Discord ID: 530114165319270410
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+giveme spaghetti
+giveme consent
do it
or not idk I just got here
howdy doody fellow shitposters
I havent heard that name in years
Depends on the humidity
I'd take a dry 32 over a humid 25 easy
Same for cold. Humid 0 is worse than dry -10 easy
Instead of anal sex with black men consider spaghetti
Doesn't sound like that involves spaghetti
So no
I'm a shill for big spag
Prime noodles
Oh I see this is a meme
Fuck my not gay boi womb daddy dress up like hitler and call me a nigger UwU
Spaghetti is always a good investment however
Integration by parts is just the product rule but gay
Why are people looking for a cure for aids when aids is already a cure
Advanced immunodeficiency syndrome lmao
I mean, they already do 45% of the job for you
oh my god is everyone here some kind of gay?
not all people that uwu are furry but all furries uwu
pornhub has gone full facebook but porn it's wierd
sounds gay
oh come on
how fat tho
that is a broken human being
silicone doesnt float
she'd drown
I dont get that
its a foot
what exactly sexy about deformed leg hands
leg hands
thats most of this server isnt it?
oh thats different nevermind
bet half of them are furries too
the mascot menace
The shagpile scourge
wider hips
wide hips are also generally correllated with large asses
someone being paid by a pervert I imagine
a pervert with a well paying job or poor financial management skills
good @Tewdrig mitchell and webb were dreadful.
thats numberwang I guess
Mitchell & Webb were the worst crime against comedy since Smack the pony.
and Miranda Hart
"Haw haw, look at me I'm a big awkward albatros of a woman isnt that hysterical"
@twig A lot of the ones that got big in the 80s came out of cambridge footlights yeah
Oxbridge are definitely overrepresented still but it's not as bad as it was
is that the one where he stabs his eyes out?
Total war? More like total *vore* amarite
has to be thight mounted - barry chuckle mural & all
then you could get paul on the other one and go 'to me to you' when walking
Every full on metalhead that went way into it as a teenager is now either working in tescos or KPing at the age of 25+
okay then *most of them* are
coriolis effect is why space ships spinning to simulate gravity would be vomit inducing nightmare
haha n word
whats a firewing
I am a simple extended pasta enthusiast
I thought I was firewing
why am I dilph now
oh god why
shaken or stirred?
why is this worse than the shit porn
I dont though
sounds like a challenge
*and I would bust 500 million nuts and I would bust 500 million more*
nuke the whales
wew lad
Is the queen dead yet
๐ ๐ ๐
>make africa deadly hot & dry to live in,
>africans migrate to europe
>Africans exterminate & outbreed whites
>Whites eliminated in 100 yrs
have to be careful what nsfw channel you click on here
'That girl's ho-oh thats a penis'
aw gee it's almost as if whites arent native to North america
Melanin is child support repellant
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