Message from @Shlaknautica
Discord ID: 515677164092260363
I get bullied too.
Jhin's shtick is kite and bite, i know that much, anybody have any high elo tips for him?
How is jhin kite.
you're meant to come here and cuddle me so we can laugh
You brought this on yourself FurryTails.
don't suck
@Tea you bully cunts with the amazing roasts
Neeko lovers are wrong
You land your 4th shot and fuck off until you're reloaded?
are there any filthy tumblrfags here
I think she’ll be cool
Needed soon tho
Oh Zack, still interested in seeiny my PFP.
@CheekyOGNutZach only thing I have in life is patter
That damage
Oh no
I'll drop it in soy real quick.
@coattailsandbowties ye furry got no common sense ya twat ya dont know how to eeal with trolls ya melt
fucking data sets
I don't want her in my games unless they bring back aatrox
@Tea all we have
Best champion in the game is Irelia.
Just fucking do it
I main her.
@Shlaknautica I'm sorry, who are you?
Are these steven universe/she-ra level tumblrfags
A champ that can solo carry without a team ?
That's how I like.
No fucking relying on dribblers.
So bring back aatrox ?
Fucking aa bruiser healer. Fucking aids.
@coattailsandbowties aww ye fuckin got me there ye wank
<@!414520809168568331> you dont get in much, do you?
It was a nightmare to balance.