Discord ID: 512351893280915488
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De donde estan mis pantalones
Suet dumplings?
Did you use suet instead of butter?
That sound pretty good, how do they stack up to butter-y dumplings?
Biscuits and gravy are amazing
Need to get off my ass and finially make a biscuit and chicken pot pie
Ah, makes sense
What flavor?
Do you want rn I mean
Always solid
It's generally better to keep a battery charged than go from 100% to 0% constantly
The battery will last longer if it stays about 50 most of the time
Five Guys is good, just too expensive
That's probably why it smells so good
Loaded with fats and such
Meat is a yes
It is
Any USA peeps here, how are Papa Murphy's pizza?
Speaking of partially cooked food
>not enjoying chicken sashimi
Damn those are some tasty looking dumplings
It's a joke for anyone with two braincells
Now do some retards actually eat it?
Yeah probably
That *looks* good
But knowing it's chicken that's no good
Pretty sure that one is a meme done intentionally
Man pitbulls make me sorta sad
They're great dogs owned by kinda shitty people in some cases
Care to explain your position @TomTupperware
Oh no
It's retarded
@Tailed Feature Won't do
Yeah its just bait
Obvious now
Who would win
Anarcho primitivist without their glasses or some orange blur
That's why I'm here, need to work on the bants
That is a good point though
Soft cat
Cats are nice
There's actually a really cool human evolution thing happening in Africa
Forget where but there are tribes were more and more people are born with sickle cell anemia 'cause it gives them a resistance to malaria
Probably better for the Sci channel but seems relevant
Yeah, but medicine allows the weak to also contribute
That's a good cat
Good to hear a SWATing faggot is behind bars
Rome was torn apart from over expansion and internal conflict
I want to be a 12' tall fuckbot one day
Don't you /s
That's entropy
Existing is the truest shitpost
For their courage
Their rich, tasty courage
Monica, like from DDLC?
I can already hear the music
Binga bango bongo I don't wanna leave the congo, oh no no no noooo
You've Been Gnome'd audio hurts ears at any volume
Just a prank bru h
Man that'd make a great wallpaper
It's just a weird looking cat
What even
Also, accurate
He's gnot an gnelf
He's a Keemstar
First and last have some great mood
More, please
These are very nice
It's moody yeah but that's nice
What aesthetic is that
It's not vaporwave but sorta close, like Run a way or something like that
fuck i had a good one of these
it was a bunch of nazi soldiers with the filter and it said 'when the pizza rolls are ready '
That's comfy
This is now a comfyposting time
Bait or retard
Not worthing paying attention to
Sad cat is a blessing
Cream and brussel sprouts?
Better but some blue cheese in there ya scrub
Either way
I do the same with my pizzas tbh
Blue cheese is good
Chicken, bacon, onion, blue cheese
Amazing on a pizzzer
Weirdly nice
Any IG generals here
hell no
IG forever
How do you paint your guardsmen?
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