Message from @Strayan't
Discord ID: 518214581600911367
fastest deleter in the west
Man economics would be a great field if most of the jobs weren't soul sucking finance positions
Not to hate on any econ degrees in here, more power to you lads
data analytics
its fun
you can get away from the finance if you do that
government work even
one day, ill out-post that fucking bot
not the fastest delet in the west
i want to do government work myself
fucking weak ass fake conscious wannabe
Pizza wasn't legal in North Korea!?!??!?!!
mmmmmm pizza....
Its too Western
@everyone reminder that @Crawfoot wears lipstick
Is this what aw you cunts think happens Teuchter land?
Ruger did you see the finn video I made last night?
I mean im not surprised a Twink does drag occasionally
Will @Crawfoot make my dick loom like a roundtrees lolipop?
@Hammond_of_Texas watch your mouth cunt
Finn should be called The Drought because he made the entire server thirsty
@Crawfoot **TWINK**
@Crawfoot your so gay that the mass of gay you have could cause you to collapse into a black (glory) hole
No nut November ends today
Banana bastion
Its already ended 4 me
Craw wear lipstick now?
@Arabman123 yea like thats more embarrassing than everyone knowing he gets railed by gangs of Africans every night...
if anyone did NNN you're a fucking homo