as a good irelia
You can't have winning game with shen unless your botlane is competent
unless ONE person on your team is fed, shen has engage and cc, but no damage to follow up
I can never find time to buy titanic personally
Im too worried about getting armor or support items for my boosted team
Brand is not a support
I fucking hate brand
Let me just 1v5 with R
I like nami
but lulu is kinda just better
>11/1 aatrox ults into lane with the intent to rape your AD
aatrox is pretty good right now actually
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