Message from @sweatercowsandsass
Discord ID: 530211972285857792
15°c is 59°f
@shitzngigz what happens in Melbourne, stays in Melbourne
59°f is barely warm
Anything over 18° is no hood
@zalfir Melbourne can keep it 😂
Fucking pansy’s
How si t barely warm, anything over that is too hot
I prefer the cold
you are the reason why niggers say whites are cave men
Mate I'd live in snow before anything hot
@Tea how cold does it get where you are?
fuck that
98-105 is my sweet spot
80°f is best PLEASE contribute, only so much i can do
they're just jealous that they didn't get the extra brain power from a civilisation that had to plan ahead consistently in order to not starve
Thats a good temp for me
I enjoy being warm but not being in warm climates
@Questgiver I’m getting a 404
I don't mind the 70-90 range personally
the weather is annoying here, in the evening it drops to 1 then it climbs to 15 during the day
Ratking - Ratking lmao
@Questgiver Ratking-ratking
others are fine
Ratking is gei
you can escape cold, you can't escape warm without electricity
20-°25°c is my comfort range for heat
I’m getting a 404 for the wiki
Depends on the humidity
Hockey is great cuz you're warm in a cold room
I did