Message from @Draško

Discord ID: 674541517674643486

2020-02-04 19:52:56 UTC  

Can you elaborate on "insult" though?

2020-02-04 19:59:45 UTC  

The story of Odin sucking dick is a false story forged by a (((faggot))) who claimed Jesus had sex with his apostles when no one was watching.
There is no story in any credible literature that suggest Odin sucking dick.

2020-02-04 20:04:49 UTC  

Hold the phone.

2020-02-04 20:09:12 UTC  

@Monty great name & movie BTW. My name is also based in Monty Python lore.

2020-02-04 20:15:14 UTC  

My name is not based on monty python but the pfp is

2020-02-04 20:18:15 UTC  

Fair enough

2020-02-04 20:46:00 UTC  

I mean to go back on what I missed, ofc insulting god isn't the best idea

2020-02-04 20:46:10 UTC  

But if you're indifferent you can be forgotten

2020-02-04 20:46:51 UTC  

Forgotten however isn't the same as accepted, in the sense that only those who do good works are accepted

2020-02-04 22:32:03 UTC  

@moira justify morality without a higher unconditionally non dependent being which dictates and conveys to us what is moral, and what laws we ought to conduct our lives around

2020-02-04 22:37:27 UTC  

he can't. he argues some sort of animal morality, where the survival of your own species is the ultimate end-goal. he cannot argue why we should have this as our end goal

2020-02-04 22:49:47 UTC  

@moira Here ill present you my contention with an atheistic moral compass, you're free to respond
In a subjectivist morality, each moral compass is true insofar as the axioms of such moral compass are accepted. (i.e murder is wrong insofar as you accept some variant of utilitarianism) Now, axioms are by definition, arbitrary. Axioms, are also, the foundation of moral compasses in subjectivism, therefore, the whole moral compass is arbitrary as the foundation is arbitrary.

If you accept this, and simply say "So what", I could justify murder by merely adopting a different moral axiom which allows for murder and the destruction of the living etc
Everyone can justify every action by simply adopting a seperate axiom which allows for that action

2020-02-05 02:02:39 UTC  

1 Peter 2:17
> Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.

2020-02-05 02:03:39 UTC  

Honestly I've just been trying to purge the supposed ability to synthesize classical liberalism with Christianity on some servers

2020-02-05 02:04:33 UTC  

Anarchist "Christians" need to be corrected, especially anarchist Catholics, which I thought I'd never meet.

2020-02-05 03:57:53 UTC  


2020-02-05 06:28:10 UTC  

@Sentient23 Religion dictates morality as much as atheism dictates morality. You can justify murder through religious figures, just like the numerous people who have been killed over Israel and Palestine. Let’s not forget the Nazis were also Christians spreading their message of anti Jew behavior. Let’s not forget that the KKK is a Christian based group. And let us not forget that ISIS kills for religious morals. To say that morals cant exist without religion is like saying you can’t be a good person without paying indulgence. Humanists believe in doing good without divine intervention. I don’t need a god to tell me what is right and wrong. Not all atheists are nilihsts, and not all religious peoples are killers. Be good for the sake of being good. Don’t let a divine figure tell you why you can’t do something bad. there can be a discussion on the role of religion has on society, but it is a society as a whole that dictates the rules, society not religion typically dictate morals. The absence of religion is not the absence of morality. insofar we are all human. I find peace in knowing I can dictate my own reality. What comes after death isn’t “nothing” it just isn’t a god.

2020-02-05 08:23:25 UTC  

yikes, im at a bus rn and this literally didnt address anything I said, but thats to be expected from a teenage atheist, ill respond when i get off

2020-02-05 09:07:10 UTC  

@moira the nazis werent christians you idiot

2020-02-05 09:07:44 UTC  

they were a very secularist movement and the upper cabinet were usually into indo european occultism

2020-02-05 09:09:57 UTC  

i know im kind of pushing myself into this argument but nobody is telling you that if youre an atheist youre a bloodthirsty killer

2020-02-05 09:10:23 UTC  

were simply saying that your morality cannot be justufied, i.e. it is a social construct

2020-02-05 09:10:59 UTC  

and sorry for calling you an idiot but thats an extremely silly statement

2020-02-05 10:08:34 UTC  

Alright I'm back. So, as he said, and as i previously said, this in no way addresses the fact that you can't justify your moral compass. "doing good for the sake of good" is not a justification, and its circular
No where in your response did you address the fact that the same line of reasoning you used towards reaching your moral conclusion, can be used to reach the antithesis of your conclusion, as the line of reasoning you use is purely arbitrary

2020-02-05 10:09:14 UTC  

So, I'm just going to repeat myself once again

"In a subjectivist morality, each moral compass is true insofar as the axioms of such moral compass are accepted. (i.e murder is wrong insofar as you accept some variant of utilitarianism) Now, axioms are by definition, arbitrary. Axioms, are also, the foundation of moral compasses in subjectivism, therefore, the whole moral compass is arbitrary as the foundation is arbitrary.

If you accept this, and simply say "So what", I could justify murder by merely adopting a different moral axiom which allows for murder and the destruction of the living etc
Everyone can justify every action by simply adopting a seperate axiom which allows for that action"

2020-02-05 10:12:47 UTC  

You put it in terms that couldn't be more clear, but I expect nothing short of another reddit-tier "muh crusades" response.

2020-02-05 10:16:04 UTC  


2020-02-05 10:16:06 UTC  


2020-02-05 10:27:01 UTC

"There was, however, some diversity in personal views of Nazi leadership as to the future of religion in Germany. Anti-Church radicals included Hitler's personal secretary Martin Bormann, paganist Nazi philosopher Alfred Rosenberg, and paganist occultist Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler. Some Nazis, such as Hans Kerrl, who served as Hitler's Minister for Church Affairs, pushed for "Positive Christianity", a uniquely Nazi form which rejected its Jewish origins and the Old Testament, and portrayed "true" Christianity as a fight against Jews, with Jesus depicted as an Aryan.[9]"

2020-02-05 10:27:12 UTC  

@moira t. wikipedia

2020-02-05 10:32:39 UTC  

Morality only comes from religion!

2020-02-05 15:15:57 UTC  

I'd say morality is reflected in religion but I wouldn't say it only come from religion

2020-02-05 15:17:48 UTC  

it can only come from an objectively higher authority

2020-02-05 15:18:11 UTC  

in an atheistic world, there's nothing that can objectively be defined as a higher authority

2020-02-05 15:18:20 UTC  

therefore, atheistic morality is simply a social construct

2020-02-05 15:18:59 UTC  

So on a morality level is what seperates you from strangling a baby the bible

2020-02-05 15:19:24 UTC  

strawman and a sort of emotional argument

2020-02-05 15:19:50 UTC  

it isn't simply the book itself that separates me from strangling a baby, it's my serious conviction that was this book says is correct and good

2020-02-05 15:20:00 UTC  

in fact that argument is best used against atheistic morality