Message from @Crawfoot
Discord ID: 518214765789577265
you can get away from the finance if you do that
government work even
one day, ill out-post that fucking bot
not the fastest delet in the west
i want to do government work myself
fucking weak ass fake conscious wannabe
Pizza wasn't legal in North Korea!?!??!?!!
mmmmmm pizza....
Its too Western
@everyone reminder that @Crawfoot wears lipstick
Is this what aw you cunts think happens Teuchter land?
Ruger did you see the finn video I made last night?
I mean im not surprised a Twink does drag occasionally
Will @Crawfoot make my dick loom like a roundtrees lolipop?
@Hammond_of_Texas watch your mouth cunt
Finn should be called The Drought because he made the entire server thirsty
@Crawfoot **TWINK**
@Crawfoot your so gay that the mass of gay you have could cause you to collapse into a black (glory) hole
No nut November ends today
Banana bastion
Its already ended 4 me
Craw wear lipstick now?
@Arabman123 yea like thats more embarrassing than everyone knowing he gets railed by gangs of Africans every night...
if anyone did NNN you're a fucking homo
Craws homosexuality is directly proportional to the size of Atomikov's belly. Big, big big gay.
@Deleted User i like it
Christmas time bois
i like it a lot
that's the pic he is refering